Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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This is an old clip, from 2011, but he says something that's even more true today; we aren't getting out of this mess until we fix 'too big to fail';
@Padawanbater2 this thread is for videos that dig deeper into the problems facing our political and economic systems. I feel strongly that only by better understanding our problems can we choose and then advocate for solutions that will actually work.

Please feel free to contribute here in the same spirit. Too many here are stuck on sniping at each other, which ultimately solves nothing and in fact perpetuates the status quo.
Political Economics from Fortune Magazine;

Both parties have discovered that their own political machines make more money courting donor cash than actually campaigning. In other words, both party pols and apparatchiks know where their paychecks are coming from and are acting accordingly- and shifting their positions to suit.

There is a small but growing number of candidates who are running on the no corporate or SuperPAC money platform. Some might think this is a loser's game but others see it as a pledge of integrity.

The Democratic Party has been studiously ignoring candidates running on a Progressive platform through the special election process. To me, this proves their unwillingness to support anyone who does not toe the corporatist party line.
I've been saying this for quite some time now, and it's one of those instances where I wish I wasn't right. It's time to face the truth:

Democrats would rather lose to Republicans than allow progressive voters and candidates to have any say in how the party is run or what it should stand for. They can't share power or acknowledge the working class, at all, ever.

Because, thanks to Citizens United, that's now their job and they're getting paid very well to do it. They aren't being paid to WIN, they're being paid to keep the workers from being represented.

Want proof? Look at how little the party spent on Democratic candidates in the recent special elections. They were outspent by as much as ten to one, even while the candidates themselves were getting traction with the voters, ON THE ISSUES.

But as far in the tank as they are, Democrats don't seem to want to put up any kind of a fight anywhere in the country if there's a progressive candidate. We'll see what happens as Progressive candidates start to primary Democrats in 2018. My bet is that we'll see the same shit that was pulled against Bernie's campaign rolled out all across the country.

They aren't interested in winning elections, they're only interested in protecting their left flank. From workers. From people they used to represent from as far back as FDR. Shit, the Democratic Party has been a party to the dismantling of the New Deal for 25 years now!

That's how we're living in the only country without universal health care. That's how we're living in a country where working full time at minimum wage will leave the worker homeless in most places in the country.

Because Democrats have become Republican Lite, which isn't a choice. It's a sellout.
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You're Republican Lite.

Prove your assertion. I have already provided a great deal of evidence for mine.

Admit it; you're out of ideas. Bankrupt. So the best you can manage is shitposting in defense of a party that's turned it's back on the very voters it swears to represent.

I'm not naive; you're a sellout.
What are some instances where you think Democrats betrayed the lower and middle class for the interests of big donors?
What are some instances where you think Democrats betrayed the lower and middle class for the interests of big donors?
Healthcare, bank bailouts, letting homeowners twist in the wind, an utter failure to reform taxes for the benefit of the working class, a complete lack of any acknowledgement of extreme income and wealth inequality, the national shame of the current minimum wage...

Shall I continue?
Healthcare, bank bailouts, letting homeowners twist in the wind, an utter failure to reform taxes for the benefit of the working class, a complete lack of any acknowledgement of extreme income and wealth inequality, the national shame of the current minimum wage...

Shall I continue?
Naive and clueless.
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