Mature goes perpetual :-)


Active Member
good morning MS your up early this saturday morning. may the cana goddess bless your plants.
Morning JS :-) .... I'm in the Uk and its 1pm now! ...I'm having a glass of cider, first one of the day already, to celebrate seeing 4 sets of roots, I love it, like new babies!

You have a good day :-P


Well-Known Member
Morning JS :-) .... I'm in the Uk and its 1pm now! ...I'm having a glass of cider, first one of the day already, to celebrate seeing 4 sets of roots, I love it, like new babies!

You have a good day :-P
Morning MS. I am also smashing plenty of cider. Its midnight here so watching this shit chelsea man u game.


Well-Known Member
hey MS im well chuffed those cuttings rooted for you :mrgreen:

my clones are still doing well, a little bit of yellowing on the tips, as i re cut mine and used the clonex so really they are only 7 days since i done that.

your cab aint gonna look so empty soon mate it will be all green and full of buds:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3989077]damn thats crazy, you're 8 hours ahead of me[/QUOTE]

wow, 8 hours ahead? They should give us the winning lotto numbers!

kidding of course


Well-Known Member
All looks good ms, even better after a glass of silver top merrydown eh?
Non of that sweet gold crap for me!
It was scrumpy jack today as it happens, gotta love all that appley goodness :)
I'm just wondering how you plan to use the cuts. Are you popping them all at the same time?


Active Member
All looks good ms, even better after a glass of silver top merrydown eh?
Non of that sweet gold crap for me!
It was scrumpy jack today as it happens, gotta love all that appley goodness :)
I'm just wondering how you plan to use the cuts. Are you popping them all at the same time?
Happy Easter all, I'm not a religious man but we enjoy a big family get together for dinner etc and we STILL have to do the Easter egg hunt around the house...... even though our eldest girl is 21 and has a 6 month old daughter, our first grandaughter :-) We also have a 15 year old and a 9 year old (all girls in this house, even the damn dog!!) so it keeps things lively! So I got to get busy hiding the eggs and printing the clues.

But first a quick update:
Trinny the MAZAR at day 12 of 12/12. Took 2 small cuttings from her this morning to keep this pheno going, nice and short and compact.

The 4 SNOW WHITE clones are spending the days under the bigger CFL's, I put them back into the 18/6 cab in the evenings, all 4 now have strong roots and have grown a little. 'MsAngel' is the most statuesque and has grown a good inch since rooting.

V12, I plan to put the first one (or maybe 2) into flower when Trinny is 3 weeks 12/12, then second at 6 weeks etc to get this perpetual thing up and running. I will train heavily to keep everything very short and compact. Like I said, I'm motivated by 2 great threads, yours and 'DrBudGreengenes' well known 'perpetual' thread. he bangs his cuts straight into 12/12 soon as he sees they're rooted!! I'm going to give them a little longer.

Trinny had a light feed yesterday, just 1ml Bio Grow per litre, I'm using 50% perlite this time so may need to feed a little earlier.

Thanks to everyone for the comments, Rocksteady, I'm glad you didn't give me the result as I was planning to watch the highlights on Match of The Day !!! Good to know a few more cider drinkers here too :-o V12, I find Scrumpy Jack slightly dry for me, my favourite is the henry Westons Gold medal winner, I get it from sainsburys but have had it on draught a couple of times in summer and its beautiful stuff:o Merrydown and Biddendens are Sussex / kent cider makers, both good but I'd love to be able to get involved in a cider making group, I love that rough old pressed cider with all the bits floating in it! Anyway, enough about cider, here's the pics.
(Please remove large image if quoting...cheers).



Well-Known Member
Looking great MS. Those clones are tiny little things. Very cute. With regard to the perlite mix i would be careful putting too much in. I think that was responsible for my White Rhino seedlings suffering. The water runs straight through it and also offers no nutrition. The perlite also has a pH of 7 so again not ideal for soil. I used 70% perlite so way over did it but i am sure you know much more about it than me.


Active Member
Looking great MS. Those clones are tiny little things. Very cute. With regard to the perlite mix i would be careful putting too much in. I think that was responsible for my White Rhino seedlings suffering. The water runs straight through it and also offers no nutrition. The perlite also has a pH of 7 so again not ideal for soil. I used 70% perlite so way over did it but i am sure you know much more about it than me.
Hi mate,

I thought long and hard before going with the perlite ratio, I'm prepared for more regular watering infact I'm seeing this as more of a 'flood and drain' grow in that the roots will be regularly washed with nutrient solution that wont clog up around them. Theres s till 50% of the Westlands advanced organic in there though. I'm trying to get hold of some fresh chicken shit to add to the mix too off the local lady we get our eggs from :-)

I'm a big fan of hempy grows too, so many of them nowdays in 100% perlite but with the addition of the 1"bottom res, I really like that style of grow. true passive hydro.


Well-Known Member
good morning MS, hope you had a good day yesterday, we all had fun and had lovely roast lamb :bigjoint:

my clones are at 9 days now so i gave them a little tug earlier and 3 of them feels like they have rooted and one doesnt, there is quite alot of yellowing going on, i will update my thread a bit later with some pics.

gonna be busy today i have to tile the bathroom:wall:



Active Member
good morning MS, hope you had a good day yesterday, we all had fun and had lovely roast lamb :bigjoint:

my clones are at 9 days now so i gave them a little tug earlier and 3 of them feels like they have rooted and one doesnt, there is quite alot of yellowing going on, i will update my thread a bit later with some pics.

gonna be busy today i have to tile the bathroom:wall:

Hi mate,

Dont worry about a bit of yellowing on clones, sounds like your almost there :-)

UPDATE: 'Trinny' the MAZAR is at day 14 of 12/12 today. I'm happy with the shape and size of her and condition. No sign of mites at all but I let a ladybird have a crawl over her yesterday :-) (see pics) before taking it back in the garden again, great that they're around again as they are the best anti mite 'treatment' going!

The 4 SNOW WHITE clones have all been repotted and 2 of them will go into flower in a weeks time to start the 3 weekly perpetual thing. I have 2 off the short indica dominant pheno clearly and the other 2 are more slender leafed and bigger, I'm guessing the latter are from the mutant mother tamjam? All 4 are healthy specimens :-)

All the clones I move into the flowering cab during 'lights on' to get them maximum light, and they go back in the little veg box at lights off, takes just seconds and they benefit from the greater wattage :-)

One of the shorter SW's will be kept as a bonsai mum in a 6"pot for future cuttings.

These 2 pics show Trinny (Mazar) at day 14 of 12/12. (Please remove large images if quoting, cheers)




Well-Known Member
Looking great MS. I hope you didnt mind my last comment on perlite %'s. I am still learning but had a bad experience. I guess a better grower can make it work effectively. Trinny is a little nugget. Hardly like her namesake. I must say that a Thomas the Tankengine VCR is a little out of place in a grow cabinet. Too funny.


Active Member
Looking great MS. I hope you didnt mind my last comment on perlite %'s. I am still learning but had a bad experience. I guess a better grower can make it work effectively. Trinny is a little nugget. Hardly like her namesake. I must say that a Thomas the Tankengine VCR is a little out of place in a grow cabinet. Too funny.
Hi mate,

I use those old cases to raise up the smaller plants.... honestly! :-) I welcome any comments and suggestions RS and I could see the point you were making, no worries at all. Does require more frequent watering BUT I feel I have more control over the medium like this, I can water/feed freely and flush with no chance of overwatering or clogging the soil :-)


Well-Known Member
Thomas the tank engine was my favourite when i was younger :bigjoint: along side Transformers!! those were the days :-P

everything look good mate and i love the idea of the bonsai mum :leaf: you got it right, the two with the slender leaves are from the mutant.

and as im new to this and have alot of experimenting to do im gonna work with seeds all the time, i have a lot of strains i would like to try and to find the perfect smoke for me and her:-P

oh and is it nice weather up your end? its absolutly lovely here but the light breeze is still a bit chilly

cheers mate