Marijuana Is In, Tobacco Is the Netherlands


Well-Known Member
Starting July 1, marijuana will be the only leaf that can be smoked in public places in the Netherlands. Europe

Now I agree smoking bans are bogus but....

Myself I would never roll tobacco in my joints.... :spew:Thats just crazy:o

Is there really that many people who roll tobacco up with their joints?

Let alone so many that this ban would put smoke shops out of buisness?:confused:

Does anyone on RIU roll tobaccy up with your wacky tobaccy?


Well-Known Member
I heard that but I just can't seeing anyone doing it.

Plus I was wondering if anyone on here smoked theirs Joints like this.


Well-Known Member
Hell no, if only more places were like this we'd be a much happier world! Tobacco has no added benefit of being added to ganja... if you can name one, go for it, but don't say it burns better... my joints burn perfectly.


Well-Known Member
Tobacco has no added benefit of being added to ganja... if you can name one, go for it, but don't say it burns better... my joints burn perfectly.

That's what I'm thinking.....

"Hey this joint has something missisng... I know... The poisonous additives they add to tobacco.... ahh that's better:mrgreen:" :spew:



Well-Known Member
Somehow I don't think you would want to roll the stuff we get here as a puree. Might be alright for you lot, with your mild weed :p

I personally smoke joints with rolling tobacco.... helps with the burn (sorry Socata), nice and even. I smoke roll ups (probably 2 or 3 a day) to tide me through to the evening where I have a joint, so its not a big deal to me.

I think another reason why is because us Europeans smoke joints like most smoke cigs... & to have a puree each time, regardless of the potency, is not too much of a good idea.... especially when you're at work :lol:
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Well-Known Member
are you implying that you alls weed is better than the US

sooner or later you will realize your weed is slowly losing its edge.


Well-Known Member
So THAT'S why my friend quit smoking! BWAA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA!!!!! Man O man am I gonna give that girl some SHIT! :lol: And here she made it seem as though she just did it all on her own. :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol well shit we all know our beer and alcohol is water downed compared to overseas...

when it comes to green....i think North America has it on lock!


Well-Known Member
I am indeed :lol:

Never.... if anything, its getting stronger. Which I'm game for :p

The last American I gave skunk to phoned me up thinking he was going to die :lol:

Cali is the mecca of green.

you once were the masters of the greenery...but Cali and Canada has taken over....


Well-Known Member
another reason why is because us Europeans smoke joints like most smoke cigs... & to have a puree each time, regardless of the potency, is not too much of a good idea.... especially when you're at work :lol:

Now I can understand that....

Not wanting to get to high before going back to work.


It might even be a good way to smoke on the job....;-)


Well-Known Member
On my visit to Amsterdam last summer, I came to realize why people call lighting a cigarette off the almost spent butt of another "dutch fucking".

I hate to generalize, but it seemed like I saw a lot more people smoking tobacco rather than not.


Well-Known Member
Now I can understand that....

Not wanting to get to high before going back to work.


It might even be a good way to smoke on the job....;-)
I used to dismantle tailor made fags of their tobacco, then replace with 80% skunk & 20% tobacco. That way, I could have a crafty smoke whilst it looks like i'm smoking a normal cig. More often than not I would roll the filter out of the casing & replace with a roach. :D

Mental note: Must start work on an odorless strain. Although people didn't see the joint, they sure as hell could smell it :lol:


Well-Known Member
I used to dismantle tailor made fags of their tobacco, then replace with 80% skunk & 20% tobacco. That way, I could have a crafty smoke whilst it looks like i'm smoking a normal cig. More often than not I would roll the filter out of the casing & replace with a roach. :D

Mental note: Must start work on an odorless strain. Although people didn't see the joint, they sure as hell could smell it :lol:
I'll probably end up trying this sooner or later if the situation calls for it...

Hopefully I quit smoking cigs soon though so I don't have too...(Trying to slowly quit for a few months...but not really:roll:)

Mental note: when I first read "I used to dismantle tailor made fags" My mind went straight to a picture of you dismembering Homosexuals:twisted:...

haha:mrgreen: Oh you gotta love cultural differences


Well-Known Member
haha:mrgreen: Oh you gotta love cultural differences
You know what the funniest thing about the whole UK/USA language thing is?

The fact that 99% of English people know what 'diaper/sidewalk/trash/fanny pack' is... yet 99% of Americans don't know what 'nappy/pavement/rubbish/bum bag' is



Well-Known Member
Nappy is not a diaper. That's all I have to say. And who the fuck calls it a bum bag? That sounds like an insult.