Well-Known Member
Stinky will say his lawyers won't let him release the warrant and property list. Kinda like his taxes were under audit so he couldn't release them.
If you don't fail, you aren't trying to get better. This is an important way to is a fail in anything more than the short term...people will hate you, work against you, sell you out, cut your throat, push you down the stairs and exclaim "oh my, fearless leader has fallen and he can't get up, because my foot is on his neck."...
short term success equals long term failure, usually.
Satan?Red and Blue are two sides of the same coin. But they are just puppets to an even greater master that has I'll plans for this world. Open your mind.
~blushes bright red~Satan?
By your logic, I could call you Diarrhea because that's what comes out your mouth.Are you retarded? That you don't like them is obvious fact. What they do to one another is not.
Anyhow, I will just let that be because it's pretty fucked.
You've shown your subservient conditioning enough now. I get it. Move along, now.
The massive failure of accountability worries me deeply. It is usually correlated with the early stages of social and political collapse. The ghost of Rome haunts me.If you don't fail, you aren't trying to get better. This is an important way to learn.
This is one of the things that bothers me the most about Trump. He's a miserable failure in everything he does. He has enough money to paper over those failures so that he can deny he failed, even to himself. And so he doesn't learn, he doesn't improve, he fails the same way again and again. How many bankruptcies? Seven? Those companies are long dead. Nothing survived but Trump Inc. He managed to stick his lenders with huge losses.
Not just Trump, but a lot of political leaders are like that. Fear of failure stunts growth and leads to stagnation. One cannot be great unless they have failed enough times to learn how to be great.
I love my wife
Nuff said ?
It's my pleasure, I'm happy it works for you.~blushes bright red~
that is the nicest thing I have heard all week.
The point is not the slur with which you are trying so hard to force the narrative.
The point is that the picture is plainly not the peaceful protest you are trying to sell.
Same here. The answer generally (wasn’t, isn’t, won’t be) forthcoming.It's my pleasure, I'm happy it works for you.
Though I am still kind of interested knowing who the "greater master" mentioned above is.
I see no need to follow you across the divide between ignorance and stupidity. Have a nice day.That is your point and opinion. I'm glad we can at least agree that it's a slur. That's 3 of us so far and I find that an acceptable number. A majority of those that chose to weigh in on it.
About the picture. Are they armed or something? Tell me what I'm missing. LEO is clearly in the picture and not threatened.
Same here. The answer generally (wasn’t, isn’t, won’t be) forthcoming.
Thanks for indulging a frivolous moment.
They were actually far right. They were both brown with a coat of red paint. There has never been a successful collective/collectivist society. Lenin killed one brave try in the womb.
There has never been an actual (as opposed to one cynically wearing Marxism as a ghillie suit) Marxist society. Poor Karl genuinely believed that if people’s basic material and social needs were met, people would tend to cooperate, to heed their better angels. He was worldly and intelligent to know better. Even the apparently best of us are prone to pampered delusion.
The portion of that law which prevents the guilty party from becoming president has already been declared unconstitutional. The Legislative branch is not empowered to set the criteria for presidents. The Constitution sets the criteria. The legislative branch may impeach and then remove a president from office. That is the Legislative branch's Constitutional role they have in determining fitness for a person to be President.FUN FACT: The bill that increased the penalty for retaining classified materials, which Trump signed into law, and which now threatens him, was originally sponsored by ... Devin Nunes.