Massachusetts rippers

I wish that was the case here. In mass someone could break in your house and then you beat them with a baseball bat. Chances are you’ll get charged. Whether the charge will stick who knows. But then they can go after you in civil court as well for injuries. Again who knows how far it’ll get but you’ll still be out a ton in lawyers fees. It’s fucked up.
I'm surprised burglars don't have their own worker's union in Mass.
I'm surprised burglars don't have their own worker's union in Mass.
Lol they basically do, and if you the taxpayer does anything then your the douchebag. Shit were Iam in Mass they tried to stop the panhandling, ACLU got involved like the Gestapo. If a junkie thief breaks in your house they expect you to make them a sandwich and send them on their way.
Lol they basically do, and if you the taxpayer does anything then your the douchebag. Shit were Iam in Mass they tried to stop the panhandling, ACLU got involved like the Gestapo. If a junkie thief breaks in your house they expect you to make them a sandwich and send them on their way.
Damn! Here in the south if you aerate some methed out burglar, they almost give you a medal. It's so different than up north. Those pukes get no sympathy.
Damn! Here in the south if you aerate some methed out burglar, they almost give you a medal. It's so different than up north. Those pukes get no sympathy.
Ya we don’t have the best people running this state or making laws. Shit we have Warren (Pocahontas) and a bunch of other liberals. It pays to not work in Mass,the taxpayers will cover everything. Food stamp, mass health and section 8 up the ying. Shit they have nicer cars and cellphones than I have ☹️
A lot of meth users I know are disqualified from food stamps and government aid because of previous drug related felonies. Is it the same in Mass.?
A lot of meth users I know are disqualified from food stamps and government aid because of previous drug related felonies. Is it the same in Mass.?
Unfortunately it isn’t, everyone from drug dealers to sex offenders can get both food stamps and mass health. The worst part is they sell the stamps for drugs. So essentially your supporting their habit as well.
Unfortunately it isn’t, everyone from drug dealers to sex offenders can get both food stamps and mass health. The worst part is they sell the stamps for drugs. So essentially your supporting their habit as well.
Isn't Mass Health the birth child of Mitt Romney and later Obama's Affordable Care Act?
I should probably add that I’m not against government aid, there are people who use it correctly to get on their feet, support their kids, and even get college educations and a career out of it.
Well you'd be fucked in Georgia. Government assistance is bare minimum and mass transit is almost none existent. The trade off is low taxes and affordable housing.
Isn't Mass Health the birth child of Mitt Romney and later Obama's Affordable Care Act?
That’s a good question, Romney definitely might of had something to do with it I’m not sure. Obama didn’t have anything initially to do with it, but when he came up with the affordable care act, they did change the criteria for getting on it. Basically anyone and everyone.
That’s a good question, Romney definitely might of had something to do with it I’m not sure. Obama didn’t have anything initially to do with it, but when he came up with the affordable care act, they did change the criteria for getting on it. Basically anyone and everyone.
No, I mean Affordable Care Act was modeled after Mass Health.
Well you'd be fucked in Georgia. Government assistance is bare minimum and mass transit is almost none existent. The trade off is low taxes and affordable housing.
I know South Carolina is similar. My exes sister lives down there and she gets some food stamps and health insurance for the kids only. Plus the minimum wage in Mass is almost double that of South Carolina.
No, I mean Affordable Care Act was modeled after Mass Health.
Not sure Mass health is completely free. They charge a small fee for prescription that you can just have waived indefinitely. My parents do the Obama thing , they have a cheap plan with a high deductible and they still pay about $160 a month a piece.
I know South Carolina is similar. My exes sister lives down there and she gets some food stamps and health insurance for the kids only. Plus the minimum wage in Mass is almost double that of South Carolina.
Yeah but the cost of living is cheaper. South Carolina is cheaper than Georgia.
Yeah but the cost of living is cheaper. South Carolina is cheaper than Georgia.
Me and the wife have actually been peaking on Zillow at Macon Georgia for the last 2 years. Are house cost us 150k which was cheap when the market crashed but we can get the same size house with a bigger yard for half of that in Georgia.