May I Ask?


Active Member
I have an old house. It has one of those strange attics. It is a nice room but not done.
I am having electric put up there in the next few months. The room has a little spare space under the eave of the roof....measures about 5x5x5....
Can this be a good grow spot??????????????


Well-Known Member
Welcome to rollitup ewew, sounds like it could be a good grow spot, depending on how you set it up, in the summer or when the weather is hot attics stay hot, you may have issues with heat..

Got any pics of this area?


Active Member
Haven't got any pics but it is just one of those cubie hole type spaces. No light, no windows, just a nice lock for the door:blsmoke:
I guess it will take a bit of work to have it decent for cold/warmth/lighting issues.