Mendacity and the New York Times

OK, so where in the Constitution does it say that some people are to give other people "more stuff?"

Come on, don't bring that old rag into this discussion> The fact that you were Born In The United States implies a contract with the society. You must obey the laws of the US, you can enjoy the fruits of the US (Capilalization) you must also be responsible to the US society in the form of TAXATION, The taxation should be used to better the society as a whole. Wouldn't that presuppose helping the needy would better the society as a whole. Yeah, maybe you'd have to give up one of your thousand dollar speakers to feed a homeless family, and another one to provide shelter for some children, now wouldn't that better society as a whole, fulfilling your contract!
Hey, I wouldn't lower my standards to have a speaker that only cost a thousand dollars. I told ya ... the audio hobby is like a heroin habit, only more expensive. :)

"The fact that you were Born In The United States implies a contract with the society."

Contracts based upon fraud and duress are null and void. Also, unless contracts are in writing they are not enforceable in a court of law. Look up the Statue of Frauds.

Hey, I wouldn't lower my standards to have a speaker that only cost a thousand dollars. I told ya ... the audio hobby is like a heroin habit, only more expensive. :)

"The fact that you were Born In The United States implies a contract with the society."

Contracts based upon fraud and duress are null and void. Also, unless contracts are in writting they are not enforceable in a court of law. Look up the Statue of Frauds.

Where is the fraud and duress, only the rich have that luxury, and you can enforce an implied consent contract in a court of law. The implied consent came when your ancestors couldn't repeal the tax amendment or the sanctioning body the IRS. You my friend are totally endentured to pay whatever tax the Govt. wants to lay on you! So pay up sucker!
"Where is the fraud and duress..."

Med ... have you ever seen the law that says you are obligated to contribute to Social Security through the payroll system? Have you ever seen the law that say that you are one who MUST pay income tax? Social Security and income tax are voluntary systems. The very fact that your government leads you to believe that you MUST pay into each system is fraud. And the duress is the implied threat of violence if you don't volunteer to pay.

"You my friend are totally endentured to pay whatever tax the Govt. wants to lay on you!"

And, you have just described exactly why I am against a progressive tax system. Its a slave system, whereby our government liege lords determine how much of our labor they own and how much we are allowed to own for ourselves. And you ... much to your, and your fellow citizen's detriment support it. As a result, you are the unwitting dupe of the Federal Reserve system that you've just recently discovered to be a fraud. Not all bad news, Med ... because you are slowly catching on. (I mean that in a positive way) ...

Vi, I've said I would support the overthrow of the fed system and the lynching of the rich bankers that run and prosper from it. I however never said I would want to abolish a tax system that supports helping the less fortunate, and knowing your response, no, fucking voluntary charity will not do the job!
it would make more sense to give the 'less fortunate' jobs instead. teach a man to fish...
Hey I'm down with that, ask the corporations why they are eliminating jobs here in such an expediant fashion. They are not good citizens of our country, they are global marketers and if the labor is cheaper in Bangledesh, they will make their wigets there. There is a point where the American consumer will no longer be able to consume as much as is produced by virtue of the fact he is broke from lack of work, that point is fast approaching unless some corporations become a part of the American community and put people before profit!
Vi, I've said I would support the overthrow of the fed system and the lynching of the rich bankers that run and prosper from it. I however never said I would want to abolish a tax system that supports helping the less fortunate, and knowing your response, no, fucking voluntary charity will not do the job!

Med ...

You have stated two directly opposed view points.

Its no coincidence that the 16th Amendment and the creation of the Federal Reserve were both in the same year ... 1913. The IRS is the collection arm for the Federal Reserve. If one were to create an elastic, fiat monetary system where all money is borrowed into existence, one would also have to have a means to keep the resulting inflation under control. So, one could burn money, which the Federal Reserve does, or one could also tax it away. There are two choices in a fiat money system ... live with inflation and have the citizens walk around with wheelbarrows full of money to by a loaf of bread ... or tax it away in order to destroy it.

Still support the IRS and the income tax fraud?

Still support the IRS and the income tax fraud?

Not as it is. I don't want rich asshole bankers controlling the currency of our country. The currency should be controlled by elected officials, IE our government, not some made up entity controlled by Banker assholes. If the government would do away with the Fed, re-align our currency with the euro, Nationalize all foriegn debt and eliminate deficit spending, along with telling the rich asshole bankers sorry fellas, but that debt we owe you, gone, you're broke!. Now along with this I propose to re-apportion the wealth to all citizens of the country, 300,000 is a good starting figure for every american adult. Put our troops on the borders with shoot to kill orders (remove them from all foriegn countries) and start mass evacuation of illegals. Within a year or so, this country would be back on top with respect from all countries, once they knew we were serious. And then to keed it running, we would fund social programs with a progressive tax, and have a civilian oversight on all programs including the pentagon, I would cut their budget to the bone and give notice to the world, fuck with us and get the horn. Maybe it would work and maybe not, it couldn't be worse than the situation we have now, I think it worth a try!
"If the government would do away with the Fed, re-align our currency with the euro..."

And the national bank controlling the Euro is???

"If the government would do away with the Fed, re-align our currency with the euro..."

And the national bank controlling the Euro is???

I Don't know, I wasn't talking about the bank but the value, I think the euro is about $1.30 now, make our dollar worth the same as the euro, that way when a person came from either side of the pond the value would be the same. Remember, our currency would be issued by our government and not the Fed. Since I read that article on the federal reserve, I am on a mission to throw out the rich banker assholes, and put elected officials in charge of the currency with plenty of oversight by rotating outside committees, with short tenur and frequent inspections. And BTW, did you notice the magic 300,000 limit I put on general worth, all over that would automatically be given to the elected officials to distribute to the poor, can you hear me now?~LOL~