Medical Care, Will you be able to get it?


Well-Known Member
Better yet go to another Doctor who doesn't try this crap. Why does the government have to look after you?
I think my stating that "all you have to do is ask for it" somehow was mixed up in its meaning.
Basically, I was saying that I, along with so many others, are in positions to self-medicate......based solely on a commerical alone. I can say to my doctor, "Well, I heard of this new drug "x"........and I'm thinking it may help me. I think that's sad.
E.G.....I can't even count how many people have told me they have used or are currently using Chantix to quit smoking. "Supposedly" it blocks the pleasure receptors while smoking......pfft. I tried it. I still enjoyed the hell out of a cigarette....
Others will tell you it worked. I think it's more of a placebo affect myself. If you believe it will may just.
A little time passes and you hear that people are actually KILLING themselves--people who are otherwise not known to be suicidal.
Yet, any smoker can request a trial run. And this is just one of numerous examples of easily accesible drugs tos'd out to the general public.
Now, onto "why does the government have to look after you?" On one level, I can see your point. But the truth is just that.....the vast majority of the general public could not POSSIBLY afford health care.
My medications alone anually exceed 35 grand. This does not include specialists I may visit (and I go to the doctor OFTEN)......nor does it include unforseen visits/emergency room/hospital stays/added RX's, ETC. The list is endless. That could exceed 100 grand for me on any given year. Now, that being said, let's just say for the sake of argument that I make 100 grand a year....I assure you I don't. Let's also say that I have a family of oh, let's say.....5 to provide for. Just how likely is it that I will own a home, pay rent, clothe and feed them, etc. on that chump change?