Right now i use ocean forest and botanicares chemicals. I am thinking about trying the super soil and their potting soil. Has anyone used this before? Can i use my chemicals with it?
Hi There,Right now i use ocean forest and botanicares chemicals. I am thinking about trying the super soil and their potting soil. Has anyone used this before? Can i use my chemicals with it?
guess not huh? Well go ahead be a MASS WHOLE and tell us if it has bugs....any good start up company would be scanning these blogs and putting in fake they are either HONEST,LAZY or STUPID.
Check out the complaint on them at RIPOFF start a soil company you should have someone with a degree in agriculture of sorts.
Thanks for being blunt. I was not aware that the forums were still this active, but rest assure that there are plenty of folks using the products or surely we would not make them in volume. We are from a previous generation not so present on the interweb. We do not do fake reviews, never have. Sad that this would be the standard. We used to scan the boards here and there, but just happened to come across this one today. We just focus on making great soil and the rest came on its own. We starting mixing based on demand, it was not our idea to start a company, that came from growers around Mass and Maine.
The complaint on rip off report is unfortunate, because it is not accurate and undermines the work and investment of so many to move this industry forward, especially locally where we operate. A number of other growers received the same soil from the same raw ingredients at the same time as the grower that posted and were contacted with no issues reported, great results. All raw ingredients were tested with no issues. The grower, as we all know is managing many different variables and this was far from his first load of soil from us, the same soil each time. The grower did not want to bring back any soil for testing and proceeded to smear us on the internet as can be done these days, posting negative specs on our products that are not even attainable using ingredients we use. It does not make it true, reflective or reasonable.
I am the owner, and formulator of the soils. They have been in use for about 6 years with great results and constant expansion. I do have a strong background and degrees in agriculture, biometrics and plant science....I would be glad to discuss any of these topics in detail or at length. This development process has been going on for us longer than the poster on Rip off report has been alive. There have been endless trials and experiments to get us where we are today. This took far more skill and focus than posting a bad review because something was not done right in the garden.
We solve people's soil problems, we do not create them. If you would like a sample, feel free to reach out to us via traditional means.
Thanks!!Well I tried was awesome! Just as good as any Coast O Maine, FFOF and the like...sorry for being such a masshole ...the key is making sure any bagged soil is stored indoors throughout it's journey so it does not pick up any outside hitch hikers.
I just visited your website. I see you have different bags and now I'm a little more confused. Obviously I'm going to buy your seedling bag...that answers that question. When I transplant, after the 2nd or 3rd node grows, I'll transplant into the second level bag? If that's right, do I transplant again into the supersoil? I'm hoping for a Soil that requires no, or little, topdressing. Thanks again