Medical Grow op, NEWBIE!!! so far so good. Comments are welcome

Ok,Yeah if they were to test the plant it would show up synthetic chems not organic no matter how much you flush.I do use mine for medical and have loved the sensi a+b + calculator with great results and wonderful taste and yield and now moved on to there new connoisseur line.for MEDICAL I would definitely stick with what you like and im sure they can help you with getting strictly organic to be CERTIFIED medical.FYI the Advanced Nutrient organic line is STELLAR great yields and beginner friendly vs synthetic nutz.You will be very happy again just check out my grow on day 19 and 20 of flower on 13 week strains just unreal man.
Ok,Yeah if they were to test the plant it would show up synthetic chems not organic no matter how much you flush.I do use mine for medical and have loved the sensi a+b + calculator with great results and wonderful taste and yield and now moved on to there new connoisseur line.for MEDICAL I would definitely stick with what you like and im sure they can help you with getting strictly organic to be CERTIFIED medical.FYI the Advanced Nutrient organic line is STELLAR great yields and beginner friendly vs synthetic nutz.You will be very happy again just check out my grow on day 19 and 20 of flower on 13 week strains just unreal man.

for some reason, i cant see any of the pictures. i was just in your thread, but saw nothing. everyone seems to be pretty excited about it though. haha
Hmm. it does that to me when I clean my cache and cookies(Maybe you was not logged in?)
Yeah this site has been acting up on me and others loading pics and other misc stuff,since the update
Day 19 of Flower I switch 4/14/2010 Now using connoisseur.
Beware if your new at this it is easy to BURN plants,that is why I suggested the AN iguana line with organic b you will get same results once you get your strains down
Keep up the hard work.
Ok,Yeah if they were to test the plant it would show up synthetic chems not organic no matter how much you flush.I do use mine for medical and have loved the sensi a+b + calculator with great results and wonderful taste and yield and now moved on to there new connoisseur line.for MEDICAL I would definitely stick with what you like and im sure they can help you with getting strictly organic to be CERTIFIED medical.FYI the Advanced Nutrient organic line is STELLAR great yields and beginner friendly vs synthetic nutz.You will be very happy again just check out my grow on day 19 and 20 of flower on 13 week strains just unreal man.

is their a site where i can go find the program to follow for the a+B+calculator? im very interested. Remo is pretty much my hero, and that dude loves the AN. so i figured i mine as well give it a shot. plus i want to be the US urban grower. what a sweet job. im sure the medical grow ops around the US are just going crazy right now. i bet i would get to smoke some awesome stuff to. wootwoot!

Just choose your program two part sensi a+b veg or bloom and I use 5 gallon water jugs I take some out to oxygenate the water when I shake and allow for the nutrients Somtimes 4.9 g to 4.8 gallons so I choose standard/english measurements 4.9 then I change measurement to metric so when I add my nutrients in ML (milliliters) it is already corrected I do not need to convert the math and print the page and there you go now this is just a BASE map some strains are sensitive and some are not so I start
in VEG stage
from clone after stable and starting to yellow from no food I use 250ppm water,water 500ppm water water 750 to 800ppm(depending on strain) my mothers get 1000 to 1100 ppm
before I bloom I flush for 7 to 10 days, atleast two weeks after I trim my fan leaves during veg(to recover from stress)before I switch to bloom.

Bloom stage
800ppm water for a week
1000ppm water for a week
1200ppm water for a week
NOW here is where is gets tricky you will notice some strains wanting more so I foliar feed only upto the first four weeks of flower to help those plants that are hungrier then instead of feed water water I
Feed,Feed water (in one week)
will finish at 1500ppm to 1850ppm without co2 will get up to 2200ppm with co2

Then ofcourse ALWAYS flush two weeks before you pick

(I would love to have a co op)
is their a site where i can go find the program to follow for the a+B+calculator? im very interested. Remo is pretty much my hero, and that dude loves the AN. so i figured i mine as well give it a shot. plus i want to be the US urban grower. what a sweet job. im sure the medical grow ops around the US are just going crazy right now. i bet i would get to smoke some awesome stuff to. wootwoot!

Yes I have seen ALL his vidz.funny you say you would get to smoke some good stuff YEAH YOURS BRO he will come smoke your babies get fucked up and tell all his canuck buds
im having to spray my plants daily, i cant do a fucking thing about this powdery mildew. i have a bad feeling that im not going to have much smokable bud. LAME!
From a member on another site name is got humbolt?

Mildew isn't "cured".
Its systemic, which means once your plants have it... they got it for life. You can manage it and keep it from running wild through your garden, but thats about it.
Sulfur burners, Neem oil, high pH'd water sprayed on leaves, or a 10% baking soda solution can help get rid of it or manage it.
Think of Powdery mildew as being like a virus, that rears its ugly head when the plants are stressed or are not healthy....

I have had this in the problem in the past I have controlled it with humidity not letting my temps change alot for day and nite,B-52 or your brand B vitamins in water and foliar(slightly higher ph) and manually wipe of the mildew using Jorges Bible and the NET as a reference.SORRY to hear always a learning experience.I still have this problem when I use the black/brown Clone dome cubes any time you slightly over water the damn powder shows up so with coco I can just dry the shit out of it and BAM gone also I make sure my plants are always healthy to fight of unwanted diseases and viruses.B-52 with bud candy and big bud help me with stress or Blackstrap unsulfured molasses
My powdery mildew is still a little out of control on a few plants. I just sprayed them with a new solution of neem oil, and when i was done, i realized that maybe that was not a good idea because these guys are going to be ready to harvest in about a week. Did i just fuck things up? Neem oil has a horrible smell to it, will this carry on with the harvest and curing?

here are a few pics, unfortunatly you cant see any of the mildew.


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any help would be greatly appreciated. as you can see the pics of the plants look like shit. but i figured that they are doing their thing before they harvest. but it seems to me like they are hurting in many more ways than that. and the leaf edges are point up really bad. i always thought that this was because they where trying to get rid of moisture, but they hadent been watered in about a day and a half. so im not sure whats going on, but the mildew, leaf tips, and not so happy looking plants really has me worried.

i dont want to loose my entire crop over something stoopid that i have missed.

thank you everyone for all the help and advice you have given me.
uhhh lets see man its hard not to spray down now with just R.O. water to wash of the oils you sprayed without having mold you can take extreme care but you still will/might get to much moisture and mold the fuck out of your crop.
Start doing searches for harvest spraying or last minutes foliar feeding of some title search similar to that.I did find and buy some stuff at my hydro shop today called: MilStop (Potassium Bicarbonate)Broad spectrum foliar fundicide name of the company is BioWorks cost me $20 suppose to solve white powdery mildew and other things as long as it has not already spread badly.

If this happened to me I would(im no expert here)plan to harvest ASAP since you said you have only one week left( I would try to use all 7 days)water with proper ph and use Serinade.Do not spray foliage(Possibly able to with a skim milk solution).Lots of AIR movement,humidity 40/ have to get the neem of the buds but how do you do it without mold.Below this guy has the answer..Next grow add silica

This guy had this problem:
Originally Posted by Momerath
For a more organic natural way to go, I've found using diluted skim milk (MUST be skim, 0 percent milkfat or it will rot/mold) works great. Diluting to a concentration of about 1:5 or 1:10 (milk:water) works fine. Its damn near impossible to get rid of PM once you have it, especially in flowering, but it can be fought and controlled. I used the milk solution on my outdoor plants this year that had PM and while it did not make it go away, it controlled it enough to where I safely harvested all of my buds, and lost none to it. Also, has zero affect on taste, no unknown/nasty chemicals, and washes cleanly away. Theres many remedies for PM, I've tried this one, as well as neem oil. Both worked, but the smell of the neem can be unsettling, especially when its dripping off of your nearly ripe buds. I liked the milk trick best. Be sure to shake off the excess moisture from your plants after spraying, otherwise you could get mold forming in the inner regions.
And I agree with GIS that one of those hand-pumped sprayers really are best, they make a nice mist/spray and can easily cover every surface. Good luck with the "herpes" of the herb world

Another person with this problem:
That late in flower PM can prove to be a true pain. I've found that Serinade does the job great, it doesn't kill the mildew, but it does know it back. Also, has zero effect on the buds. Can be used up until the day of harvest, if you were inclined...

I try to avoid any potasium bicarbonate stuff in flower, burns the shit out of the pistils...

I cannot vouch for this...but I would try if had no choice over other methods besides Potas Bicarb.
sweet setup for a first grow keep it green m8
+rep you deserve it i know long term growers who aint as organised as your groow area
sweet setup for a first grow keep it green m8
+rep you deserve it i know long term growers who aint as organised as your groow area

thanks ultimate, I really appreciate it.

I just wish i had been a little more careful when choosing my clones and the overall integrity of my grow. i love my rooms, and what i have done. but i think i have neglected some of the growing aspects of the plant and i am suffering big time right now with mildew and other odd reactions the plants are having.
thanks again, its nice to hear things like that from people.
uhhh lets see man its hard not to spray down now with just R.O. water to wash of the oils you sprayed without having mold you can take extreme care but you still will/might get to much moisture and mold the fuck out of your crop.
Start doing searches for harvest spraying or last minutes foliar feeding of some title search similar to that.I did find and buy some stuff at my hydro shop today called: MilStop (Potassium Bicarbonate)Broad spectrum foliar fundicide name of the company is BioWorks cost me $20 suppose to solve white powdery mildew and other things as long as it has not already spread badly.

If this happened to me I would(im no expert here)plan to harvest ASAP since you said you have only one week left( I would try to use all 7 days)water with proper ph and use Serinade.Do not spray foliage(Possibly able to with a skim milk solution).Lots of AIR movement,humidity 40/ have to get the neem of the buds but how do you do it without mold.Below this guy has the answer..Next grow add silica

This guy had this problem:
Originally Posted by Momerath
For a more organic natural way to go, I've found using diluted skim milk (MUST be skim, 0 percent milkfat or it will rot/mold) works great. Diluting to a concentration of about 1:5 or 1:10 (milk:water) works fine. Its damn near impossible to get rid of PM once you have it, especially in flowering, but it can be fought and controlled. I used the milk solution on my outdoor plants this year that had PM and while it did not make it go away, it controlled it enough to where I safely harvested all of my buds, and lost none to it. Also, has zero affect on taste, no unknown/nasty chemicals, and washes cleanly away. Theres many remedies for PM, I've tried this one, as well as neem oil. Both worked, but the smell of the neem can be unsettling, especially when its dripping off of your nearly ripe buds. I liked the milk trick best. Be sure to shake off the excess moisture from your plants after spraying, otherwise you could get mold forming in the inner regions.
And I agree with GIS that one of those hand-pumped sprayers really are best, they make a nice mist/spray and can easily cover every surface. Good luck with the "herpes" of the herb world

Another person with this problem:
That late in flower PM can prove to be a true pain. I've found that Serinade does the job great, it doesn't kill the mildew, but it does know it back. Also, has zero effect on the buds. Can be used up until the day of harvest, if you were inclined...

I try to avoid any potasium bicarbonate stuff in flower, burns the shit out of the pistils...

I cannot vouch for this...but I would try if had no choice over other methods besides Potas Bicarb.

Johnny you have become my new best friend.
im going to give it a shot. first thing ill do is try and wash some of that neem oil off. that shit smells soooooo bad. then ill run to the hydro shop and see if they have something similar to what you where using. if all else fails. skim milk it is. i want to try and see if i can get some sort of containment in their in the next few days so that maybe the foliage residue can blow, or fall off with a little time. i just hope i havent ruined the sweet buds these things have been growing.
Again sorry to hear about your issue always feels like a punch to the gut everytime(a couple of my girls are giving me a hard time,I am having two strain giving me shit they are sensitive and want a diff ph,nutz level,ect gotta love various genetics).I have not tested the skimmilk but do know of others using it as a fungi/pest in water.

BEWARE please of the Potas bicarb this late in the cycle will possibly burn your pistols and leave an unwanted tasted if near strength recommended my brand:
Potassium Bicarbonate.................................85%
Other ingredients........................................15%
3 tsp per gall every 7-14days THIS IS TO MUCH for you this late and not recommended
but if you have to I would dilute atleast no more than 1 tsp or even 1/3 tsp to be safe water and let set for and watch or take photos to compare every 12 hrs
DO NOT SMOKE MOLDY BUD and this includes powdery mildew, EFFECT are similar to allergies absolutely horrible and can lead to pneumonia and or even death do to sickness or fluid in the lungs,so take your magnifying glass 100X zoom in and you will be able to tell the diff between trichromes looks like little gooey or glassy shrooms(im sure you know this)and mold is fuzzy looking not gooing gel best description is like a screen or looking at a smaller,finer glass screen or fabric.NO ES BUENO..

johnny, thanks again for your help. im heading out the house right now to go check out the plants for the first time today. its been a long day. lets hope all looks well.
johnny, thanks again for your help. im heading out the house right now to go check out the plants for the first time today. its been a long day. lets hope all looks well.

Anytime,im just paying it forward for the help I have received in the past,wish you the best and let me know please how the milk trick worked out
ok, i havent tried any milk yet. the mildew seems to have slowed or stopped. im just worried about the neem oil on the leaves. but im thinking about doing what you said which is spray lightly with a little RO water to rinse them and hope for the best in my harvest. im counting the days to harvest on the 11th. if anything looks like it can wait a few days, i will wait till the 18th. i wish i had a better camera, because the buds that are in good shape, are friggin amazing. beautiful shit for a first time grow. all together im looking at 24 plants. 20 are in 1 gallon buckets, and 4 are in 7 gallon buckets. they are the beasts on the right side of the room. the blueberry in the monster. that thing has buds on it that a crazy big. im really excited to see how much i can get off that one guy. thank god he has been relatively clean of the mildew and when she shows signs, its gone almost immediately once treated. cross your fingers!
ok, so think i have got the powdery mildew as low as i can. it looks like if could have infected about a 1/4 pound total in the room. but im hoping to pull of another pound of good bud. we shall see.

I have not tried the milk yet, im nervous about using anything prior to harvest. im going to harvest in two days, so i just sprayed them with high ph water, and let them sit by the fan for about five minutes per plant to prevent to much moisture from getting in between the buds.

so the plan is to harvest what i can, and then get that room cleaned out and sterilized. start over from scratch, and get nice and dialed for the next 21 plants that should be ready to go in a few weeks. i have been flushing for a little over a week to two weeks. so if anything tastes like poo, im sure its cause of the mildew of products used to prevent it.
cross your fingers. lets see what happens.


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