Mendacity and the New York Times

Krime's wife,
Welcome aboard, interesting post, the major deficiency in the education issue is the NEA....It is my contention that the NEA, has, in actuality, weakened the public school system here in US. The NEA appears to be much more interested in the welfare of teachers as opposed to students.
There is a reason home schooling is becoming more popular, and private schools are receiving more recognition. The NEA is a very large part of this problem.

Med I also support Bush in re-balancing SCOTUS to more reasonable Roberts!
This is one of the few areas in which I support Bush baby!

In regards to Teachers.....
Myths of the Teachers Unions

By Jay Greene
The American Enterprise | January 9, 2007
Myths aren't lies. They are beliefs that people adopt because they have an air of plausibility. But myths aren't true, and they often get in the way during serious problem-solving. This essay identifies seven common myths that dominate established views of education these days. Dispelling these misconceptions could open the door to long-awaited improvement in our nation's schools.
excerpted: FrontPage :: Myths of the Teachers Unions by Jay Greene
Scotus, well the jury is not in on Roberts yet, but any judge appointed by Bush IMO, would be suspect. We'll see when Abortion comes to the court, or the crimes of the Bush administration are brought, then we'll see his true leanings, as I'm sure all judges are biased in one way or another, they're only humans. I prefer a judge that puts Human rights over property rights, gettin kinda hard to find these days!
By Jay Greene
The American Enterprise | January 9, 2007
Myths aren't lies. They are beliefs that people adopt because they have an air of plausibility. But myths aren't true, and they often get in the way during serious problem-solving. This essay identifies seven common myths that dominate established views of education these days. Dispelling these misconceptions could open the door to long-awaited improvement in our nation's schools.
excerpted: FrontPage :: Myths of the Teachers Unions by Jay Greene

Interesting article...thanks. And as always it comes down to the dollar bill. True. Now I am sure there is organizations (NEA) that have their hands in the the cookie jar. We need to take that for granted, everyone wants profit but wether or not money should there or not for the kids, well, we need to consider since the seventieies even a pencil has gone up in price. So cost automatically rises due to inflation. The question is how does the money get used? Better lunch selections, more physical activities, Body Arts, Foreign Languages, Music and access to more fine arts SPIRIT Higher expectations of grade levels Algebra, Chemistry, Civics needed for graduation instead of "college prep" courses MIND ..... Now the teachers pay, uh, well I don't think their salary is compensating for thier duties. If you believe that teachers work only 7.5 hours then you need to go into schools after hours. Meetings, teacher planning, teachers volunteering for extra circular activities ie basketball coach or teachers who stay after for extra help. I knew one woman who told me she enjoys working the 9-5 now cuz when she taught she worked 60 hours a week and never so a dime for the extra. KIds especially teenagers are hellions... Spend a day in a high school .... Your drained at the end of a day. I have never had my internal essence sucked dry from me since my two kids breastfed. lol! Construction workers make more than teachers granted they build our homes offices and schools. Teachers guide the young they are supposed to be there to help the still undeveloped mind of the youth to grow and expand and become the future that makes the real and hopefully positive changes we sit around and talk about. namastay, krime's wife.
Interesting article...thanks. And as always it comes down to the dollar bill. True. Now I am sure there is organizations (NEA) that have their hands in the the cookie jar. We need to take that for granted, everyone wants profit but wether or not money should there or not for the kids, well, we need to consider since the seventieies even a pencil has gone up in price. So cost automatically rises due to inflation. The question is how does the money get used? Better lunch selections, more physical activities, Body Arts, Foreign Languages, Music and access to more fine arts SPIRIT Higher expectations of grade levels Algebra, Chemistry, Civics needed for graduation instead of "college prep" courses MIND ..... Now the teachers pay, uh, well I don't think their salary is compensating for thier duties. If you believe that teachers work only 7.5 hours then you need to go into schools after hours. Meetings, teacher planning, teachers volunteering for extra circular activities ie basketball coach or teachers who stay after for extra help. I knew one woman who told me she enjoys working the 9-5 now cuz when she taught she worked 60 hours a week and never so a dime for the extra. KIds especially teenagers are hellions... Spend a day in a high school .... Your drained at the end of a day. I have never had my internal essence sucked dry from me since my two kids breastfed. lol! Construction workers make more than teachers granted they build our homes offices and schools. Teachers guide the young they are supposed to be there to help the still undeveloped mind of the youth to grow and expand and become the future that makes the real and hopefully positive changes we sit around and talk about. namastay, krime's wife.
I agree, teachers in Nevada are underpaid. we have a severe teacher shortage. Teachers starting out here make like 32,000 a year. They don't talk about all the time spent correcting homework and making class lesson plans I know a couple and they are very nice people and have to deal with spoiled yuppie brats daily. The discipline in schools is atrocious. When I was in school,(Henderson Nevada, Basic High) if you fucked up the asst. principle would come and snatch you out of the room by the seat of your pants and your hair and bounce you all the way to the principles office, and then get out the paddle. The paddle was about 30 inches long with a handle and a flat part like an oar, with 3/4 inch holes drilled in it to make welts. When you had been given 20 whacks with that, you could barely walk and for sure couldn't sit down. Just the thought of that kept me on the straight and narrow, although a couple of my devious buddies got the treatment, had little round welts all over their asses! they need to bring back corporal punishment, kids understand pain! Your parents had to sign a waver authorizing the use of corporal punishment, Mine signed in a heartbeat, might be a little harder now. Catholic nuns used corporal for years, and look how those kids turned out~LOL~!
From Med's posted article:

"Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito appear ready to steer bench to the right; affirmative action, abortion issues could see big impact"

Affirmative action is nothing more than reverse discrimination. No room for that in a free society. Abortion "rights" are not rights at all, and at best, should be a state's rights issue. What the author is calling "steering to the right," is nothing more than not legislating from the bench.


From Med's posted article:

"Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito appear ready to steer bench to the right; affirmative action, abortion issues could see big impact"

Affirmative action is nothing more than reverse discrimination. No room for that in a free society. Abortion "rights" are not rights at all, and at best, should be a state's rights issue. What the author is calling "steering to the right," is nothing more than not legislating from the bench.


You keep referring to a free society! I guess what you really mean is, free for you. I'm not a fan of affirmative action, especially now that the whites are becoming a minority. In a "free society" what you are really saying is :leave me and my money the fuck alone! you think you have no ownership in the society and therefore you are free to come and go as you please. By virtue of the fact you were born in this country, you are part of the whole whether you want it or not. The contract you unwittingly signed upon birth comes with responsibility, the responsibility to help all the people rise up. The society is not only about what can it do for me, (you got the capitilist thing in the contract also) but what can you do to help the society, in otherwords, you are obligated by virtue of this unwritten contract to help pay for social programs through taxation. (Remember, the contract was enacted at Birth) If the society has a tax to help the less fortunate, you are obligated to pay, whether you approve or not (still part of the contract). There are always alternatives: Leave the country and look for a taxless society, refuse to pay and go to jail, shoot the IRS agent who comes to arrest you and get the death penalty, I suppose you could find others, but this free society you dream about doesn't exist!
Well thanks for letting me throw my 2 cents in but I realize I am off topic .... it's just when I read all the good things Bush has done and education came up, well, obviously I have something to say. So thanks again. namastay, krime's wife.
Hmmmm ... I honestly don't remember signing a contract when I was born ... nor can I find a copy of it anywhere in my belongings.

Hmmmm ... I honestly don't remember signing a contract when I was born ... nor can I find a copy of it anywhere in my belongings.

It is an implied contract verified by your birthright in this society. People that get the benefits of a society (Capitalism) also have a responsibility to the society (Taxation), This contract adopted at birth gives you rights and responsibilities. To enable the society to function, there has to be a way of paying the bills, hence Taxation! A society such as this one presupposes that it will work for the common good, I don't think it was set up to work for evil! Now the common good implies that everyone should have a chance of being well, fed, housed, and allowed the freedoms so espoused in our founding documents. There should be no large gap between the inhabitants of the society. Yes there will be differences in wealth and character, but they should not be so widely spaced as they are today. I don't think the founders wanted a country run by rich corporate leaders, in fact they did everything they could to avoid this. It's taken lots of savvy lawyers to turn it around and make it what it is today, a plutocracy! Give me ten reasons why your way is better, Come on big boy, step up, show me the libertarian way!
"Give me ten reasons why your way is better, Come on big boy, step up, show me the libertarian way!"

1. Equal opportunity instead of equal results is a moral system.

2. Chaining the federal government to the Constitution guarantees the maximum amount of freedom for the people.

3. Competition of a free market guarantees the best products and the best price.

4. Economic liberty guarantees political liberty.

5. A moral society, i.e., one where everyone does NOT plunder everyone else guarantees the maximum amount of opportunity and freedom for all.

6. Individualism as opposed to belonging to a "collective," or being a worker bee for the "good of society" (the hive) guarantees individual liberty.

7. Keeping the federal government small, with the power to the states guarantees competition among the several states, and that keeps taxes low and regulations less onerous.

8. The ability to create unlimited wealth without fear of confiscation produces incentives to excell.

9. Private property ownership, including the ownership of one's production is the cornerstone of liberty.

10. Private charity is vastly more efficient than government "charity" taken at the point of a gun.

OK, now its your turn. :)

. Equal opportunity instead of equal results is a moral system Equal opportunity for who? The kid in the ghetto and the kid on the hill do not have equal rights by virtue of the fact of their position at the start. The results will absolutely not be equal, so when you say equal opportunity, you are talking about a very narrow portion of our society, not equality for all as stated by the founding fathers, but equality for the few. By skewing the results, an immoral event has occured. Therefore your postulation is flawed!
see, this is what confuses me... maybe you can help me out here.

the kid on the hill can screw up and lose it all. the kid in the projects can overcome. they can both fail or succeed.

why do you believe that the gvnmnt needs to be the equalizer for the human condition when the individual has to accept or deny all the possibilities surrounding his or her self no matter what?

what is wrong with allowing people to choose where to go from "here", wherever that might be?

why do you believe we should all start "there" on a synthetically level playing field and is this not skewing the results?

do you despise individuality?

just wondering...
it seems like this world is like a rubix cube after 10 different kids play with it a day in the waiting room of the dentist chair.

the problem at hand seems to be getting people to give a crap about other people.

what do we do now?
i think that's pretty close battosai..this rubik's cube doesn't need to be solved can't be solved because the colors will change at random.

mankind is an ever unfolding paradox of wants and needs surrounded by plentitude while the unconfronted reality that each of us is no more or less than the other just sits and waits for the inescapable end.

we should all take small steps to help each other out. we should regard one another as highly as we regard ourselves. when we do that one thing there will be no more war; gvnmnt will cease to exist and law will simply occur without ink, paper or courts. when we outgrow the bounds we give ourselves they will pass away and be forgotten.
we should all take small steps to help each other out. we should regard one another as highly as we regard ourselves. when we do that one thing there will be no more war; gvnmnt will cease to exist and law will simply occur without ink, paper or courts. when we outgrow the bounds we give ourselves they will pass away and be forgotten. Meanwhile, Back on prison planet, when the kid on the hill falls, 20 people pick him up and pamper him back to health, when the kid in the ghetto fails, he more than likely goes to Jail. One thing you said interests me: we should all take small steps to help each other out, and regard one another as highly as we regard ourselves. You're talkin Divine intervention here. the human nature (Dog-eat-dog) mentality, accelerated by Capitalism, would never allow that. The only way to get people to help one-another is by a progressive tax on the society where the rich pay more to help the less fortunate. This charity thing will never work, there must be forced wealth distribution. That is as close to love one another as you'll get on this earth!
groups of intelligent good natured people would have to each own their own multi-billions of $$ just to get a good start. that is if we wanted to see it in our lifetime. it would probably take an enormous catastrophy (if not a miracle) to balance the world quickly. so in the mean time we should plant the best seeds in the fertile mindsoil of the populace. where to start, where to start.. rolls a jernt.. oh yea inform the public, offer free food and jernts at organized protests (food brings people together, so do jernts) and demonstrate the power of thousands of people slacking off and wandering aimlessly in front of said targets place of business. the sheer ignance of those bound to wander around in traffic will astound and frighten those high above in their comfortable offices. they'll wonder how often this might happen. how do i get rid of them. whats the dangers? oh man the press will eat this shit up.. our profits will take a hit.. hey is that a fricken stoner in my hallway.. paranoid maybe the smoke is coming in through the vent.
what do they want? <----- booom when they ask that, they're ready to bargain. what i dont know is to how to convince exxon to lobby for themselves to produce hemp fields. or bp or any giant oil conglomerate.
which is where id want to protest, for one. i need to find some good documentation supporting the usage of hemp as everything. if we could make a big enough yell that the media wants to be in on it, it might open the door for other people who like hemp. penn and teller bullshit had some good interviews with harvard professors and doctors about this stuff. they filmed a guy loaking out in front of the capital building in DC. he had a big can of FEDERAL GOVERNMENT issued ganja for his many ailments. whats messed up is that he is one of like 50 still on the original fed program for med weed patients. they dont accept people now. if anyone has suggestions of possible courses of action to actually legalize ganj (or a great start for this would be great start) then i'd like to hear about it. if legalized im sure the rest of the country will smoke itself into a better mindframe. (i really hope)
if legalized im sure the rest of the country will smoke itself into a better mindframe. (i really hope) Don't count on it. The one decent thing I have to say about the Bush presidency is he didn't champion the drug war. He probably did less to further the drug war than any president before. Although he didn't stop it either. That would take some kind of sanity that has not been seen in politics for a hundred years.
Med sez ...

"The only way to get people to help one-another is by a progressive tax on the society where the rich pay more to help the less fortunate. This charity thing will never work, there must be forced wealth distribution. That is as close to love one another as you'll get on this earth!"

Again, forced wealth redistribution is theft at the point of a gun, no more and no less.

When I was in Vegas recently, a young man approached me and asked for a dollar to get something to eat. I turned him down on the cash thing. I asked him if he was really hungry or was just looking to get high. He said he was really hungry. So, I took him to the local eatery and told him he could have anything on the menu and I'd pay for it. I don't know why, but he chose two pieces of pizza. Hell, I would have ordered steak! The point being ... the general population (me and you) are not a bunch of evil, greedy bastards who let people starve in the streets. Why in Hell should I send my money to the federal government, only to have it filtered through some faceless bureaucracy, then trickled down to that hungry young man? The two of us worked things out quite nicely, thank you.

Med sez ...

"The only way to get people to help one-another is by a progressive tax on the society where the rich pay more to help the less fortunate. This charity thing will never work, there must be forced wealth distribution. That is as close to love one another as you'll get on this earth!"

Again, forced wealth redistribution is theft at the point of a gun, no more and no less.

When I was in Vegas recently, a young man approached me and asked for a dollar to get something to eat. I turned him down on the cash thing. I asked him if he was really hungry or was just looking to get high. He said he was really hungry. So, I took him to the local eatery and told him he could have anything on the menu and I'd pay for it. I don't know why, but he chose two pieces of pizza. Hell, I would have ordered steak! The point being ... the general population (me and you) are not a bunch of evil, greedy bastards who let people starve in the streets. Why in Hell should I send my money to the federal government, only to have it filtered through some faceless bureaucracy, then trickled down to that hungry young man? The two of us worked things out quite nicely, thank you.

And what about the other 200,000,000 people who need more stuff, I'm going with a hundred million that are OK, like me, but then you have the rest. Without some form of social contract (Taxes) the poor would not be fed by good samaritans like yourself, one here, one there, but the multitude would starve!
OK, so where in the Constitution does it say that some people are to give other people "more stuff?"
