Well-Known Member
correlation does not equal causation
uhhhhhcorrelation does not equal causation
Uhmmm...sure. We obviously sat on different sides of the classroom...I was on the class-clown, pot smoker, don't give a shit side! I was lucky if I figured out an algebra problem never mind getting into brain function.uhhhhh
correct, it has a definition which equals something more along the lines of a relationship
the use of an external reward drastically altering brain function not related to a natural reward..
ie sex, food
will end up diminishing the reward system if you will..this is seen with all drugs
Let me check my lotto max ticket from last night....I bet I can get just as much enjoyment out of $30 mil as someone who doesn't use cannabis! I think if you are an asshole anyway, money will give you a sense of validation of your superiority complex. For others it would have the opposite effect. I would get more enjoyment being able to use that money to help friends, family and certain charities than I would sitting on a pile of cash and thinking I'm king. Some of the most decent people I know have never had a pot to piss in, yet they would use their last dime to help a friend, I've worked for a millionaire who charged me $18 for running over a sprinkler with a tractor.
genetics dont make that big of a difference. in the same way i can give a 200lb man, black white or asian 20mg of hydrocodone with no tolerance and know whats going to happen. (for the most part, could have adverse reactions, say hallucinations but you get the idea)
butbthats also why you compare a number of people who smoke, smoke little, and alot..also over tme
when reading the study, read dependence as that, not addiction.. maybe that will help
note the correlation
The people in the study who more frequently used marijuana showed weaker brain responses over time than those who used the drug less frequently or did not use marijuana at all,
The new study adds to other research that has suggested that marijuana use is linked to problems with emotional functioning and academic achievement, and even changes in brain structure, the researchers said.
The new research also suggests that the earlier in life a person tries marijuana, the faster that individual may transition to becoming dependent on the drug or other substances, the researchers said.
this has nothing to do with the drug itself (imo, and yes i am knowledgeable on the subject) but the fact that your releasing chems with no present reward.. your brain starts to view thngs differently
of course im not even going into side effects of thc etc..
in general altering a natural system in the brain (the endocannabinoid system) is only ever beneficial if "off" in the first place
and yes the only side effect is not getting high...its crazy to me that people would actually believe that
anyway ill quit rambling
Have you met my ex? lol...That's because you're a good dude. It's funny, I have thought about what I would do with the money if I won it the odd time I've played when the 6/49 gets bloated. Usually the first thoughts are in this order 1) buy reasonable nice property with privacy 2) buy the same for friends and family who want to live near by. 3) Start a killer cooperative farm.
The reason bad people can get power is the assumption most people have that other people are like them in some way. I mean, yes obviously - we are in some basic ways - but holy hell the diversity in the mind is astounding. Most people can't relate to a sadistic psychopath/sociopath/narcissist unless they actively try to using their cognition and reasoning and seek out the understanding. And that's a real ugly picture unfortunately. They always want power too. There are varying degrees of sadism, you can be slightly psychopathic and not full blown. Feel a bit of empathy but easy to brush it off kind of thing when it suits you. You blend in better.
This is a lot of politicians. Pretty much most of them i'd say. Or narcissists, to similar degrees (the spotlight vs the sadism and control... although both like these things the degree to which either diagnosis likes these things varies). Generally smarter ones too as smarter folks have better impulse control (that's been demonstrated in studies). But not always. Some complete useful idiots in there too ala black mail or just a talking dummy more or less.
Big red flags for these kinds of people
1) Love attention and seemingly willing to do over the top things to get it
2) Want power
3) Impulsive decision making in real life typically and sometimes in politicians, of course politicians if higher functioning can hide quite well in this regard (or with some help), but it's good to know as lower functioning do not and stand out like sore thumbs.
4) Charismatic
5) When you first meet them in real life they often love bomb you and you have a lot of deep conversations but they tend to go one way. They then have ammo to use against you later potentially. Like seriously, this is how they operate. It's fucked beyond all belief. They are human predators and I've seen some psychologists (not small numbers) suggest they aren't really even human (biologically with empathy) on the extreme level, but rather human (biologically) predators (psychologically).
I bet most people posting here never really wanted to be in a position of great power at any point in their life. Some might have thought they would when they were young. As they grew up they realized fuck no, that's awful. Psychopaths? They grow up and think fuck yes I want some awful so I can get off please. And the influence and attention oh my! Narcissists? They grow up and think fuck yes look at that attention and I don't give a shit about the awful at all (hell, might even be fun!).
Agree 100%That's because you're a good dude. It's funny, I have thought about what I would do with the money if I won it the odd time I've played when the 6/49 gets bloated. Usually the first thoughts are in this order 1) buy reasonable nice property with privacy 2) buy the same for friends and family who want to live near by. 3) Start a killer cooperative farm.
The reason bad people can get power is the assumption most people have that other people are like them in some way. I mean, yes obviously - we are in some basic ways - but holy hell the diversity in the mind is astounding. Most people can't relate to a sadistic psychopath/sociopath/narcissist unless they actively try to using their cognition and reasoning and seek out the understanding. And that's a real ugly picture unfortunately. They always want power too. There are varying degrees of sadism, you can be slightly psychopathic and not full blown. Feel a bit of empathy but easy to brush it off kind of thing when it suits you. You blend in better.
This is a lot of politicians. Pretty much most of them i'd say. Or narcissists, to similar degrees (the spotlight vs the sadism and control... although both like these things the degree to which either diagnosis likes these things varies). Generally smarter ones too as smarter folks have better impulse control (that's been demonstrated in studies). But not always. Some complete useful idiots in there too ala black mail or just a talking dummy more or less.
Big red flags for these kinds of people
1) Love attention and seemingly willing to do over the top things to get it
2) Want power
3) Impulsive decision making in real life typically and sometimes in politicians, of course politicians if higher functioning can hide quite well in this regard (or with some help), but it's good to know as lower functioning do not and stand out like sore thumbs.
4) Charismatic
5) When you first meet them in real life they often love bomb you and you have a lot of deep conversations but they tend to go one way. They then have ammo to use against you later potentially. Like seriously, this is how they operate. It's fucked beyond all belief. They are human predators and I've seen some psychologists (not small numbers) suggest they aren't really even human (biologically with empathy) on the extreme level, but rather human (biologically) predators (psychologically).
I bet most people posting here never really wanted to be in a position of great power at any point in their life. Some might have thought they would when they were young. As they grew up they realized fuck no, that's awful. Psychopaths? They grow up and think fuck yes I want some awful so I can get off please. And the influence and attention oh my! Narcissists? They grow up and think fuck yes look at that attention and I don't give a shit about the awful at all (hell, might even be fun!).
I think most of us reach that point where we say the fuck with what society expects, I'm gonna do what makes ME happy. For some that means working and buying things and for others it means only working enough to survive. Everybody has their own work/life balance...the trick is to make your vision a reality. I worked hard while I was raising a family but I chose the 'do as little as possible' route in my regrets.i used to be super wrapped up in my concern with money a couple years ago. my job was my hustle and working OT was my life. then i got a Volcano and a Crafty lol. i quit working OT almost immediately and started raising dogs. when i'd travel for work it was only to places that were kinda interesting like denver/austin/seattle/sun valley and as long as i had my lawn chair, fishing pole, kayak, dog, and some tunes with a cooler of suds i didn't give a single fuck about anything else. didn't give a shit about the illusion of having a bunch of expensive shit. to me, weed saved me.
Lol, no excitment when one wins money = poker face status!Awesome!
Gambling addiction, one more reason to prescribe cannabis to people.
Bull shit! Every person whose ever had cancer has worn shoes before! You do the fuckin' math genius!correlation does not equal causation