Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

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With her wife? Oh yeah, they can do that now can't they. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Anyway, the light sounds good except for the weight, as I said earlier. Why is it so heavy? I'm sure the LEDs themselves can't weight much, probably less than a pound total. What's the heavy part?

I don't know exactly why it's so heavy, but I just got my 126 W units and they each have 6 fans. That's gotta add some weight. I don't see why weight is an issue either?? They are only like 20lbs.
Here is a thought for the day.....

If we all get off of our tails and spread the message without fear and with education, we can get our Trees legalized again and we will not have to worry about contributing a cent to any lighting companies and grow them in the rays of Sol once more as it should be.

I have no doubt that the technology will improve to the point of us all throwing our old Hid and HPS away, but it has a way to go as it and many other things are being oppressed as usuall and it is up to all of us to do something about it as a collective.

HPS bulbs are big and annoying and HOT.......however.......they get the job done......., but at a price.

I am all for LED in the future, but right now it is rediculous to throw down that kind of money for something that you have to run three large panels to compare with one HPS light, that inmy opinion, is the number one growing bulb still yet.......Hot and annoying or not.

The best of luck to you and your LED endeavors and I hope to be on board when the time comes.


Rev. TheNatural
HPS bulbs don't get hot if you control the temps well. This is an expensive hobby, if you want to grow top quality bud you have to shell out some cash
Everything has a price. HPS get hot if not cooled properly, CFL's don't put out as many lumens/watt and contain some nasty chemicals/metals. LEDs so far have had poor results in flowering though this looks to be changing.

That's why I get so pissed when people say "X" is the best. Any choice is a balance of pro's/con's and what may be right for one person isn't necessarily the best for another person.

Because I work in computers I'm always getting asked something like "what's the best laptop". My answer is always the same "what do you need it to do and how much do you want to spend?".

HPS bulbs are big and annoying and HOT.......however.......they get the job done......., but at a price.
Everything has a price. HPS get hot if not cooled properly, CFL's don't put out as many lumens/watt and contain some nasty chemicals/metals. LEDs so far have had poor results in flowering though this looks to be changing.

That's why I get so pissed when people say "X" is the best. Any choice is a balance of pro's/con's and what may be right for one person isn't necessarily the best for another person.

Because I work in computers I'm always getting asked something like "what's the best laptop". My answer is always the same "what do you need it to do and how much do you want to spend?".

Very straight forward, respectful, and enlightening post. Much appreciated for such instances. More people should take example.

They are only like 20lbs.

Those are the small ones. The 318 watt LED light weighs 40 pounds. Three of those are supposed to equate to one 1000 watt HPS light. I run two 1000 watt HPS lights.

That would be 240 pounds worth of lighting. No thank you. My tent couldn't even support that kind of weight if I wanted it to. My lights and reflectors weigh about 7 pounds each, with remote ballasts of course.

Plus, the cost of six of those LED lights is $6600. I got my two 1000 watt HPS lights for around $800.
Those are the small ones. The 318 watt LED light weighs 40 pounds. Three of those are supposed to equate to one 1000 watt HPS light. I run two 1000 watt HPS lights.

That would be 240 pounds worth of lighting. No thank you. My tent couldn't even support that kind of weight if I wanted it to. My lights and reflectors weigh about 7 pounds each, with remote ballasts of course.

Plus, the cost of six of those LED lights is $6600. I got my two 1000 watt HPS lights for around $800.

I see your point about weight if you're using a grow tent. My Cab is framed with 2x4's so I'm not worried about it. I just started my experiment with these lights yesterday, so I'm gonna find out for myself if they produce the way LEDgirl says they do. If they produce even half of what they're supposed to I'll be happy, cuz I'm real skeptical.

Also, if they do produce as advertised, you wouldn't need 6 lights, theoretically you'd need less for the same results...but we shall see in another 60 days how true that is!
I see your point about weight if you're using a grow tent. My Cab is framed with 2x4's so I'm not worried about it. I just started my experiment with these lights yesterday, so I'm gonna find out for myself if they produce the way LEDgirl says they do. If they produce even half of what they're supposed to I'll be happy, cuz I'm real skeptical.

Also, if they do produce as advertised, you wouldn't need 6 lights, theoretically you'd need less for the same results...but we shall see in another 60 days how true that is!

What strain(s) are you growing and how long do you plan to veg and flower? I'm just curious so we can get a general idea of what to expect.
You lost me. Where did you get that three 318 watt LED lights was = one 1000 watt HPS? Are you talking about watts used?

Those are the small ones. The 318 watt LED light weighs 40 pounds. Three of those are supposed to equate to one 1000 watt HPS light. I run two 1000 watt HPS lights.

That would be 240 pounds worth of lighting. No thank you. My tent couldn't even support that kind of weight if I wanted it to. My lights and reflectors weigh about 7 pounds each, with remote ballasts of course.

Plus, the cost of six of those LED lights is $6600. I got my two 1000 watt HPS lights for around $800.
I don't know exactly why it's so heavy, but I just got my 126 W units and they each have 6 fans. That's gotta add some weight. I don't see why weight is an issue either?? They are only like 20lbs.

It has a high-quality heat sink that weighs about 10lbs. The heat sink does an excellent job at extending the life of the LED's, by keeping the operating temperature of their chips, cool. The fans take the heat from the heat sink, and move it away from the light ;)
I wanted to say HI EVERYONE! and share a testimonial I received while on vacation:

"Hey Cammie,
So I'm just wrapping up my first grow with your 63 watt light. I replaced one of my sunsystems 150 watt HPS with the led light from start to finish of my flowering stage and after two months the results are in and they are WOW penetrator could't be a better name. Not only did I get way denser prodution but I've got much bigger nugs all the way to the bottom of the plant. Were I was getting little popcorn weighing maybe .1 I've got buds that way upto 1.4 I don't care who you are but that's huge. Can't wait toget my next light and rewplace both lights!!!

Thanks a lot I'll give you some exact numbers on weght when I'm all done drying.
Grow area is 3' x 3' secret jardin darkroom grow tent

Last grow was 2 150 watt hps
This grow 1 150 hps and 63 Penatrator

Both times using botanicare nutrients with canna suplemnets and some humboldt gravity in an aero table

Last grow was a 3.5 ounces
Let you know in a week about this time but let's just say its a crap load more

Sorry didn't send any pics my camera is garbage doesn't do any justice to the light or product."
Okay, maybe she's not a scammer. Seems strange that the lamps would be constructed in China with American LEDs though. Maybe just trying to save on labor costs, maybe using Chinese knockoffs of American LEDs. How would you know the difference? In regard to the weight, I find 40 pounds (as much as about 5 gallons of water weighs) pretty heavy. Just doesn't seem very convenient to handle. 13 pounds seems a lot more practical to me. The lamp may be fine as far as results go, but is it better than the more convenient 13 pound LumiGrow lamps? If it's not better then why get the bigger, heavier product? Her price is lower (currently) by about $600, I'll give her that.

40lbs is the weight of the 318W unit, and half of it is due to the large heat sinks used in the products. LED's are chips, and like computers, need to operate at low temps in order to run their full life span, and emit maximum brightness. Computer chips need fans and heat sinks in order to remain cool, and operate at their peak, and this is the same thing we do with LED boards. Failing to cool LED's properly can result in lower lumen output, and reduced life by over half! Lumigrow's light isn't even half the size of the 318W, so if it were size comparable, I'm sure the weight would be pretty even.
Welcome Back LEDGirl:

Been here perusing the site while you r&r....So when you get back up to speed and do the catch up thing I want to hear more about your product testing and availability. Missed your posting>Dave's not here man!
hope you enjoyed your vacation. Hope even more to have a post vacation update soon. Did you and the wifey enjoy the trip?
Ya we had a lot of fun. We went scuba diving, zip-lining, rappelling, and several other activities while we were gone, and the weather was amazing! We definitely needed a trip like that to recharge a bit. I'll try to get some update pictures tomorrow from my friend's garden, and will take a few tonight of my own. My caretaker never does as good of a job with my plants as I do, when I'm gone, so my plants suffered a little bit, but not too much. Anyhow, you'll be able to see the bit of stress they went through without my care.
Welcome Back LEDGirl:

Been here perusing the site while you r&r....So when you get back up to speed and do the catch up thing I want to hear more about your product testing and availability. Missed your posting>Dave's not here man!

What did you want to know?
Hi, just wanted to know how to obtain, what is available as far as size of units. I've posted before in this thread, diff handle. Maybe I missed something?
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