So I don’t know everything.
Thank you for the directions
You don’t seem to know everything, either
“Job”? How is it my job to spoon feed you because you don’t want to eat?
He doesn't say he wasn't at school. He just said he grabbed his bike and camera and went to the school.

Got one where he actually says he wasn't there?

these american neo-nazis and their russian bot buddies are old hat already
On one hand, I know you are right. Certainly I have a certain amount of respect for the foreign trolls in that they know what they are doing and they are doing a pretty good job of it. It's just the latest iteration of the global competition that has given me much stimulation over my lifetime. To be honest, I kinda missed it for a while.

But what really boggles my mind is that the domestic varieties that seem to just not get it, whether they are on the right or the left.

I guess the fact they they can "publish" so easily lulls people into thinking that they have some valid point that is worth saying despite the fact they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. This thing of accusing others of being guilty of that which you are guilty of is hard for me to get my head around. When I am being a dick, I know I am being a dick. If I write some tongue in cheek thread meant to provoke them (like my "can the alt-right be cured?" therad), I know it. They don't seem to.

I guess it is just hard for me to understand how people can be so dense. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of national socialism; at least it's an ethos. But these dumbasses don't know that they are rooting for the team that they are helping.
Conspiracy theory assholes
Check out the ones pushing the theory that the recent march was planned months in advance that pouty child @squarepush3r posted today. Look into the websites of the two goofballs associated with it if you have the time. It is amazing what people would stoop to in order to make a buck. Look at their previous conspiracies.

I don't know who I dislike more, these con men or the people who read their sites and call it "homework" and then consider themselves well informed.
He doesn't say he wasn't at school. He just said he grabbed his bike and camera and went to the school.

Got one where he actually says he wasn't there?
He said when he heard the news he went to the school. That means he wasn’t at the school. I find it hard to believe you can deny this.
Check out the ones pushing the theory that the recent march was planned months in advance that pouty child @squarepush3r posted today. Look into the websites of the two goofballs associated with it if you have the time. It is amazing what people would stoop to in order to make a buck. Look at their previous conspiracies.

I don't know who I dislike more, these con men or the people who read their sites and call it "homework" and then consider themselves well informed.
He said when he heard the news he went to the school. That means he wasn’t at the school. I find it hard to believe you can deny this.
Too bad he does not say the phrase that you claim he does. Does it make you feel better to lie about children? What other lies do you tell about children? I think you might have something to hide. Has anybody ever accused you of doing something inappropriate with a child?