Mazari fems. 350watts CFL's


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3533264]Lookin good MS, how long are these going to flower?[/QUOTE]

Cheers del :-)

SICC, I plan to go 9 weeks but I'll see how it goes, I try to let mine go as long as possible as I'm a 'couchlock stone' man :-)

Nigella is showing some over-fert burn so I'm backing off on the feed, Aggie and Clarissa are both fine though!

DAY 31 of 12/12

Two pics just taken out of the cabinet,

I chose to take the 2 cuts from Aggie and I'm glad I chose her .... shes forming a nice compact cola and looking very strong and healthy. The clones are 15 days today and looking good.

AGGIE and babies:

Group shot:



Well-Known Member
yea im shooting for a coughlock, but i dont kno if i can even wait past the 25th haha. Plants lookin spot on as always, how tall are the lil ladies :weed:


Well-Known Member
how are your plants smelling MS? do you have any odour control?

i would love to have my ak's in the house but they smell to much!! tthe loft is smelling very strong up there now and i can imagine what my house would smell like if they werent in the loft!!!!!


Active Member
how are your plants smelling MS? do you have any odour control?

i would love to have my ak's in the house but they smell to much!! tthe loft is smelling very strong up there now and i can imagine what my house would smell like if they werent in the loft!!!!!
SICC: they're only about 14" tall, I have learned how to grow my plants the right size for my small cabinet! :-)

tamjam: You have chosen a very stinky strain in the AK's mate :-) My mazari are not so strong but very fruity smelling. I don't worry too much about odor control, they're upstairs and I keep the room door closed, thats about it! But I LOVE the smell of herb plants.... when I was growing my Kush strains the fan would kick in and the whole room would STINK it was wonderful :blsmoke: I've never used a carbon filter in 12 years but I could easily fit one to my exhaust fan. Thats something you could think about tam if you do ever bring them down, a good sealed cabinet and a can filter on the exhaust would eliminate any smell for you.



Well-Known Member
How is the smell? i kno in my cab its bigger now, but it still stanks up my room when i open it up :weed:


Active Member
Nice lookin Grow MS ,after growing with 350w CFL would you go for 250 HPS next time or are you happy with your prospective yield


Active Member
Nice lookin Grow MS ,after growing with 350w CFL would you go for 250 HPS next time or are you happy with your prospective yield
Hi luckydog, thanks for looking in here :-)

I'm happy with both yield and quality so no reason to change to HPS in this little cabinet. I did grow for many years with HPS lamps, starting with a 400 then switching up to a 600 but I had more plants under them back then. This compares well to anything I ever grew under those HPS lamps, I can honestly say that. The top buds are just 1" from the glass screen and the glass remains cool! Thats the key with CFL growing.

SICC, theyre starting to smell stronger now but its a lovely fruity odor :-)

More pics taken at DAY 36 of 12/12. Next few weeks should see them pack on some weight :-)

pics 1 & 2 show left and right sides of the cabinet.

3 & 4 are Aggie and Clarissa out of the box.




Well-Known Member
hi MS yep your plants are looking great as usual :weed:and i cant wait to see your harvest

im really going to enjoy the summer when my loft is nice and warm lol !!!!!

could you give me a little run down on what your girls are being feed please.


Active Member
DAY 39 of 12/12.

Pics: Nigella has some shriveled leaf from accidental overfeeding, so backed right off now but really spoils the look of her..... buds all OK. Aggie and Clarissa are fine, all fans still very green at almost 6 weeks flowering.




Well-Known Member
DAY 39 of 12/12.

Pics: Nigella has some shriveled leaf from accidental overfeeding, so backed right off now but really spoils the look of her..... buds all OK. Aggie and Clarissa are fine, all fans still very green at almost 6 weeks flowering.

How can anyone say that CFL's do not produce quality buds?

My compliments on the lushness:weed: of your garden MS. This is the type of grow that myself and other noobies hope to achieve someday. Can't wait to see them finished.


Well-Known Member
Yes, MS is the CFL master, I LOVE his grow :weed:

great work man, how much longer you figure till the big chop?


Active Member
How can anyone say that CFL's do not produce quality buds?

My compliments on the lushness:weed: of your garden MS. This is the type of grow that myself and other noobies hope to achieve someday. Can't wait to see them finished.
Thanks for the comments bigman :-) ..... stable genetics, decent quality soil (this is Westlands advanced organic sufficient to keep even a canna plant happy for 6 weeks without any additional nutes at all, quite easily) and plain water with stable PH.... thats all you need:-) Of course I'm adding nutes now but only at Q strength. Little is needed with a good soil. I gave 'Nigella' (the tall one) a feed straight out f my pre-mixed bottle by mistake and within 24 hours the signs of overfeeding were plain to see!I could have kicked myself :-( Shes fine now, buds all good but its an example of just how easy it is to overfeed and spoil a healthy plant!

Hows it going with your grow? Have you started again?

SICC, thanks again friend :-) Have you cut that beautiful little lady of yours yet? ..... I'll have to check the thread.

More pics in a few days time, they are starting to fill out now. We're 6 weeks 12/12 tomorrow and I plan to chop at 9 weeks :-)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, shes in the jars right noe curing :weed:

i got seed germinating for the next grow which should be planted sometime this weekend


Well-Known Member
Nice work dude! Found ur grow from SICCs party cup. Gotta watch a Mazari grow. I had one growing nout a month ago. It just sprouted, maybe 3 inches tall. My 9 week old puppy slipped in the room, i look back and hes chewed the flower off:( So I gotta see how this turns out. They look superb so far! Merry Xmas:)


Well-Known Member
Hey MS, I have started them and it is day 11. I did not want to jump the gun with a new thread yet till I am sure its all good. Of course I over watered them the first time but 2 of them have bounced back nicely and the other 2 are runt's.

I am working on a new thread and should have it started this weekend with some pic's.
