Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Well-Known Member
Psycho people.

I'm no fan of racism. The way to stop it is to show better alternatives; meeting hate with hate is worse than ineffective.

I wonder how long it will take buckaroo banzai to figure that out?
what was hateful about me screenshotting this gentleman's facebook comments to his employer so that they were fully informed about their employee?

do you think maybe the hateful thing was the vile racism he was displaying while advertising who he worked for?


Well-Known Member
why are you crying
The idea behind protecting speech exists to protect the speech you disagree with the most

It exists so that people can freely express their ideas in a free and open society, as harmful as you may believe them to be

It exists so that we can then freely and openly criticize said beliefs and decide what is best for society without the threat of persecution for voicing them

Obstruction of the right to free speech is an assault on democracy itself


Well-Known Member
It must really bruise your ego that a couple of Clinton supporters have spine enough to oppose fascism and racism when you don't.
A perfect example of a lie that proves the truth of everything you didn't quote from his comment.

Cheap shots don't win wars. Pad and I are trying to find solutions and build coalitions of people who feel as we do.

You just apply the tactics of those you say you dislike most while building nothing.
No respect for you!


Well-Known Member
A perfect example of a lie that proves the truth of everything you didn't quote from his comment.

Cheap shots don't win wars. Pad and I are trying to find solutions and build coalitions of people who feel as we do.

You just apply the tactics of those you say you dislike most while building nothing.
No respect for you!
You seem upset. Well you don't seem upset that a fascist regime controls the entire gov't, but you seem upset about me rough talking you.


Well-Known Member
what part of calling people "faggots" and "jew rats" and saying black people have a "herd like mentality" and comparing black people to primates is the solution and coalition building part?
And WTF have you done to build anything resembling a solution here?

You're Mr flame war himself.

Go burn someone else.


Well-Known Member
And WTF have you done to build anything resembling a solution here?

You're Mr flame war himself.

Go burn someone else.
Coming from the guy who gets butthurt and has a meltdown of insults over someone not worshipping Saint Bernard...

You opened this can of worms Mr make peace with fascists.


Well-Known Member
And WTF have you done to build anything resembling a solution here?
besides the hundreds of hours i spent volunteering in person for hillary clinton while you sat online calling her "shillary" and spreading conspiracy theory rumors about her?

not much i suppose.


Well-Known Member
You are very clearly aligned with Buck and Fogdog, both adamant Clinton supporters

I have been opposing fascists. You've purposely misconstrued what St0wandgr0w said to again, suit your own narrative. He said, and I've seen him emphasize, bold, quote, etc. each time, just to make it clear, that in a political sense, a Trump administration is good for the Democratic party. This is an example of how your side chooses to engage our side dishonestly and disingenuously. We know you know what we're actually saying, we know you choose to ignore the content of what's being said because you can't honestly argue against it. So instead, you choose to argue against the strawman you create, just like conservatives do.
Did you like how he quoted just one piece of this comment and then lied about the rest?

It's easier to destroy than build. They don't seem to have a taste for doing anything productive.


Well-Known Member
besides the hundreds of hours i spent volunteering in person for hillary clinton while you sat online calling her "shillary" and spreading conspiracy theory rumors about her?

not much i suppose.
I wish I could agree that such effort was contributing to a solution.

I respect the effort, just not the direction.
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