I started wondering where
@twostrokenut visits to get his weird ideas. Such as "Nazis were Marxists"
Of course nothing showed up in any sites that were based in factual history. But, yeah, some real kneejerks are writing about this.
Like this guy, Bruce Walker who wrote:
The Nazis Were Marxists
The Nazis were Marxists, no matter what our tainted academia and corrupt media wishes us to believe. Nazis, Bolsheviks, the Ku Klux Klan, Maoists, radical Islam and Facists -- all are on the Left, something that should be increasingly apparent to decent, honorable people in our times. The Big Lie which places Nazis on some mythical Far Right was created specifically so that there would be a bogeyman manacled on the wrists of those who wish us to move "too far" in the direction of Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/11/the_nazis_were_maxists.html#ixzz4rB1UUpWg
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"Listen to me, I'm the only one who knows, no matter what every single informed person on the planet says, Nazis, Bolsheviks, KKK, Maoists, ISIS and Fascists are all the same left wing conspiracy to shackle heroic right wing leaders"
Yep, we should take two stroke more seriously. After all, Bruce Walker told us to.
Also the bedrock of conservative libertarian thought guides, the Mises Institute published this article:
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Nevertheless, apart from Mises and his readers, practically no one thinks of Nazi Germany as a socialist state. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed.
The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.
Not recommending anybody read the articles I posted links to. They are pretty much very long circular logic that starts with the false claim and ends up back there without any real substance to the article. The Mises claim was because Nazis instituted wage and price controls they were socialist/communist. Also factories were at the beck and call of Nazis during the war. Therefore Communist.
Government control = Communism. End of story.
Never mind that Nazi Germany was a totalitarian government dominated by an all powerful dictator and workers had no shared ownership whatsoever nor did they gain from war time profits made from their production.
As far as Mises ideology goes, this small section in their "who we are" sub-site says everything I need to know about right wing libertarians:
in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. These great thinkers developed praxeology, a deductive science of human action based on premises known with certainty to be true, and this is what we teach and advocate. Our scholarly work is founded in Misesian praxeology, and in self-conscious opposition to the mathematical modeling and hypothesis-testing that has created so much confusion in neoclassical economics.
In other words, "we establish a set of unproven axioms and our entire libertarian ideology rests on that. We despise science and math."
And so, as Bruce Walker said, "we believe Nazis are Communists" We believe this because our doctrine says it.
Love it. Thanks two stroke for helping me better understand why I so thoroughly reject what you say.