Marc Emery headed back to Canada

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Ideology doesn't protect from the law, he got himself arrested for publicity.

Fuck him.
He may be an asshole, (I don't know him) but he, like me or you should not be fucked by a stupid law. If the law itself is ideologically "wrong", it should be ignored. Those that ignore it, like Emery did, become the victim and the government enforcing the law becomes the assailant. It would be the same whether Mark Emery was an asshole or a great guy. I can't cheer the application of a bad law even it is against a person that I may not like...doing so can lower your I.Q.


Well-Known Member
He blatantly ignored official warnings and got himself martyr'd.

Boo hoo, he's a rambling idiot anyways, listening to him talk actually quantifiably reduces your IQ.
shoot yourself in the foot!

You listen to someone you do not like, who you believe to be an idiot, you are aware this is lowering your IQ, you listen anyway
good plan buddy, stick with it lol


bud bootlegger
He may be an asshole, (I don't know him) but he, like me or you should not be fucked by a stupid law. If the law itself is ideologically "wrong", it should be ignored. Those that ignore it, like Emery did, become the victim and the government enforcing the law becomes the assailant. It would be the same whether Mark Emery was an asshole or a great guy. I can't cheer the application of a bad law even it is against a person that I may not like...doing so can lower your I.Q.
Imvho.. it wasn't the breaking of the law, ie, selling cannabis seeds across the Canadian/ u.s. border that got emery arrested, but rather his contiously throwing it in the face of the u.s. government.. calling yourself the Prince of pot, doing magazine after magazine and newspaper interviews bragging about the millions of dollars you're making by breaking u.s. law and over growing the government, well, obviously that shit don't sit too well with the powers that be..
So again.. it wasn't his breaking an unjust law that landed him in prison, it was more his telling it to every tom, dick, and harry that he was doing it and how much bank he was making and that his plan was to over grow the government that cost him his freedom..
There are many Canadian based seed banks even now after his arrest, and why do you think the u.s. gubment doesn't go after them? My guess is because the tend to keep their mouths shut and don't call themselves the Prince of pot and don't flaunt it in the face of the enemy, the u.s government..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
shoot yourself in the foot!

You listen to someone you do not like, who you believe to be an idiot, you are aware this is lowering your IQ, you listen anyway
good plan buddy, stick with it lol
Your avatar has inspired me to make some special cupcakes. Thank you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Imvho.. it wasn't the breaking of the law, ie, selling cannabis seeds across the Canadian/ u.s. border that got emery arrested, but rather his contiously throwing it in the face of high of the u.s. government.. calling yourself the Prince of pot, doing magazine after magazine and newspaper interviews bragging about the millions of dollars you're making by breaking u.s. law and over growing the government, well, obviously that shit don't sit too well with the powers that be..
So again.. it wasn't his breaking an unjust law that landed him in prison, it was more his telling it to every tom, dick, and harry that he was doing it and how much bank he was making and that his plan was to over grow the government that cost him his freedom..
There are many Canadian based seed banks even now after his arrest, and why do you think the u.s. gubment doesn't go after them? My guess is because the tend to keep their mouths shut and don't call themselves the Prince of pot and don't flaunt it in the face of the enemy, the u.s government..

You may be correct. Flaunting freedom in the face of oppressors brings the lash. I respect his right to call himself whatever he wants to. He could call himself Kunta Kinte and the U.S. government would tell him his name is Toby.


bud bootlegger
You may be correct. Flaunting freedom in the face of oppressors brings the lash. I respect his right to call himself whatever he wants to. He could call himself Kunta Kinte and the U.S. government would tell him his name is Toby.
Yeah.. pretty much my point was that I don't have a problem fracturing an occasional law from time to time when I feel the law is unjust, but you can bet your sweet ass I'm not going to shout it from the roof tops and tell the world that I am breaking the law I find unjust..
This is a huge reason why I'd never put a grow up on something like YouTube for all the world to see.. IMO it's just a bit brazen and simply asking for trouble that as a law breaker, I simply don't need, unless of course I didn't care about my freedom and was only looking to make a name for myself, even if it cost me my freedom, a' la Marc emery style ..


Well-Known Member
Suck it harrikinski, nobodys gonna remember what you did for legalizing MJ because ya didnt do shit. Ya flapped yur gums against some guy whos name is on alot of peoples tongues. Some people just believe pot should be legal no matter what anyone who has means to deny those freedoms has to say. I applaud any celebrity status gained by advocates of marijuana.........ya gonna diss cheech n chong too?


bud bootlegger
Suck it harrikinski, nobodys gonna remember what you did for legalizing MJ because ya didnt do shit. Ya flapped yur gums against some guy whos name is on alot of peoples tongues. Some people just believe pot should be legal no matter what anyone who has means to deny those freedoms has to say. I applaud any celebrity status gained by advocates of marijuana.........ya gonna diss cheech n chong too?

What did cheech and Chong ever do that could even remotely be linked to what emery was arrested for? Cheech and chong made movies about being potheads while Marc emery openly sold cannabis seeds across the u.s. border, all the while flaunting it in the face of the people's whose laws he was breaking..
He pretty much had the catch me if you can attitude being a canuck, he thought his own country wouldn't sell him out and allow extradition to the u.s., another list of mistakes he made on his way to the clink..
I'm telling you, the mam did everything in his power to get arrested, than acted shocked when it actually happened .. in don't call that heroic, I call it plain out retarded.. everyone knows not to flaunt illegal activities in the face of our gvt., well, everyone but Marc, but I bet be knows it now..


Well-Known Member
Chong got arrested didnt he? I thought he was shipping shit across the border and got busted too. Regardless, the point i was trying to make was that at least the guys famous for what he believed in right? Theres members on here or used to be that know him and respect him. Sorry but i think that too much publicity is the last thing a protester has to fear. :):):)


bud bootlegger
Chong got arrested didnt he? I thought he was shipping shit across the border and got busted too. Regardless, the point i was trying to make was that at least the guys famous for what he believed in right? Theres members on here or used to be that know him and respect him. Sorry but i think that too much publicity is the last thing a protester has to fear. :):):)
Oh yeah tommy chong got arrested for selling bongs, sorry, wasn't sure what all you had meant.. I think tommy got shit on as bongs aren't illegal in every state and surely aren't against federal law in the way life cannabis seeds are..
And sure, you can protest to the cows fly over the moon,, but I hope you're not stupid enough to be breaking federal law while you're walking around with your sign on the white house lawn..


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah tommy chong got arrested for selling bongs, sorry, wasn't sure what all you had meant.. I think tommy got shit on as bongs aren't illegal in every state and surely aren't against federal law in the way life cannabis seeds are..
And sure, you can protest to the cows fly over the moon,, but I hope you're not stupid enough to be breaking federal law while you're walking around with your sign on the white house lawn..
Seems like the only way you get noticed when you voice an opinion these days is when you do it in the public eye. And just like the rest of the hollywood hardcores he got got noticed. Id high five him if i ever saw the guy ;)


Well-Known Member
Suck it harrikinski, nobodys gonna remember what you did for legalizing MJ because ya didnt do shit. Ya flapped yur gums against some guy whos name is on alot of peoples tongues. Some people just believe pot should be legal no matter what anyone who has means to deny those freedoms has to say. I applaud any celebrity status gained by advocates of marijuana.........ya gonna diss cheech n chong too?
Are you fucking completely retarded?

He was promoting people to grow cannabis... And guess what he sells?

It was for profit and publicity, not for cannabis.

Keep his pecker deep in your throat tho ;)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Are you fucking completely retarded?

He was promoting people to grow cannabis... And guess what he sells?

It was for profit and publicity, not for cannabis.

Keep his pecker deep in your throat tho ;)
It's possible he was aligning his beliefs that cannabis should be legal with a way to make a good living. They are not mutually exclusive concepts.