Marc Emery headed back to Canada


bud bootlegger
Imvho Marc got exactly what he wanted.. the man wanted to be a martyr and got his wish.. now he's crying about being arrested after throwing it in the face of the us gubment for years..
Apparently you can't have you cake and eat it too Marc..


The United States said you can't have seed so you gotta go in a cage and that's the way it's gonna be see! Cause I got one of these (gun).


Well-Known Member
The United States said you can't have seed so you gotta go in a cage and that's the way it's gonna be see! Cause I got one of these (gun).
He blatantly ignored official warnings and got himself martyr'd.

Boo hoo, he's a rambling idiot anyways, listening to him talk actually quantifiably reduces your IQ.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
He blatantly ignored official warnings and got himself martyr'd.

Boo hoo, he's a rambling idiot anyways, listening to him talk actually quantifiably reduces your IQ.

And the "official warners" blatantly ignored his right to conduct free trade with other willing buyers on a consensual basis. Even people we may not like should be left alone. He, like all of us, should be able to own himself. I'm sorry you listened to Marc Emery so much and suffered the I.Q. loss, you have my sympathy.


Well-Known Member
And the "official warners" blatantly ignored his right to conduct free trade with other willing buyers on a consensual basis. Even people we may not like should be left alone. He, like all of us, should be able to own himself. I'm sorry you listened to Marc Emery so much and suffered the I.Q. loss, you have my sympathy.
Ideology doesn't protect from the law, he got himself arrested for publicity.

Fuck him.


Staff member
ah fuck they'll let anyone into canada im sure he'll be back home soon LOL probably with a muffin basket too

desert dude

Well-Known Member
ah fuck they'll let anyone into canada im sure he'll be back home soon LOL probably with a muffin basket too
Not really. I have tale to tell about entering Canada. My step son was just released from jail in Quebec after ten days of confinement. His crime: he had an airsoft "gun" in his truck, and some magazines for a Ruger mini-14. My stepson has been enamored by Canada for a long time and he finally got his chance to be a tourist, all he saw was the inside of a jail cell.


Staff member
Not really. I have tale to tell about entering Canada. My step son was just released from jail in Quebec after ten days of confinement. His crime: he had an airsoft "gun" in his truck, and some magazines for a Ruger mini-14. My stepson has been enamored by Canada for a long time and he finally got his chance to be a tourist, all he saw was the inside of a jail cell.
quebec isnt canada . LOL, all jokes aside he was most likely put in jail for the ruger mini 14. you cant just bring ammunition into canada without the proper PAL or RPALS .i dont think he told you the "whole' story im going to go with theres something else missing from that puzzle sorry to disbelieve you but airosoft companies hold competitions here ,

desert dude

Well-Known Member
quebec isnt canada . LOL, all jokes aside he was most likely put in jail for the ruger mini 14. you cant just bring ammunition into canada without the proper PAL or RPALS .i dont think he told you the "whole' story im going to go with theres something else missing from that puzzle sorry to disbelieve you but airosoft companies hold competitions here ,
I think it was just Canada milking a tourist for a few thousand dollars. I am not bagging on Canada here, the US is just as bad. The cops said the airsoft was a "replica gun".


Staff member
I think it was just Canada milking a tourist for a few thousand dollars. I am not bagging on Canada here, the US is just as bad. The cops said the airsoft was a "replica gun".
it is common sense if youre going to another country to check to make sure your guns are allowed there, bb gun, nerf gun, kinder eggs whatever it may be , why wouldn't you check those things? why would he just blindly go do something, obviously he wasn't waving it around a cop so he got pulled over for SOME reason, and for SOME reason they inspected his vehicle, again theres more the story than you were told or you are telling. im not saying Canada is a saint, but if I went to America and I was bringing something into the country that is of gun like structure your best be damned sure id have enough common sense to check if its legal.......

desert dude

Well-Known Member
it is common sense if youre going to another country to check to make sure your guns are allowed there, bb gun, nerf gun, kinder eggs whatever it may be , why wouldn't you check those things? why would he just blindly go do something, obviously he wasn't waving it around a cop so he got pulled over for SOME reason, and for SOME reason they inspected his vehicle, again theres more the story than you were told or you are telling. im not saying Canada is a saint, but if I went to America and I was bringing something into the country that is of gun like structure your best be damned sure id have enough common sense to check if its legal.......
I was unclear. He was arrested at the border, when he entered the country. They searched his truck and found magazines and the airsoft and he went straight to jail.

Take a breath. As I said, I am not bagging on Canada. I think this huge "security" binge that both Canada and the US are engaged in has cost all of us a great deal. I like Canadians. I don't like governments, neither yours nor my own.


Staff member
I was unclear. He was arrested at the border, when he entered the country. They searched his truck and found magazines and the airsoft and he went straight to jail.

Take a breath. As I said, I am not bagging on Canada. I think this huge "security" binge that both Canada and the US are engaged in has cost all of us a great deal. I like Canadians. I don't like governments, neither yours nor my own.
I know youre used to people arguing with you constantly in politics I am not so the "take a breath" comment is not needed. im merely discussing , however again iw ill point out you have vital information missing, I live on a board city ive had my vehicle ripped apart about 500 times going to Michigan, coming into Canada if you have something illegal they don't just throw you in jail they will turn you away or hand you over to the American authorities. so he obviously pissed off someone by doing something wrong or theres more information missing. there is very little security coming into Canada have the time they barely even check the passports of the americans coming in I watch it , all day long, coming into America you might as well get a body cavity search they are so anal about it (pun intended). I just don't believe they threw him into jail for some magazines at the boarder, I some what believed it if he was already in the country but not coming in that does not make sense, im sorry theres something he didn't tell you or youre not telling me.


Staff member
again I still stand by my original statement, he lacked common sense you should always check if something is legal or illegal if coming into another country...especially gun related, Minimum Age
Only persons age 18 years or older are allowed to bring firearms into Canada. While persons younger than 18 may use a firearm in Canada under certain circumstances, an adult must be present and will be held legally responsible for the firearm and its use.Firearms Allowed, Restricted and Prohibited
Approval of the Non-Resident Firearms Declaration allows only standard rifles and shotguns commonly used for hunting and target shooting to be transported into or through Canada.

Handguns with at least 4-inch barrels are considered "restricted" firearms and are allowed in Canada, but require the completion an approval of an Application for an Authorization to Transport Restricted Firearms. This Non-Resident Firearm Declaration costs $50 Canadian.

Handguns with barrels shorter than 4-inches, fully automatic, converted automatics, and assault-type weapons are "prohibited" and not allowed in Canada. In addition, certain knives, even those used for hunting and fishing, may be considered prohibited weapons by Canadian officials.

you must have proper forms signed to bring guns , ammunition ect into Canada, im sure he had none of these correct?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I know youre used to people arguing with you constantly in politics I am not so the "take a breath" comment is not needed. im merely discussing , however again iw ill point out you have vital information missing, I live on a board city ive had my vehicle ripped apart about 500 times going to Michigan, coming into Canada if you have something illegal they don't just throw you in jail they will turn you away or hand you over to the American authorities. so he obviously pissed off someone by doing something wrong or theres more information missing. there is very little security coming into Canada have the time they barely even check the passports of the americans coming in I watch it , all day long, coming into America you might as well get a body cavity search they are so anal about it (pun intended). I just don't believe they threw him into jail for some magazines at the boarder, I some what believed it if he was already in the country but not coming in that does not make sense, im sorry theres something he didn't tell you or youre not telling me.
I prefer the good old days when Americans could enter Canada, and vice versa, just by driving across the border, no questions asked.

That is the whole story: magazines and an airsoft gun at the border. ten days in jail waiting for the authorities to decide what to do, $1400 fine and $1000 impound fees on his vehicle. He just got out of the US Air Force about three weeks ago, went to visit his sister in Vermont then tried to cross into Canada.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
again I still stand by my original statement, he lacked common sense you should always check if something is legal or illegal if coming into another country...especially gun related, Minimum Age
Only persons age 18 years or older are allowed to bring firearms into Canada. While persons younger than 18 may use a firearm in Canada under certain circumstances, an adult must be present and will be held legally responsible for the firearm and its use.Firearms Allowed, Restricted and Prohibited
Approval of the Non-Resident Firearms Declaration allows only standard rifles and shotguns commonly used for hunting and target shooting to be transported into or through Canada.

Handguns with at least 4-inch barrels are considered "restricted" firearms and are allowed in Canada, but require the completion an approval of an Application for an Authorization to Transport Restricted Firearms. This Non-Resident Firearm Declaration costs $50 Canadian.

Handguns with barrels shorter than 4-inches, fully automatic, converted automatics, and assault-type weapons are "prohibited" and not allowed in Canada. In addition, certain knives, even those used for hunting and fishing, may be considered prohibited weapons by Canadian officials.

you must have proper forms signed to bring guns , ammunition ect into Canada, im sure he had none of these correct?
Yes, you are correct. He was not aware that he needed forms for ammunition or toy guns, so he did not have them. I can understand that Canada has its own laws. I think a better way to have handled the whole thing would have been to turn him away at the border. And it goes both ways, I think the US has gone full retard on security and abuses Canadians coming south as well.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I love Canadians, Sunni. I have never been to Canada but it looks like a gorgeous place. Any time you deal with "the authorities" you are bound to come out of the transaction angry.