Massachusetts outdoor strain help please?!?!


Well-Known Member
Hey folks hope all is well. I’m looking for some strains to grow outdoors in Massachusetts that are exotic. So I want some indica leaning hybrids with great bag appeal and decent yields but I’m 100% open to suggestions. Every year so far I’ve had some issues with my outdoor. This year I grew grandpas stash multi pack from ethos . Most of them hermied and also had bud rot issues. Even when I hit them with leaf blower after rain storms. Also had PM on some as well. A friend suggested trying to find a outdoor strain that grows well in Hawaii because if it can grow there it will grow well in Massachusetts. Yea so I’m really looking for something with the insane bag appeal. If it doesn’t have insane yields that’s ok. Thanks for your time everyone
Dragon flame genetics is a breeder who recently just moved back to Oregon I believe from Hawaii. I believe his Dragons Stash strain was among his most mold resistant. As a mass grower as well I'm convinced that to truly get a strain that'll be consistently mold resistant, you'll need to start with something with strong genetics and then acclimatize the strain to your specific climate over successive generations.
Dragon flame genetics is a breeder who recently just moved back to Oregon I believe from Hawaii. I believe his Dragons Stash strain was among his most mold resistant. As a mass grower as well I'm convinced that to truly get a strain that'll be consistently mold resistant, you'll need to start with something with strong genetics and then acclimatize the strain to your specific climate over successive generations.
It’s funny another Massachusetts guy recommended dragon flames genetics also. I will have to message them and have a chat
I'm in ma too. Im almost always dealing with powdery mildew and bud rot. This year out of 4 strains one had no issues with either. Og Kush by DNA was amazing, no problems.
I had mob do pretty well as well as c99 outdoors here. The slymer s1 i grew from bob bitchen did great too! Good luck
The "new" C99 from Brothers Grimm does very well in CT . Personal experience . Disclaimer is that Southern NE weather is very conducive to bud rot , you're pretty much gonna get some if you go full term .
This is true. this was our best year in the last 10 for lack of rot and p.m. --The good side of the drought,
The bad side.--Ended up buying a 275 gal water cube and strapping it down in my p.u.
100 yrds of cheap Walmart hose and parking uphill took care of the rest.
Ended up being a pretty good year.
Biddy early, serious 6 , Freeze land, sweet afghani delicious that's all I run outdoors the sad I keep in 5-gallon pots and bring in when it rains. there's not a lot you're going to run outside that good not here in ma.
Always hard to say how the weather will be and when it'll turn cooler and damper, but Copa Genetics (out of Maine) has a few things that finish on the early end (I think his Project 25 shares a parent with Mimosa). There's only so much a person can do when it's really wet, but BT and EM1 seem to keep mold and rot somewhat under control.
Always hard to say how the weather will be and when it'll turn cooler and damper, but Copa Genetics (out of Maine) has a few things that finish on the early end (I think his Project 25 shares a parent with Mimosa). There's only so much a person can do when it's really wet, but BT and EM1 seem to keep mold and rot somewhat under control.
This summer wasn't that bad for me, what with there not being much rain, but last summer was the pits. I'm fully expecting next summer may be a shitty one but here's to hoping. I imagine a high tunnel will be in my future before too long.
The best thing to do is find a local ole school grower that has been growing the same strain in that climate for decades and those will probably be the best bet but hard to find those ole school growers that will share their genetics. Also for those thinking of a hoop house it’s not a cure for these issues it will enhance those issues if the right steps are taken.
temps are the hardest thing to control in a hoop house unless you heat it.
Also bugs are a big issue in hoop houses. So what I did with mine is put an additional layer of plastic over it that goes out like an A frame then cut windows in the inner layer so air would flow through it and then screened off all openings and still had issues.
My suggestion is if you’re going to build or buy a hoop house or greenhouse I would do some research on light depervation so you can finish before the rain season.
I’m in upstate NY and we have same issues here
Warm days and cool nights with high humidity come harvest season so it’s a battle.
Veg is easy it’s finishing that’s hard.