Marijuana use and child conception


Whenever you see this ANYWHERE, and you have the instinct to read further...Do everyone a favor and shoot yourself in the fucking head. You don't deserve to be procreating in the first place.
your the one with the ugly baby
a 2 year old fox news "report".....It's insulting to OP that you would think he hasn't already waded through all the garbage links and fox news shitcunted bullshit stories you decided to blast allover his pregnancy thread.
Marijuana during pregnancy
Update ~ Dreher’s research has hit mainstream media. . An excerpt 3.20.2012:

Melanie Dreher, who is the dean of nursing at Rush Medical Center in Chicago, did a study in Jamaica. It was actually published in the American Journal of Pediatricsin 1994, but now it’s re-circulating because of all the interest in the neuroprotective properties.

Basically, she studied women during their entire pregnancy, and then studied the babies about a year after birth. And what she studied was a group of women who did smoke cannabis during pregnancy and those who didn’t. She expected to see a difference in the babies as far as birth weight and neuro tests, but there was no difference whatsoever. The differences that the researchers did notice, that are unexplained and kind of curious are that the babies of the women who had smoked cannabis — and we’re talking about daily use during their pregnancy — socialized more quickly, made eye contact more quickly and were easier to engage.

We don’t know why this is so, but all the old saws of smoking during pregnancy will result in low birth weight did not show up — at least in the Jamaican study. In U.S. studies where we’ve seen a similar investigation, women have concurrently been abusing alcohol and other drugs as well.
No signs of birth defects
A landmark study conducted in the 1990s by medical anthropologist Dr. Dreher, (co-author of the book Women and Cannabis: Medicine, Science, and Sociology), gave the medical world a different insight into the use of marijuana by pregnant women in Jamaica. Dreher found that marijuana was being used in a cultural and medical context, as a way to relieve morning sickness or nausea, prevent depression and fatigue, and improve appetites. Her team observed both the mothers who used marijuana and their infants; they reported that there were no signs of birth defects or of behavioral problems in the marijuana-exposed children either during the month after birth or even several years after.
This is what I was talking about! Thanks
I've seen kids go both ways over the years.
Mom or Dad had their perks and some kids were smart and others were "special".
Depends on many factors though I wouldn't blame pot exclusively.
My wife and I tried for 18 months, I have smoked since I was a teenager, I have the odd break (like once a year for a couple of weeks). My wife was on the pill pretty much her whole life but it happened in the end. It's a numbers game by all accounts. Never once did my wife ask me to stop MJ....although she did insist 10 year ago that I stop smoking cigarettes, best thing I ever done! Good luck to the OP.
Peace and much luck to the strongest swimmer!
No worries, I am pretty thick skinned and nothing posted on RIU bothers me. I have told her to relax, but I think it's just in her nature to worry and freak out about things. We will just keep on trying.
No worries, I am pretty thick skinned and nothing posted on RIU bothers me. I have told her to relax, but I think it's just in her nature to worry and freak out about things. We will just keep on trying.
Just tell her "Trust me, Chews kids are geniuses" she should understand!
When I was at 18 months of trying, I was thinking, shit I'm a satsuma! It's worth it though and, I am sure more time trying would have been as well...but when you find out, you spend the next 9 months high fiving yourself:)