Marijuana grow myths

lol.. I think I may have bumped into this cat once. And yeah he mentioned something about trolling when I had heard he was growing in RICE & asked him about it. lol He kinda reminds me of Shaggy off Scooby Doo. lol
seriously dankster?? look around in the grow journal section, he has probably about, idk, 3 or 4 gj's that he has started and never finished one.. one of them he was going to feed his plants rc's to see what effect that they had.. another one he was feeding the plants milk, you know, to grow that dank dank, his words, not ours..
if you're ever in the mood for a chuckle, read some of his threads.. he freaks on anyone offering him advice and tells them they're all trolling him, as if..
Naw, its real deal man. I recall my Dad doing that shit back in the day. lol I was like WTF you doing? HE said sit down, shut up, I know what I am doing. lol So I didn't say nothing, and sit,watched, & learned. :) He would shove a 16 p nail right at the base of each plant and tape it up with electric tape. A week or so later he would peel it off & there would be a huge not formed where the nail was. I would say the iron & or zinc & other elements in the nails would actually be good for a plant. At least you would think so. lol
This is great lol. I'm happy I didn't jump boat and try some of these. And some people seriously put a nail through the stem ? Lol wut? I couldn't tell if it was legit or sarcasm was off the scales
cover their eyes. This is an adult forum. lol or make um turn their heads. ;) all in fun.. never hurts to joke around from time to time.
Your nasty.... Please Sir, lets try to keep it clean here. I have my children reading over my shoulders from time to time.
I am ashamed by your character, specially being a Staff Member..Shame on you.:finger:
I was about ready to say the same thing. Has something to do with the vibrations. Root stimulant.
Thats the idea behind playing music for plants. Another gimick for the gullable. like pk boosters. hps during flower, mh during veg (the sun is the same year round) .. all the other snake oils hydro shops sell and push
So your saying the Mexicans went around tying strings around all of their plants to make them turn golden?? But they wont take the time to separate males. I call shenanigans lol. Could it be that they dried their plants outside in the sun and they turned a golden brown perhaps? This thread has turned into myths that really work. Yup the mexicans take great pride in proper growing and curing, thats why we get big compressed bales of green weed full of seed! Lol

you're confusing brown with yellow... :p
Nope! Try it, let your weed hang in the sun and rain for a few weeks and itll turn a nice golden brown. I left one hanging (forgot it lol) and it was light brown and shitty. Its been awhile since I had some gold (30 years lol) but yup pretty much same color lol.
yup, regardless of how you kill it outdoors, it'll get dead and brown :D
I would be afraid some kind of mold would set up on mine. lol. so treat it like tobacco you say? lol
Nope! Try it, let your weed hang in the sun and rain for a few weeks and itll turn a nice golden brown. I left one hanging (forgot it lol) and it was light brown and shitty. Its been awhile since I had some gold (30 years lol) but yup pretty much same color lol.