marijuana laced


Well-Known Member
thank god someone has thought this i dont have to type all of that...........DITTO!

This is very true, although always an off chance your dealer got mixed up... but doubtful... unless he is a meth head lol. You said you were extroardinarily high, are you sure this just wasnt a strongly sativa strain?


Active Member
sounds like those dirty hippies plyed you for a fuckin fool... weed cant be laced with LSD because the chmicals wll be distroyed during the fire... i bet they just wanted to see how fuced up ud act jut because they knew you thought u could get away with it becaus eu tought u weretrippn.... hahahahaa they were probibley lauhing there asses off at you all night
The hippies where not to smart to try something like that. I am sure they where told when they bought a bag it was laced and passed on that information to me. From what i remember they stayed up stairs all night while i fucked one of there girls downstairs. Yum... dirty hippie girls :mrgreen:

I grow nugs

Active Member
and im guessing u thought u were trippin the whole time right and no if they were indeed hippies they 100% would have know laced weed+lsd doesnt work they were laughin at you the whole time.... and dont talk shit about hippies just cuz there happier than you and they played a dirty trick on you

The hippies where not to smart to try something like that. I am sure they where told when they bought a bag it was laced and passed on that information to me. From what i remember they stayed up stairs all night while i fucked one of there girls downstairs. Yum... dirty hippie girls :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol it wasnt meth it was prolly some sort of crack or something..i just felt out of it like zoning out..extreme high but i had signs of coke or crack

I grow nugs

Active Member
shaking hads arent exactly signs of coke.... if u were outside this time of year u were probibly shivering... u see goin outside while high when its cold intinsifies ur sinces so ur body thought it was pretty cold... as for the dialated pupils... well duh most grade a weed will do that (plus it was dark out, duh) as for feelin really high sounds like u just had some good weed for he first time.... simple as that dealers dont lace weed and theynever did... the people that lace it are the buyers that wanna do it to themselves... stop freakin out just cuz u wer blazed


Well-Known Member
yo im blazed alot..first of all i was inside and it was around 60 degrees i wasnt shivering..secondly i had a light on above a mirror and waited to see if they would dilate..which they not a clown in kno when im high and when somethings different

I grow nugs

Active Member
didnt u say u wer outside? i blieve ya did... and ifthey dialated under a light then tht woul just go go to show u wernt on anthing


Well-Known Member
You just got a whitey from a sativa is all. Your shit wasn't laced.


yeah im with this guy, or the possibility that it was sprayed.

Laced with coke is quite nice but the half life on the high is short, just a few minutes, and there is a sensation and taste in your mouth and throat, since coke numbs. It feels like a fizzling, and has a distinct sweet taste, like an after taste of sugar almost, although the taste is very mild. Plus not economical, i think i payed $100 for an 1/8th with a gram. But I also live in a place where hydro is few and far between and ditch weed rains. So anything hydro gets expensiver. Which sucks because i grew up somewhere that i never once had seeded weed until i moved out of state. Now it's all there is:(