Medical Care, Will you be able to get it?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
You must be one ignorant young guy, one with no medical needs. Wait untill you get older, thats when the "need" part of medical kicks in. Just like one saves when they are younger for retirement (If possible and they make enough to have a savings plan) The young must pay a portion just like the rest of us so when they get old and sick, they'll have coverage. Universal health care is the only answer. Profit and Healthcare are oxymorons.
profit and healthcare are oxymorons. well they certainly should be.
I keep seeing this " government run healthcare is more expensive then private run healthcare" I'd like some shred of proof, because as far as I know Canadian doctors leave Canada for the US because THEY MAKE MORE MONEY. US insurance systems is all about money and greed, always has been, and always will be. Fact.


New Member
I keep seeing this " government run healthcare is more expensive then private run healthcare" I'd like some shred of proof, because as far as I know Canadian doctors leave Canada for the US because THEY MAKE MORE MONEY. US insurance systems is all about money and greed, always has been, and always will be. Fact.
I think the righties can not dispute this, hence when you point out the advantages of universal health care, all they've got is:" so, you'd turn our health care system over to big government"? Righties see every part of the government as being evil. From The DMV, (I also see this) to the president and all those workers in between, well unless their hero like "W" is in office, then you hear little about how terrible government is.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
as i have said before. they select the truth or religion they feel suits there needs and by choice blind themselves to any reality as long as it does not degrade there lives. at the expense of everyone else.
as i have said before. they select the truth or religion they feel suits there needs and by choice blind themselves to any reality as long as it does not degrade there lives. at the expense of everyone else.
I am so sick of reading two bit conspiracy theories, info that comes from crazy right wing websites that have zero cred and complete lies. I've written to rollitup to have this section of the site removed because of the hate and stupid arguments this section has caused. In all honesty this is a dank website, if you wanna go talk political bullshit be a senator, if you wanna talk about huge tasty buds come to rollitup.

I can actually see why that dutch threat guy went crazy from this section (he was the anti american guy that the righties turned crazy)


Well-Known Member
You must be one ignorant young guy, one with no medical needs. Wait untill you get older, thats when the "need" part of medical kicks in. Just like one saves when they are younger for retirement (If possible and they make enough to have a savings plan) The young must pay a portion just like the rest of us so when they get old and sick, they'll have coverage. Universal health care is the only answer. Profit and Healthcare are oxymorons.
I am still responsible for myself and refuse to abrogate, surrender, or transfer that responsibility to the state. I am not the State's Bitch, Slave, Peasant, Peon, Grunt, or Property, and thus have no interest in the State treating me as such.


Well-Known Member
I am so sick of reading two bit conspiracy theories, info that comes from crazy right wing websites that have zero cred and complete lies. I've written to rollitup to have this section of the site removed because of the hate and stupid arguments this section has caused. In all honesty this is a dank website, if you wanna go talk political bullshit be a senator, if you wanna talk about huge tasty buds come to rollitup.

I can actually see why that dutch threat guy went crazy from this section (he was the anti american guy that the righties turned crazy)
If you don't want to read about politics why are you in this section of the website?


Well-Known Member
Stop being a smartass. Click "New Posts" and tell me the only way to be exposed to the politics section is by going there.
Well the price of convenience is having to deal with new posts that might not be in the section that you are actually interested in.

Though, it does actually say where the post was made in that list, so it still only takes a few seconds to avoid Politics.

Indoor Growing
General MJ Growing

Of course, after I post this Politics will be back at the top, but a few seconds of reading where it is means that it can be avoided.

Their laziness is not my problem.


Well-Known Member
you have to love liberal logic..
med o mao just stated the government run health care..( THE VA) isnt worth a shit..but he wants the government to run ALL health care.
fucking genius idea.
once the government runs and gets done running health care you are not going to want to see a doctor in this country.
i can see ALOT of people who will fly to china for surgerys they will not be able to get in the USA.
at a affordable price.


New Member
you have to love liberal logic..
med o mao just stated the government run health care..( THE VA) isnt worth a shit..but he wants the government to run ALL health care.
fucking genius idea.
once the government runs and gets done running health care you are not going to want to see a doctor in this country.
i can see ALOT of people who will fly to china for surgerys they will not be able to get in the USA.
at a affordable price.
There you go with your insane bullshit. What I said was the VA was underfunded by the Bush regime. The care I've recieved has been excellent. The overcrowding by returning vets and lack of funding by the repukes/right, have undermined their ability to give the care needed. With more funding (Which Obama is going to do), VA healthcare will once again be on par with any first world countries medical care. Go fuck yourself you psycho. I've noticed the Righties have become more viscious since us lefties are gaining in strength and power. Get used to it. It is time for the people to be in charge. were coming for your money, HaHaHaHeHeHeHoHoHo~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Who needs insurance? Just go to the emergency room for every scratch, hemorrhoid, bruise, cough and whatever else is not perfect about you that day and they BY GOVERNMENTAL DECREE must see you and treat you. Then just don't pay the bill. Fuckin easy, we don't need no health insurance and it doesn't cost us a dime, we should all just do it and it will all be free healthcare for everyone!!!!

Free lunches, we all should just vote ourselves a trillion dollars and live like kings for the rest of our lives, the Fed can take the 400 quadrillion dollars and make the treasury print up some nice looking papers and we will sell it all to the Chinese to pay for it all.

I love OBama, hes gonna make sure that the troops come home, the economy gets fixed, transparency in the markets, love and hope and change for the whole world. He is truly the messiah!! AND hes gonna make sure that our energy needs will be met by clean green power without raising taxes at all, no sir in fact hes gonna cut taxes. yep he is the best!!


Well-Known Member
There you go with your insane bullshit. What I said was the VA was underfunded by the Bush regime. The care I've recieved has been excellent. The overcrowding by returning vets and lack of funding by the repukes/right, have undermined their ability to give the care needed. With more funding (Which Obama is going to do), VA healthcare will once again be on par with any first world countries medical care. Go fuck yourself you psycho. I've noticed the Righties have become more viscious since us lefties are gaining in strength and power. Get used to it. It is time for the people to be in charge. were coming for your money, HaHaHaHeHeHeHoHoHo~LOL~.
Yippy aye eh mini sirloin burgers....:hump:


Well-Known Member
Who needs insurance? Just go to the emergency room for every scratch, hemorrhoid, bruise, cough and whatever else is not perfect about you that day and they BY GOVERNMENTAL DECREE must see you and treat you. Then just don't pay the bill. Fuckin easy, we don't need no health insurance and it doesn't cost us a dime, we should all just do it and it will all be free healthcare for everyone!!!!

Free lunches, we all should just vote ourselves a trillion dollars and live like kings for the rest of our lives, the Fed can take the 400 quadrillion dollars and make the treasury print up some nice looking papers and we will sell it all to the Chinese to pay for it all.

I love OBama, hes gonna make sure that the troops come home, the economy gets fixed, transparency in the markets, love and hope and change for the whole world. He is truly the messiah!! AND hes gonna make sure that our energy needs will be met by clean green power without raising taxes at all, no sir in fact hes gonna cut taxes. yep he is the best!!
Yup. He brings change to America.


Well-Known Member
Who needs insurance? Just go to the emergency room for every scratch, hemorrhoid, bruise, cough and whatever else is not perfect about you that day and they BY GOVERNMENTAL DECREE must see you and treat you. Then just don't pay the bill. Fuckin easy, we don't need no health insurance and it doesn't cost us a dime, we should all just do it and it will all be free healthcare for everyone!!!!

Free lunches, we all should just vote ourselves a trillion dollars and live like kings for the rest of our lives, the Fed can take the 400 quadrillion dollars and make the treasury print up some nice looking papers and we will sell it all to the Chinese to pay for it all.

I love OBama, hes gonna make sure that the troops come home, the economy gets fixed, transparency in the markets, love and hope and change for the whole world. He is truly the messiah!! AND hes gonna make sure that our energy needs will be met by clean green power without raising taxes at all, no sir in fact hes gonna cut taxes. yep he is the best!!
I sincerely hope that you are being incredibly sarcastic

but on the off chance that you arent...

1. Yeah, after Eternity (guess McCain was telling the truth about "forever"

2. Obama so far as only made it that much worse

3. The markets (if free of government interference) would be transparent. You pay the exact price that you are willing to for a good (it'd be a lot easier to barter, because you'd actually be able to figure out the cost of items and not have to worry about figuring out how much tax adds to the cost.) Government makes markets opaque, and more government interference will just make them even more opaque.

5. Love and Hope

A. I respect humanity so much that I think the State (impyling All States) should be abolished to free humanity from the entity that has caused most wars, and has killed more people than any other single entity.

USA - 600,000+ Dead in the Civil War, because it refused to let the South go their own way.

USSR - 35 Million Dead (mostly Ukrainians and Belorussians (White Russians))

China (PRC) - 60 Million + Dead (of starvation during the "great leap forward")

Germany - 20 Million Dead (About the only thing that can be said about Germany is at least most of them werent their own people, unlike the three above.)

Then there's the Inquisition which wouldn't have been possible with out the support of Kings who of course had a vested interest in maintain the "divine" right of kings. (It's kind of like the "stupidity" rights of Celebrities, where no matter how stupid the celebrities are idiotic Americans go crazy over them and every little thing they do (including acting like dogs))

Anywhere that Voluntary Cooperation was destroyed it was done at the behest of Fascism, Statism or Socialism. Anywhere that it was deemed necessary to use force to coerce people to do something against their will it has been done by the State. (or by Criminals)

The state, is the ultimate criminal, and the ultimate Social Engineer.

Look at all the damn fools that support it.

B. Obama supports increasing the size of the State, and thus enslaving more people, and forcing them to support a oligarchial class known as bureaucrats.

The last time a Republic collapsed due to the weight of its bureaucracy it lead to the Dark Ages.

6. Green Energy - You did here about the end result on your electric bill of all that "green" uneconomical uncompetitive energy, right? Your Electric Bill is going through the roofs.

This of course is going to have an adverse impact on the poor more so than the middle and the wealthy, and amounts to what is effectively a tax hike on the poor.

7. Messiah (Should be 6, but) - :: snickers :: yeah, you're definitely being sarcastic, but on the off chance that there are some crazy leftists that actually believe this pseudo-religious BS.

A. Obama's not Jesus
B. He's not God
C. He wasn't born of a Virgin, he was born of White Trash Whoring around
D. and a Drunk for a father
E. If the state thinks I'm going to worship a sorry excuse for a man like Obama they can arrange it over my dead body. (which I'm sure can be arranged, but better dead than red.)

8. Cut Taxes -

A. Energy Tax Hikes
B. Cigarette Tax Hikes
C. Carbon Tax Hikes

BOHICA, America...


Well-Known Member
Yep I was being incredibly sarcastic!! FWIW Every campaign promise made by Obama has been thwarted and he has pretty much done the exact opposite. 10 more years of war, tax hikes, economy still goin down the shitter, less transparency ( I wonder what money from TARP was given to whom?) thing is for sure, there is change, lots of the wrong kind though. There is less hope today than yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Answer the goddamn question. Are you the jerk that denies medical care to dying patients because it costs too much? My sanity is just fine thank you, it was you that was speaking gobblygook.

This really is the essence of the debate. Is there a price that is too high to extend a life? It is a reality that we can not spend millions on a procedure that will extend the life of a 85 year old patient 2 years. Is it not common sense?


Well-Known Member
The US has always had the best medical care anywhere. I have lived with National Health in England and have an HMO currently. Believe me, you do not want governmenmt control of health care.

The cost equation really started to deteriorate with the medical malpractice industry exploded in the 70s and 80s. That is a huge factor in spiraling cost. Just like workmans comp insurance it became a money grab to the detriment or our entire economy.

Big pharma is responsible for a major portion of the increase in life expectancy. They have done such a good job that we now live into our 80s and 90s. Why do we attack the successful industry and throw money at the failing auto industry?


New Member
This really is the essence of the debate. Is there a price that is too high to extend a life? It is a reality that we can not spend millions on a procedure that will extend the life of a 85 year old patient 2 years. Is it not common sense?
I believe in death with dignity. At 85, there should be no such things as heart transplants when there are younger patients that need them, although, tell that to an 85 year old. I doubt, outside of psychotic suicidal patients, anyone is ready to die, at any age. Money and health care are oxymorons. Just how much is too much to spare a human life. With universal health care, it would cease to be about the Benjamins. An overhaul of our health care system is inevitable. Lets just hope they do it right. Any half-ass overhaul would setback reform for another 50 years.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
umm life expectancy in america is going down and is lower than most other industrialized nations. big pharma is a criminal business empire and a good example of what happens when capitalism is allowed to spiral out of control. there successful how? in making money for shareholders who have stakes in drug companies. or successful in marketing and overpricing improperly tested drugs that kill thousands yearly. or successful in getting there shareholder based medications chronically over prescribed to people of all ages regardless of need for profit. you must be joking.