Medical Grow op, NEWBIE!!! so far so good. Comments are welcome


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of my room from start to almost done. i have about 10 more hrs of work before my flower room is finished. The plants are Sweet tooth, Big Buddham, Blueberry, and the Black. A friend of mine gave me the soil plants to begin with, i am also helping him sex some plants in my ezclone. what a great machine. I am also going to keep my mothers in soil, but i have two ebb flow systems. one for the veg, one for flower. we are going to use the sure to grow inserts. the clippers that fit into the exclone make everything such an easy task. The soil i am using is just plane old Lucky Frog. not going to add Nutrients for a few weeks cause Jorge says so. i Read the bible daily, trying to get as much info as possible. I have been watching all of you for the last year now and owe all of you and your wisdom maddddd props. i couldnt be where i am without you. all my plants seem to be pretty happy. a few have curled tips up and down. i think i might be over watering. but i will try to update the journel every few days. i am really excited to get these rooms in production. and im really excited to hear what you all have to say. Thanks for reading and enjoy the grow.



Well-Known Member
my set up:

veg room 9 by 7 by 9
1 1000w MH and 8" easy cool hood
ebb flow/ 3 gallon buckets/ sure to grow inserts for medium. (currently soil, but just till i sex these guys, flower the chics, and move on to the hydro with the mother i choose)
ezclonw 30
2 by 4 t5 for cloner
2 osc fans
6" exhaust fan
6 by 12 inch inlet vent
maintains 76 degrees pretty easy. never gets above 30% humidity. id like it around fifty, but wont do anything until my ebb is set up. i think it might raise on its own

flower room 9 by 9 by 9

2 1000w hps
magimum xxl 8" air cooled hoods. these things are ridiculous. i had to mount them all funny cause they are so big. ill have pics soon.
2 osc fans
12" fantech fan to cool both flower room lights and veg room MH with a closed loop. no room are escapes or enters. unless it sneaks back in the veg room inlet. got the fan new for $150 at a second hand shop. they didnt even know what it was. i had to have it.
10" inline fan atached to my carbon filter for venting.
still wondering what kind of climate control unit i should get. suggestions are welcome.
ebb flow/ 3 gallon buckets/ sure to grow inserts for medium.


Well-Known Member
got the electrical hooked up in the flower room. its looking good. started the venting for the lights. just need to finish the charcoal vent and mylar the walls and paint the floor and i should be about ready. mount some fans and let the magic begin.

i have included some pictures of some close ups on some of the plants. i think i am over watering? any suggestions or ideas? thanks.



Well-Known Member
still no major signs of recovering. the blueberry and big Buddha are the happiest in the garden. sweet tooth and black dont seem to be enjoying their environment at all.


Well-Known Member
Time to start flowering and sexing.

I finished the final stages of the room last night. i still need a timer for my A/C unit and CO2. otherwise i am very happy. i am sexing all the plants in there. toss the dudes and keep the ladies. then i will take come clippings in the next few days off the mommy i left in the veg room and start my Ebb system. I am really excited about that. i got a bad case of the powdery mildew. and Jorge says to just toss them. but its all i got. so we shall see how good my babysitting is and see if i can keep from killing these guys.


Dai Dai

Looking absolutely 100!! very nice setup. expect to be returned for all your hard work as those beauties look like they will grow like ...well weeds, in there!!! + rep.


Well-Known Member
wow. so i got the co2 dialed in today. left for the day. came back and the plants grew an inch, drank every drop of water, and started to droop. i will take some more pics in the morning. I watered with nuts just now with the lights off. will go back in the morning at 9am when the lights and co2 come back on and make sure i saturate those guys real good. i cant believe how thirsty they where. i just watered them. I guess thats what happens when they start getting their flower on.

thank for the posts.


Well-Known Member
well......i dont have any pictures. but when i went to go check on the ladies tonight, they where all droopy. every single plant looked like it was sad. not perky, and not dead. just starting to droop. I watered last night with nuts. then i watered again this morning a little just to make sure they had enough water and where happy. im wondering if i over watered them? the lights had been off for about 2 hours when i checked on them, so maybe they are just sleeping. but they seemed to be fine throughout the day. any ideas? Ill take some more pics in the morning to show what they look like.


Well-Known Member
everything looks AWESOME! They are drinking like fish, and love the nuts im using. i couldnt be happier.

I was affraid that i was going to have heat problems, so i bought and AC unit. Turns out, my temp stays at 82 and the AC never kicks on. lucked out on that one. at least im ready to expand. Humidity was "tits on" at 58-60% until the last few days, its been climbing up to 68% when i turn my back. little fuckers! so i purchsed a dehumidifier online today. should be here in a few days and i can go back to my life without frequent babysitting.

Found 4 males in the bunch. tossed them. everything else seems to be ok. but ill will be watching like a hawk.

The Panama Gold is going crazy. and the black in the tall guy the back of the group set on the table.

im excited. hope you like the updated pics.



Well-Known Member
Ok, so I nuted those babies up this morning. 2000ppm's. gonna test them a little and see what they do. i think they will be ok. with the c02 and the amount of go juice they have been drinking, i think its all good. now i dont know if any of you have noticed, but these plants are getting really close to these lights. i haven't moved them an inch since i put the plants in the room. i havent moved them, because i havent seen any signs of leaf burn yet. I have a 12" fantech fan pushing all the air it can threw an 8" duct job. I messured the closed plant and it was around 8" from the glass of the hood. I couldnt believe it. these lights are staying cool enough that i get get almost on top of these plants and have no issues. A friend of mine is using the liquid lumins in his room, and that all the closer he can get. so, the debate, are liquid cooled lights better than air cooled lights? not sure, i dont see an obvious signs yet. a 12" fan for air cooling might be a little overkill, but i got it new at a re-store for $125. i couldnt say no to that. i cant tell you the deal i have found at consignment stores. check your local consignments or habitat stores, you will be shocked.

anyway, things are looking good so far. will keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
these are the latest and greatest of the flowering plants. everything looks awesome, a little powdery mildew has come back to visit, buck we will get that back under control soon. humidity was getting a little high, but we have that under control with our new de-humidifier. the only thing i would like to figure out is cheaper ways of climate control. to have a de-humidifier that pumps out 90 degree air and an AC unit that kicks on at 83 degrees is a little in efficient. dont know, ill figure something out.

enjoy the pics. someday with some cash ill get a camera that can take a close up pic thats worth a shit.



Well-Known Member
oh yeah, and we have been tying down the sativa blends so that they dont climb into the lights. you can see two of the 1 gallon pots have been moved to the floor for better space. these things are getting huge. i just need more lights and more space.

by the way, big thanks goes out to Jorge Cervantes, couldnt have done it without ya bro.


Well-Known Member
ok i got a question. when i spray the plants with powdery mildew while in flower, am i adding chemicals to the plants that will make them taste bad? do i need to stop spraying plants at a certain point of flowering to prevent bad bud similar to flushing the plants two to three weeks before flower?