Medical Care, Will you be able to get it?


Well-Known Member
umm life expectancy in america is going down and is lower than most other industrialized nations. big pharma is a criminal business empire and a good example of what happens when capitalism is allowed to spiral out of control. there successful how? in making money for shareholders who have stakes in drug companies. or successful in marketing and overpricing improperly tested drugs that kill thousands yearly. or successful in getting there shareholder based medications chronically over prescribed to people of all ages regardless of need for profit. you must be joking.
Patients with cancer, heart disease or other serious ailments might want their medicine in place of your political bs. So you honestly think there have not been medical advances brought about by the drug companies? You must be joking.


Well-Known Member
I believe in death with dignity. At 85, there should be no such things as heart transplants when there are younger patients that need them, although, tell that to an 85 year old. I doubt, outside of psychotic suicidal patients, anyone is ready to die, at any age. Money and health care are oxymorons. Just how much is too much to spare a human life. With universal health care, it would cease to be about the Benjamins. An overhaul of our health care system is inevitable. Lets just hope they do it right. Any half-ass overhaul would setback reform for another 50 years.
These are difficult issues. I am not smart enough to answer who deserves a specific lifesaving treatment. I am smart enough to know that if the gov is managing heathcare, we are screwed.

I am old and I have never known anyone denied emergency medical care. Those without coverage are currently subsidized by the taxpayer and those who pay for health care.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
its funny you brought up cancer and heart disease do you really think those drug companies want an immediate cure to those diseases fuck no that ends there profit margin they prefer making them "manageable diseases" this applies to hiv as well and mental healthcare in particular they would prefer you have to take a drug for your whole life to stay alive and well this allows much money to be made. but a cheap cure no and besides the number 1 and 2 killer are heart disease and cancer. the rates of these are rising every year in america yeah great job there doing. these are shareholder stock based companies dont be naive as to there goals which is profit helping peoples health is a side note. why do they hate the legal supplement industry so deeply and why do they attempt to discredit any natural dietary or lifestyle based health approach. if they spent 25% of the money they do on there synthetic PATENTED MEDICATIONS which are based on natural compounds and cant be patented on naturally occuring compounds people with these diseases would be much better off. sick americans mostly uneducated about other remedies are at the mercy of misinformation that these companies spew out and know of no other option but to listen to there doctor who half the time don't no anything either or dont care. once again the goal is profit everything else is a side note.


New Member
its funny you brought up cancer and heart disease do you really think those drug companies want an immediate cure to those diseases fuck no that ends there profit margin they prefer making them "manageable diseases" this applies to hiv as well and mental healthcare in particular they would prefer you have to take a drug for your whole life to stay alive and well this allows much money to be made. but a cheap cure no and besides the number 1 and 2 killer are heart disease and cancer. the rates of these are rising every year in america yeah great job there doing. these are shareholder stock based companies dont be naive as to there goals which is profit helping peoples health is a side note. why do they hate the legal supplement industry so deeply and why do they attempt to discredit any natural dietary or lifestyle based health approach. if they spent 25% of the money they do on there synthetic PATENTED MEDICATIONS which are based on natural compounds and cant be patented on naturally occuring compounds people with these diseases would be much better off. sick americans mostly uneducated about other remedies are at the mercy of misinformation that these companies spew out and know of no other option but to listen to there doctor who half the time don't no anything either or dont care. once again the goal is profit everything else is a side note.
Here's the rub with our current system. I have one of the better HMO plans, Senior dimension with teamster 631, retiree plus coverage. Costs me 3.00 per dr. visit, 10.00 per specialist. 5.00 per generic drug perscription. I have told my Dr. repeatedly that I want nothing but Generic perscriptions and yet he shoves a 45.00 co-pay perscription down my throat when there are three other generic drugs in that category. The drug makers must be giving kickbacks to Dr.s for scrips. I refuse to play. I call them back and give them the names of the generic drugs and ask him to please pick one. So far, they have complied with my wishes. I'll get them trained one of these days. If there were a specific reason or only that drug would be the cure, then I'd pay, but to just line the drugmakers pockets, no fucking way.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
exactly doctors do benefit from pushing name brand drugs hence all those nifty free advertisement pens in there offices.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
me too same drug. i have had people tell me there doc said the generics are not as good so they purchase the name brand lol..


Well-Known Member
exactly doctors do benefit from pushing name brand drugs hence all those nifty free advertisement pens in there offices.
LOL.....I LOVE those pens. To think, the people in the office bitch when you take them. Don't they know that is precisely WHY they are there? Adversement...via a gel pen they KNOW you will keep, LOL.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i think its scary they advertise random drugs this way. also there are the commercials that go something like "are you feeling down today do you ever have a negative thought well ask your doc for this drug" by the standards of the advertisements they would have you think everyone should be on antidepressants what a load of bullshit. its getting worse and worse. people are fooled so easily.


Well-Known Member
I just keep the TV on for background noise. I'd say the general population has been conditioned like robots. I'm trying to think of the last "infomercial" that irritated me. Oh yeah....ABILIFY. What a name, lol.
"Is your anti-depressant medication alone not working?"
I agree that it's dangerous. I HATE pharmaceuticals/companies...and I wholeheartedly agree it is their stance to keep you medicated---screw finding the cure. That would put them out of business.
You know what....that's all it takes too is to ask your doctor for it.


Well-Known Member
Yet another OVER diagnosed "disease." After years of doctor's appointments, I had one who was eager to diagnose me with that. Yet it has no real defining factors---nothing that shows in an MRI, bloodwork, etc.
I believe when they first came out with "Fibromyalgia" it was being referred to as the yuppie disease that originated in Lake Tahoe.
Now everyone has fibro....:roll:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the abilify commercial like you said is upsetting i mean really now they want you to take a second drug to make the first one work i feel bad for weak minded people that buy into this crap.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the anti depressant industry really infuriates me. i know many people dozens personally who were fine mentally just normal people who were convinced by m.d.'s to take s.s.r.i.'s. now they have problems they never had before i have had friends tell me these drugs screwed them up.


Well-Known Member
Exactly......... now they want you to take a second drug to make the first one work i feel bad for weak minded people that buy into this crap.


New Member
You know what....that's all it takes too is to ask your doctor for it.

I did, I specifically said, I want only generics. He said fine, now I have this drug I want you to try to get off the Afrin I have been using for 35+ years, and then he handed me a sample. Right away I get suspicious, samples are there to get you addicted, so I took the sample and tried it, it didn't work as well as Afrin, then I called my ins. provider and had them check the co-pay, 45.00. I asked the provider for generic comparisons and they gave me three that the pharmacist reccomended, 5.00 co-pay. Tell me this Dr. wasn't in it for the bucks. With universal health care, this kind of greed would be eliminated.


New Member
president a very quiet, conscientious and strategic manner has been able to achieve quite a lot in terms of health care in his first 100 dyas. congress passed legislation that expands health insurance to children; he included important health initiatives in botht he stimulous package and the omnibus spending bill...


Well-Known Member
You know what....that's all it takes too is to ask your doctor for it.

I did, I specifically said, I want only generics. He said fine, now I have this drug I want you to try to get off the Afrin I have been using for 35+ years, and then he handed me a sample. Right away I get suspicious, samples are there to get you addicted, so I took the sample and tried it, it didn't work as well as Afrin, then I called my ins. provider and had them check the co-pay, 45.00. I asked the provider for generic comparisons and they gave me three that the pharmacist reccomended, 5.00 co-pay. Tell me this Dr. wasn't in it for the bucks. With universal health care, this kind of greed would be eliminated.
Better yet go to another Doctor who doesn't try this crap. Why does the government have to look after you?