so "the black" is a pain in my ass. im sure its high will be somewhere on the paranoid side. its antsy to do something, but its so sensitive to everything that every plant has gone hermi on me. (i will be the first to admit, my room is not perfect yet.)
Panama Gold seems like it might be a little bit of a confusing high. the kind of high that you never know what your going to get. haha one of the clones went hermi, and the other is a huge dense nug. we shall see
Big Buddha is mostly consistent. but two of the four plants will not leave the powdery mildew alone. they where covered in the shit.
Sweet tooth is going great! woot woot!
Blueberry is the most consistent throughout the room. all five of the plants are consistent with their growth. they are very dense. All of them liked the powdery mildew for a bit, but once treated they responded nicely. no wonder the blueberry is such and awesome high. the plants is like a dream to grow. it listens, it responds, and it enjoys life in my room.
grow on little brotha, grow on! woot woot
i threw in a few pics of the clones that are just about ready. im not even sure if those will work. i think the mother might have gone into pre-flower just before i clipped. so i might have fucked myself on that one as well. which i wouldn't be to upset if i did, cause it would be nice to start all over from scratch. get it right this time around.
Ebb and Grow from CAP has been running for the last few days. no problems there.
i will be using the Sure to grow inserts. so you will either hear me agree with all the negative activity, or you see how they work like a champ. either way. i shall press forward.
pics to enjoy!
Question: what happens if i still have powdery mildew when its time to Harvest? am i screwed? the plants are so sticky, that the mildew just sticks to it and its much harder to get rid of. thanks.