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I dont think it's bad to have utopian views, it's obvious good and noble, but that needs to be tempered by reality. You can strive for those goals taking small reality based steps.

I dont know if humanity will get to where utopian ideas are feasible, I think it sort of hinges on one of those fundamental philosophical questions regarding the nature of man...which is way more than I want to dive into on this fine afternoon.

Edit: what I am trying to say in that first part is people should avoid pursuit of utopianism to the detriment of their overall situation. It is a mistake to look at something and say "both sides suck, we should have blah blah I do and pick nothing." You end up with the shitty end of the stick then.
I consider “both sides” to be simple propaganda. Utopianism has the distinguishing trait of hooking sentiment and so canceling critical review.
Ok let's see you say otherwise. The Natsoc Deutsch Workers party vs Soviet Communism were two rather far Left political factions fighting.
They were actually far right. They were both brown with a coat of red paint. There has never been a successful collective/collectivist society. Lenin killed one brave try in the womb.

There has never been an actual (as opposed to one cynically wearing Marxism as a ghillie suit) Marxist society. Poor Karl genuinely believed that if people’s basic material and social needs were met, people would tend to cooperate, to heed their better angels. He was worldly and intelligent to know better. Even the apparently best of us are prone to pampered delusion.
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