Maxsea is blowin' up....if you use in this thread.....

What's up bro im using maxsea and I'm just about to put plants outside in a week I was wondering is there any other nutrients I should use with maxsea? For yield and crystalization? Thank you.
I add a little Epsom salt during veg. Use Maxsea bloom during flowering. Good luck
Okay thanks do I just topdress with Epsom salt? That's all im.going to use is maxsea line goal is at least 1 pound a plant with 50 gallon pots with straight maxsea. .what kind of soil do you use ?
You can top dress or I throw a couple of tbls in with the maxsea. I use 50/50 OF/HF.....good luck
Have to get some more I've been experimenting with other nutes like age old and supersoil but maxsea has been the most easy to work with for me. Think I'll just add compost teas more often to keep my soil alive since I'm trying to go as organic as possible.


I feel you. Just alternate with Maxsea and compost teas. That is what I am going to do. Should keep the microbes alive and well.
I'm on the maxsea train as well. Grabbed up a tub of the 16-16-16 while I was buying soil on Monday. Everyone's maxsea plants just look so damn good.

Now I just need to get some Epsom salts or figure out if my garden lime has enough MG on its own.

Anyone care to share their feeding schedule for moving to the bloom formula?

I'm thinking ill mix the two half and half in the begining of flower for a few weeks and then slowly move to just the bloom. I can always throw in a dose of the 16-16-16 if I see a lack of nitrogen. But that's just an educated guess.

Do you guys start on half strength and move up? Do you ever use more than 1tbsp per gallon?
My plants are in 20 gallon pots I use 1 tablespoon per gallon once every two weeks when they start to flower I feed maxsea 3-20-20 1 tablespoon per gallon half a teaspoon beastie blooms 0-50-30
Hi guys.I'm new to the site .I have question about maxsea.can maxsea be used and not kill my microbes? I have spent a lot time making teas,I have used in past but would like any info you guys have . Thanks