Mazari fems. 350watts CFL's


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3462405]I love that cab man, plants look great, so your useing bio bizz? peep this thread, also look at post 80, they are giving out free samples, i filled one you, just thought you might like some more :)[/QUOTE]

Hi SICC, thanks for that link, free samples sound good to me :-) and the site looks well worth a read generally.

Got a few more pics tonight, thought I'd show some scale on my short stocky ladies. I'm pleased that 2 at least have stayed very short and bushy, the middle one is a little taller but with nice open structure. Pistils starting on all 3 now.

Thanks again SICC :-)

Random pics:



Well-Known Member
No prob man, i think we all like free stuff :mrgreen:

they are really compact, when will you be flowering?

Im loving that piece as well, looks classy, i like the bowl on it, i almost pic'd something like that up once, and i regret not getting it bongsmilie


Active Member
SICC, I'm on 12/12 already! Day 13, it's a bit embarrassing but in that cab I HAVE to do it this way or I'll never contain them. I was just looking at PBF's lovely tall mother plants and I want one like that :-)

Btw, the hanging whistle is my lucky charm! It's an early Metropolitan Police issue whistle, belonged to a family ancestor, got his service number engraved on it. Think it dates to the 1920's !!!


Well-Known Member
SICC, I'm on 12/12 already! Day 13, it's a bit embarrassing but in that cab I HAVE to do it this way or I'll never contain them. I was just looking at PBF's lovely tall mother plants and I want one like that :-)

Btw, the hanging whistle is my lucky charm! It's an early Metropolitan Police issue whistle, belonged to a family ancestor, got his service number engraved on it. Think it dates to the 1920's !!!
lol i have been losing lately, i have really lost track of my subscription, i cant get online as much anymore, i thought i replied to this already as well, will be lookin forward to the next update :weed:


Active Member
Ladies looking lovely maturesmoker ! :clap:

Btw, the hanging whistle is my lucky charm! It's an early Metropolitan Police issue whistle, belonged to a family ancestor, got his service number engraved on it. Think it dates to the 1920's !!!
Wow, thats really cool.


Active Member
Hy dude...
Very nice and stealthy grow my friend...Best of luck to you..

DAY 17 of 12/12 today.

Thank you grow space, and welcome to the thread :-)

Thanks again RPsmoke and SICC. RP, this must be the first grow for a few years that I have reverted back to light feeding and man has the overall condition improved! Not a mark in the leaf anywhere, no sign at all of distress and growth rate is good, I can't see any slowing in growth rate. And as I'm feeding less I'm also watering less with much less run off. 700ml per pot every 3rd/4th day dictated only by the weight of the pots. I'm making up 2 litre bottles, adding nutes, adjusting PH then bubbling with an air pump for 12 hours before use, they seem to love it :-)

I have also now named my three ladies after UK TV personalities! just a bit of fun, so may I introduce:

Nigella, Clarissa and Aggie :mrgreen:

Took 2 cuttings from Aggie yesterday, the 1 I did not top. Pics below.



Active Member
12 hour air bath to the nutes ? Hmmmm.... interesting. Never seen anyone do that. Wonder if this really improves that DO in the water... Sorry, thinking out loud. Cool idea though.

Do you feed with every watering ? Just curious.

So, aggie wasn't topped, eh ? Gunna see what she does or whats the plan ?

And the nigella seems to be the "big girl". They all look very nice and SUPER healthy. Nice work so far. Can't wait to see the buds. How much longer you plan to veg ?


Active Member
12 hour air bath to the nutes ? Hmmmm.... interesting. Never seen anyone do that. Wonder if this really improves that DO in the water... Sorry, thinking out loud. Cool idea though.

Do you feed with every watering ? Just curious.

So, aggie wasn't topped, eh ? Gunna see what she does or whats the plan ?

And the nigella seems to be the "big girl". They all look very nice and SUPER healthy. Nice work so far. Can't wait to see the buds. How much longer you plan to veg ?
RPsmoke, I'm at day 19 of flowering (12/12) already :-) I think of this as being a sort of 'larger scale PC case grow!

I'm currently feeding every watering BUT only at Q strength, they seem to handle it well and 'm not seeing anything to tell me I need to increase it.

This morning I have applied a little 'pinch and bend' to Aggies main top as it was blocking some light to lower flowers. A gentle but firm pressure, bent her over then tied her down :-P She sits in the cabinet much better now as you can see and it has opened up the light penetration lower down.

Few more pics today of Aggie and the cab. Fed 3ml Bio GROW today in 2 litres of PH'd water, bubbled a usual. I want to keep up the N for a little longer to keep this green condition as long as possible this grow.



Active Member
Subscribed! Thanks for the help on my thread!:grin:
Hi there bigman :-)

Thanks for looking in, glad to help, I'll have a look and see how they are doing.

DAY 20 OF 12/12 TODAY :-)

Moved my intake fan up a little higher today and its improved airflow through the cab nicely.

Some quick pics of the 3 plants under the CFL's, flowers starting to form now. Had go bend Nigella over slightly too, (yeah, I wish!!!!) ...... and I now have a good level canopy for flowering.



Well-Known Member
hi mate those are looking really good, i would say they are a tad more developed than mine even though im on day 25 of 12/12, but you havnt had the cold issues that have slowed me down:wall:.

my step sons bedroom has a large walk in closet which would be perfect! i even tried convincing her that we should swap rooms just for that reason but its to small !!! :lol: she was not impressed.

any way looking great mate keep up the excellent work.
hi everything is looking great
can i ask u what was dry weight from "Simply NORTHERN LIGHTS! 350watts CFL's." grow?cheers


Active Member
hi everything is looking great
can i ask u what was dry weight from "Simply NORTHERN LIGHTS! 350watts CFL's." grow?cheers
Hello haggis :-)

Thanks mate. That single Nirvana Northern Lights gave me a touch under 1 and a Q OZ's dried and cured. Actually that was my best CFL yield for a 2 week vegged plant and I was very happy, I would not normally expect to break that magic 1oz dry mark with my small plants. I'm still smoking my way through it now and I had a good half left curing from the previous NL grow so I got enough to last me till this harvest is dried/cured, thats ALL I look for :joint:

Nirvana Northern Lights buds.

Right then, day 21 today of flowering 12/12.

Decided to add a glass 'heat shield' below the light today, temps dropped to bang on 75, down from 82 at peak so it was worth the hassle and I can now keep the buds within just 3" of the glass with the CFL's right above them.

Pics to follow, can't seem to upload today!!


Active Member
Sounds great. Plants look super healthy. And I knew you were in 12/12, must have been too stoned during the last post. My apologies there my friend.

Glass heat shield eh ? interested to see this. Sounds like a pretty dang smart idea. I seem to keep the lights too close, too long, and always have some burn marks from plants growing into the bulbs.


Active Member
Sounds great. Plants look super healthy. And I knew you were in 12/12, must have been too stoned during the last post. My apologies there my friend.

Glass heat shield eh ? interested to see this. Sounds like a pretty dang smart idea. I seem to keep the lights too close, too long, and always have some burn marks from plants growing into the bulbs.
Hi RPsmoke :-)

I understand friend, must be the NL !!!!

The heat shield is just 2 piece of thin glass (I'll grab a pic later). Many of the CFL's are now resting on the glass and the plant tops are within 3" of the glass. I could let them touch the glass almost I think without burning. Main reason was to bring the temps down a touch by 'channeling' the heat along to the exhaust fan at top right of the box, its worked better than expected, dropped by 7 to 8 degrees :hump:

Heres the pics I took yesterday at day 21 of 12/12.

Watered fed again today, still using the 'bio bizz GROW so far, will use bloom nutes next time maybe. I also have Canna PK13/14 in reserve for around week 5/6 ish but I'm not pushing it this grow at all :-)

On the subject of grow/bloom nutes, I have been following this thread by Uncle Ben here (LINK):
The never ending abuse of Phosphorous to enhance flowering I tend to agree with this guy, so many of the problem that we see here with burnt/yellowing plants is directly a result of overfeeding and trying to push the plant along too early. Whats your take on this RPsmoke?

Also a pic of the cabinet closed up (left), pretty stealthy ?

The 2 cuttings(from Aggie) are now at day 6 from the cut.



Active Member
RPsmoke, got a couple of pics of the glass heat shield. Good close fit and very little heat escapes below the shield. Thin sheet glass can be bought cut to any size of course.

Pics not brilliant but gives an idea. The warm air is blown towards the exhaust fan and straight out :-) Could be useful tip for others growing in a tight space?

(Thread updated with new pics above ^).

