Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]


Active Member
That looks nice newgrowth! how old is that bud? :weed:

Hello goofygolfer, I'm using a half dose of a locally-sold organic nutrient composed of bat guano, seaweed and fish emulsion.

I know this is very unconventional but I don't measure my ppm's and my ecc's. I just make sure I don't overfeed.

I just did my fourth feeding a couple of days ago and I just checked on my plants today to water them and they look fine.

Pictures are coming up in a short while! :-P


Active Member
Here are the much awaited pictures guys!


(The new grow room is a small cabinet. It is not as dirty as it looks.)

Once again I apologize for making you wait for this for I have been really really busy. I even failed to upgrade my lights to 400w because I just didn't have the time. I will try to find time to buy a 400w hps next week because I want to take advantage of the plant's high-yielding quality.

As for high yielding, you will know what I'm talking about once you see the pics :weed:


I had to transfer my plants to another location and for two weeks it did not have sufficient lighting. This resulted to a little stretching, but nothing serious.


I have three females and one of them is one of the runts I had a while back. The flowering runt does not look as good as the other two because some of it's leaves are burnt due to heat stress. But I'm still keeping it and at the same time keeping a close watch for hermie tendencies.

Without further ado:

Plant 1:



Plant 8:


Not bad for 250w @ 3 weeks right?

I will update and post pictures again next week :)

Oh and I was able to take clones off of them. I will update you guys on that too.

Thanks for subscribing guys :)

:weed: :weed: :weed:


Well-Known Member
That looks nice newgrowth! how old is that bud? :weed:
I think that was around 8-9weeks I took my satori long to about 11weeks. HUGE chunky buds! I got around 10 ounces between two plants, I lost some bud due to bud rot because the top colas were so dense and my air circulation in that grow was poor.

Yours are coming along well! Satori is definitely a keeper I sill wish I had held on to a cut.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think that was around 8-9weeks I took my satori long to about 11weeks. HUGE chunky buds! I got around 10 ounces between two plants, I lost some bud due to bud rot because the top colas were so dense and my air circulation in that grow was poor.

Yours are coming along well! Satori is definitely a keeper I sill wish I had held on to a cut.:bigjoint:
Ive got 7 or 8 Satori seedlings right now. I hope I can pull some weight like that off of them. What was your lighting like, and what type of medium did you use?


Active Member
nice beautiful plants at 3 weeks weedy! those look very nice and healthy. keep up with what you are doing and you are sure to get a nice harvest.


Active Member
Hey guys! It's 5th week and I just gave them their first dose of molasses :D I will put up pictures soon :)

P.S. Sorry if I am very slow on the updates. It is a busy season right now. It is election season in our country and I have plenty of tasks to perform :D


Active Member
Oh by the way, I dig this new rollitup format! Since when was it changed? I havent logged in for a loooong time!


New Member
I grew this last year outdoors...and it was a champ. Very strong grower....nice limey smell to it too when vegging. Had almost no trouble with any drank water like a mofo..... but I'm down in the deep south and my soil really drained well. I had to water them every day....if not....droop.


Beautiful girls, I would figure a female grower would be more likely to have a natural greenthumb. I'll pray for sparkly buds for you!

I'm in for the ride on this one, Im interested to see how much you yield.


New Member
I think women grow a lot less than men because they are more "security" minded and don't like to take the "risk" in their own home....but on the flip side, i find that women are better at paying attention to details than men....and can out grow them overall.