Massachusetts rippers

Me and the wife have actually been peaking on Zillow at Macon Georgia for the last 2 years. Are house cost us 150k which was cheap when the market crashed but we can get the same size house with a bigger yard for half of that in Georgia.
I don't live that far from ATL. I live on an acre with a 4 bed/2ba house. Given my house is almost paid off, I pay a $500 a month mortgage. Where I live is considered upper class. If you do move here, just know the summer humidity is fucking brutal.
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I don't live that far from ATL. I live on an acre with a 4 bed/2ba house. Given my house is almost paid off, I pay a $500 a month mortgage. Where I live is considered upper class.
See that’s fucking nice, my plan is to be in the same boat as you shortly. Sell this house and hopefully drop like 30k cash on something in Georgia for 70k and have a 20 or 15 year mortgage on 40k , it’ll be like paying rent on a studio out here. I unfortunately got an fha in this house so I pay pmi which adds $200 to my mortgage every month.
See that’s fucking nice, my plan is to be in the same boat as you shortly. Sell this house and hopefully drop like 30k cash on something in Georgia for 70k and have a 20 or 15 year mortgage on 40k , it’ll be like paying rent on a studio out here. I unfortunately got an fha in this house so I pay pmi which adds $200 to my mortgage every month.
You better do it soon. We are rapidly becoming a swing state. Hillary and Abrams won my district. We haven't went blue since Jimmy Carter. You know how Dems like to tax. My property tax is rising at neck break speed. That kills me how liberal northerners flood this area to escape high taxes and then vote for the same shit here. People from metro ATL don't have southern accents if they are 40 or under due to the Northern exodus. While our Marijuana laws are rapidly becoming more relaxed, we still have the religious right that holds us hostage to their bullshit beliefs. Like the left has their crazies socialist like AOC, the right has their religious nuts. They are dying off very fast.
You better do it soon. We are rapidly becoming a swing state. Hillary and Abrams won my district. We haven't went blue since Jimmy Carter. You know how Dems like to tax. My property tax is rising at neck break speed. That kills me how liberal northerners flood this area to escape high taxes and then vote for the same shit here. People from metro ATL don't have southern accents if they are 40 or under due to the Northern exodus. While our Marijuana laws are rapidly becoming more relaxed, we still have the religious right that holds us hostage to their bullshit beliefs. Like the left has their crazies socialist like AOC, the right has their religious nuts. They are dying off very fast.
It’ll hopefully be within the next 18 months or so. Ya a lot of implants down in those southern states. Ya AOC is a crazy bitch, but for some odd reason she’s pushing the legalization of mushrooms, doesn’t fit her character. But it’s definitely interesting.
It’ll hopefully be within the next 18 months or so. Ya a lot of implants down in those southern states. Ya AOC is a crazy bitch, but for some odd reason she’s pushing the legalization of mushrooms, doesn’t fit her character. But it’s definitely interesting.

Growing shrooms is legal as long as they aren't taken off premises
Growing shrooms is legal as long as they aren't taken off premises
I thought they were only legal in Denver and Oakland. I thought growing them anywhere else was manufacturing or even possession of them was a felony cause there considered a schedule 1 narcotic. I could be wrong though, I’ll have to do a quick google search.
Iam actually from Rhode Island but bought a house out in mass 5 years ago. It has its pros and cons, property tax atleast in Bristol county is 10x cheaper than anywhere in RI. But the property laws are lax. Even simple things like someone’s trees falling over causing damage in your yard is on you. They fall under an act of god law unless you can prove the tree was in bad shape prior and they did nothing to solve the issue. Out where Iam at, the mayor has like 15 federal charges against him. Half the police department is suspended for writing false police reports. Lol why the fuck did I move to Mass.

this is all 100% true about Mass .. and if the allegations against the Fall River mayor are true he's the most corrupt politician I've ever heard of ... it's unreal
I think the best long term solution to rippers is to get the price of weed down to the point it isn't worth stealing.

No one is going around ripping tomatoes, after all.

So show up and bitch at legislators who are constantly adding regulations and requirements and tell them to quit making it expensive to grow. It would help out medical patients, too- indeed, I've met very few cancer patients who can afford to pay $10/gram for their meds.
I think the best long term solution to rippers is to get the price of weed down to the point it isn't worth stealing.

No one is going around ripping tomatoes, after all.

So show up and bitch at legislators who are constantly adding regulations and requirements and tell them to quit making it expensive to grow. It would help out medical patients, too- indeed, I've met very few cancer patients who can afford to pay $10/gram for their meds.
I agree it is way overpriced at the dispensary for not all that great of weed. How did Oregon get it down so cheap?
I also agree with above. The dispensaries here are ridiculous. I remember going to Oregon/Washington a couple years ago and it was DIRT cheap. As in less the $5 a gram with tax for some of it. And wasn’t bad stuff either. The also have small mom and pop places everywhere so it’s good competition. There was something like a half dozen dispensaries in one small stretch of road somewhere. Here in mass they know everyone in New England only has like 4 to chose from. It’s almost a monopoly here there’s only a small select few making money off the industry. Like said above, get prices down and no one will care to steal it.
I also agree with above. The dispensaries here are ridiculous. I remember going to Oregon/Washington a couple years ago and it was DIRT cheap. As in less the $5 a gram with tax for some of it. And wasn’t bad stuff either. The also have small mom and pop places everywhere so it’s good competition. There was something like a half dozen dispensaries in one small stretch of road somewhere. Here in mass they know everyone in New England only has like 4 to chose from. It’s almost a monopoly here there’s only a small select few making money off the industry. Like said above, get prices down and no one will care to steal it.
Ya it’s super cheap for some dank in Oregon. Only reason I know that is they post prices almost daily over on Reddit and I almost shit myself when I seen them. And your right, there a shit ton of dispensaries in Massachusetts but not a lot with the recreational license, it’s like the state is purposely dragging there feet on handing them out. I know in Fall River we have like 9 of them.
it's all supply and demand ... In the early states production went nuts after legalization, and they ended up with more supply than they could sell ... and prices fell just to move the stuff. Massachusetts is still in the early stages ...and if the people in the industry have learned anything from what happened out west... they'll keep supply in check with demand to protect the prices ... but that won't happen, it's always fueled by greed and competition .. as more and more retail locations pop up, the dick measuring contest will begin, and the market will be saturated with shit, premature weed within a couple years.

What could really help the entire market is if the state heavily promotes the craft production and distribution operations.... for example, small operations that place an emphasis on the highest quality possible in small batches without the million dollar entry fee. An alternative to the large corporate schwag will help the industry as a whole.
I also agree with above. The dispensaries here are ridiculous. I remember going to Oregon/Washington a couple years ago and it was DIRT cheap. As in less the $5 a gram with tax for some of it. And wasn’t bad stuff either. The also have small mom and pop places everywhere so it’s good competition. There was something like a half dozen dispensaries in one small stretch of road somewhere. Here in mass they know everyone in New England only has like 4 to chose from. It’s almost a monopoly here there’s only a small select few making money off the industry. Like said above, get prices down and no one will care to steal it.
Monopolies running the 'legal' weed business.

No corruption THERE, eh? LMAO
Ya it’s super cheap for some dank in Oregon. Only reason I know that is they post prices almost daily over on Reddit and I almost shit myself when I seen them. And your right, there a shit ton of dispensaries in Massachusetts but not a lot with the recreational license, it’s like the state is purposely dragging there feet on handing them out. I know in Fall River we have like 9 of them.
Oh but they're a better class of criminal! They do it all legal like! Legal for THEM, not for YOU.
it's all supply and demand ... In the early states production went nuts after legalization, and they ended up with more supply than they could sell ... and prices fell just to move the stuff. Massachusetts is still in the early stages ...and if the people in the industry have learned anything from what happened out west... they'll keep supply in check with demand to protect the prices ... but that won't happen, it's always fueled by greed and competition .. as more and more retail locations pop up, the dick measuring contest will begin, and the market will be saturated with shit, premature weed within a couple years.

What could really help the entire market is if the state heavily promotes the craft production and distribution operations.... for example, small operations that place an emphasis on the highest quality possible in small batches without the million dollar entry fee. An alternative to the large corporate schwag will help the industry as a whole.
You've got it exactly backwards.