Marijuana changes brain's response to money, study says

There may be some scientific proof of alcohol and tobacco have some benefit but make no mistakes about it 95% of the benefit translates into dollars for someone.

Tobacco actually has a surprising number of useful properties in medicine. Unfortunately they often come with some downside, just like a lot of drugs.

Small doses of alcohol have been shown to relieve stress without much negative, but otherwise it's use is limited to topical I think. It was one of the earliest forms of chemotherapy but it wasn't very effective AFAIK.
I was wondering what your opinion on the "using marijuana makes people slower" argument is. It's foolhardy to completely ignore the fact that cannabis is a drug but at the same time it is dangerous to exhalt the plant to the level of, lets say, heroine.

The problem with these so called scientific researches is that there are too many conflicting studies.
funny thing about studies..
you can almost always find one that suits your belief (or not)

the best part about debate, is fighting for something you dont agree with

with drugs....first off who cares if its a plant. that or that its organic, means nothing..
but the brain and what happens in the body is so complex, theres usually not going to be a black and white..with gray you can choose

i can cite studies showing cbd to help and to cause seizures, both are accurate..same with thc

the same reason i dont vote, i dont know enough to choose... is the same reason tye average person shouldn't speak on cannabis like this

but just my penny
funny thing about studies..
you can almost always find one that suits your belief (or not)

the best part about debate, is fighting for something you dont agree with

with drugs....first off who cares if its a plant. that or that its organic, means nothing..
but the brain and what happens in the body is so complex, theres usually not going to be a black and white..with gray you can choose

i can cite studies showing cbd to help and to cause seizures, both are accurate..same with thc

the same reason i dont vote, i dont know enough to choose... is the same reason tye average person shouldn't speak on cannabis like this

but just my penny
Yes this^^^
Fox News...says it all

By Agata Blaszczak-Boxe

Published July 08, 2016
Smoking marijuana may change the way people's brains respond to certain rewards, such as the prospect of winning some money, according to a new study.

In the study, participants played a game in which they could win a small amount of money. The researchers found that the brains of people who smoked marijuana did not respond to the idea of winning the money as strongly as did the brains of people who did not use the drug.

The results suggest that for people who smoke pot, "there is not as much pleasure that is being received from something that would naturally give somebody pleasure," study author Mary Heitzeg, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical School, told Live Science. [7 Ways Marijuana May Affect the Brain]

In the study, researchers looked at 108 people in their early 20s. The researchers scanned the participants' brains three times over the course of the four-year study. During the brain scans, the people played a game in which they were asked to click a button whenever they saw a target appear on a screen in front of them. Before each round, the researchers told the people that, depending on how they performed in the game, they might win 20 cents, win $5, lose that same amount of money, or have no reward or loss.

The scientists said they wanted to see what happened in the area of the brain called the nucleus accumbens, which is responsible for responding to rewards, at the moment the participants knew they might win some money. In that moment, when a person is anticipating a reward, the cells of that part of the brain are normally activated, pumping out a "pleasure chemical" called dopamine. The stronger the brain response, the more pleasure a person feels.

The people in the study who more frequently used marijuana showed weaker brain responses over time than those who used the drug less frequently or did not use marijuana at all, according to the findings, published July 6 in the journal JAMA Psychiatry. The more marijuana a person smoked, the weaker their brain response, the researchers found.

The new study adds to other research that has suggested that marijuana use is linked to problems with emotional functioning and academic achievement, and even changes in brain structure, the researchers said.

The new research also suggests that the earlier in life a person tries marijuana, the faster that individual may transition to becoming dependent on the drug or other substances, the researchers said.

"Some people may believe that marijuana is not addictive or that it's 'better' than other drugs that can cause dependence," Heitzeg said. But the new study shows that marijuana's effects on the brain may make it more difficult for people to stop using the substance, she said.

"It changes your brain in a way that may change your behavior, and where you get your sense of reward from," Heitzeg added.

The new study shows an association between marijuana use and changes in the brain's reward system, but it does not prove that marijuana use causes the changes, Francesca Filbey, an associate professor of behavioral and brain science at the University of Texas at Dallas, who was not involved in the study, wrote in a related editorial published in the same journal. More research is needed to determine whether the changes are the cause or the consequence of marijuana use, she said.

It also possible that certain underlying genetic factors make people more likely to start using marijuana and that the same factors make them more susceptible to certain brain changes, Filbey wrote.

the study is flawed
the concept of money does not mean the same thing to each person .......with each person have leading a different life and set of experience a lot of concepts are not going to the word normal each person has a different answer

if they want to do a study like this then need sets of twins ........they had nearly the same life one smokes one does not
this is anouther scare tactic to make getting weed legal harder

i seen a counter articles about weed protecting the neural pathways .....even used one in the court system to help justify my need for the cbds and thc with terepenes

the study i used ......mine is a British study

it shows a direct protection of verbal and cognitive skills ...with a use of 1 to 1 thc vs cbd and using what they call medicine for bi polar ppl ........the ppl smoking weed had more of their mind intact then the ones that just took the pills

with weed on the narco 1 list research into this has not even really started with all the red tape it takes to get granted a ok just to work with a damn plant

that study u linked is just there to give the ppl saying weed is a gateway drug more power to fight since the research can not be repeated under lab conditions to get a accurate answer no way to disprove what they are saying

it is a politic tactic
not money ........greed
it is the thought of gaining a mass benefit for very little to easy action

world is run on the idea of greed .......gain as much as i can for me as fast and as easy as u can

I think people confuse money as a concept and power as a concept very greatly. Yes, money can provide power. But power is the ultimate motivator of tyrants. Power and the security that comes with it. Also the ability it gives you to be a complete sadist as typically these individuals are...
I think people confuse money as a concept and power as a concept very greatly. Yes, money can provide power. But power is the ultimate motivator of tyrants. Power and the security that comes with it. Also the ability it gives you to be a complete sadist as typically these individuals are...

everyone has that power.........just stop caring
when u get behide the wheel u make the choices u do to drive the way u do ........if u want to go faster u do if u want to go slower u do ....if u wanted to drive on the sidewalks at 50 miles a hour and play ppl bummer car u can

knowagle is power ........u have to be willing to use it be willing to use your will vs others

sadist are just that twisted ppl them craving power did not twist them it was the life leading to the craving for it .....sniper in dallas did it he wanted to hurt cops so he thought of a way and did it when it came down to him or the cops they used a robot to blow a bomb near him to kill him as they did not have a rocket launcher

he had the power becuase he thought about it ........did not plan it all that well with out a escape route and secondary explosion to use to mask his escape
here is a quick piece of info
handcuffs ........u can always get out of a set if u are willing to break one of your thumbs to let it slip off
that little piece of knowagle as long as u are willing to do it a set of cuffs can never stop u

or the fact by law all electromagnetic locks must disengage if the fire alarm is pulled allowing them access ( does not work on prisons but everywhere else does)
I think people confuse money as a concept and power as a concept very greatly. Yes, money can provide power. But power is the ultimate motivator of tyrants. Power and the security that comes with it. Also the ability it gives you to be a complete sadist as typically these individuals are...
Let me check my lotto max ticket from last night....I bet I can get just as much enjoyment out of $30 mil as someone who doesn't use cannabis! I think if you are an asshole anyway, money will give you a sense of validation of your superiority complex. For others it would have the opposite effect. I would get more enjoyment being able to use that money to help friends, family and certain charities than I would sitting on a pile of cash and thinking I'm king. Some of the most decent people I know have never had a pot to piss in, yet they would use their last dime to help a friend, I've worked for a millionaire who charged me $18 for running over a sprinkler with a tractor.
yall are really missing the psychology here..
the brain lights up,
I would get more enjoyment being able to use that money to help friends, family and certain charities than I would sitting on a pile of cash and thinking I'm king.

thats cool and everyone else
even if your full and i showed you a piece of food., it would register

hence why the change and a few dollars were used

nobody really cares about either..yet reward is reward

even if your full and i showed you a piece of food., it would register
To what extent? Would each person's brain react exactly the same? What I was getting at is we are not all genetically wired to react the same way to the same things. Genetics, geography, culture, etc. all play a roll in shaping ones brain. The argument was that cannabis use reduces the extent "the brain lights up", and mine is there are too many variables to make that conclusion. Of course my expertise on how the brain works is limited....I have trouble controlling my own at times LOL! ...if I could just figure out how to work the switch from my brain to my mouth, life would be so much easier....!
genetics dont make that big of a difference. in the same way i can give a 200lb man, black white or asian 20mg of hydrocodone with no tolerance and know whats going to happen. (for the most part, could have adverse reactions, say hallucinations but you get the idea)
butbthats also why you compare a number of people who smoke, smoke little, and alot..also over tme

when reading the study, read dependence as that, not addiction.. maybe that will help

note the correlation

The people in the study who more frequently used marijuana showed weaker brain responses over time than those who used the drug less frequently or did not use marijuana at all,

The new study adds to other research that has suggested that marijuana use is linked to problems with emotional functioning and academic achievement, and even changes in brain structure, the researchers said.

The new research also suggests that the earlier in life a person tries marijuana, the faster that individual may transition to becoming dependent on the drug or other substances, the researchers said.

this has nothing to do with the drug itself (imo, and yes i am knowledgeable on the subject) but the fact that your releasing chems with no present reward.. your brain starts to view thngs differently
of course im not even going into side effects of thc etc..
in general altering a natural system in the brain (the endocannabinoid system) is only ever beneficial if "off" in the first place
and yes the only side effect is not getting high...its crazy to me that people would actually believe that

anyway ill quit rambling
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