Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

YOU DONT UNDERSTAND MAN, THAT PRIEST JUST PUT HIS PENIS IN YOUR SON, its not like he killed or beat your son, he just put something inside a hole. gees whats with all the tough guy talk? *confused look of a sissified anti-gun activist.

that post went over my head and under my feet. im not an anti gun activist. please explain y u quoted my post and replied wit that, call me retarded but i dont understand wat ur getting at.
IM SORRY DUDE, but your life is only worth the actions you choose to make during that life, and if those actions infringe on the lives/rights of others then your life is hardly worth the bullets to stop you. So go ahead and call the cops when you have someone break into your property, and see just how long it takes for someone to come and save you.

The rest of us will be ready to protect ourselves, and guess what, that means we wont be standing their in horror watching our wives being raped. We will be washing the rapist's blood off our hands.
As Iv said over and over, if the person enters your house, then you are defending yourself or your family. If they're in your garden a warning shot would scare 99% of people off. Im pro-gun, Im just not pro-murder over a plant in the garden.
YOU DONT UNDERSTAND MAN, THAT PRIEST JUST PUT HIS PENIS IN YOUR SON, its not like he killed or beat your son, he just put something inside a hole. gees whats with all the tough guy talk? *confused look of a sissified anti-gun activist.
This priest harmed your child, again the original point was someone was shot over a plant, its a completly different thing, so your point is pretty pointless ;)
Anybody who knows Del Paso Hieghts,knows that if you fuck around,you might get shot.Hell,I don't even live in Sacramento and I know about DPH.This ripper got what was comming to him.He knew the risk! Come onto my land with the thought of stealling somthing......Your gonna get a taste of some hill billy justice!
Good work all supporting the stereotype about your country...

Anybody who knows Del Paso Hieghts,knows that if you fuck around,you might get shot.Hell,I don't even live in Sacramento and I know about DPH.This ripper got what was comming to him.He knew the risk! Come onto my land with the thought of stealling somthing......Your gonna get a taste of some hill billy justice!

lol good point, i didnt even think to mention that i guess i just took that information for granted. dph is definately in the top 5 when it comes to bad neighborhoods in sac. people get killed for ALOT less than that in dph all the time. im not from the north im from the south but i hear about shit happening out there all the time and i prob dont even hear about half of wat goes on out there.
lol good point, i didnt even think to mention that i guess i just took that information for granted. dph is definately in the top 5 when it comes to bad neighborhoods in sac. people get killed for ALOT less than that in dph all the time. im not from the north im from the south but i hear about shit happening out there all the time and i prob dont even hear about half of wat goes on out there.
So I guess if someone gets 25 years for growing pot, they deserve it cos they knew it was illegal and knew the potential consequences?
Well sounds like Sac has a ripper problem and the suspects are vietnamese his name was Vue Cheng. This is the one time he got caught trust me he didnt just start yesterday. Keepem green dirrtyd
ripping plants has become more of an epidemic... its getting crazy out here. every single person i know that is growing has someone watching their crop at all times. well except for when their sleepin i guess, cuz my boy got jacked n his dad was in the backyard sleepin in a tent while they ripped him off. *note to self* have someone who isnt a deep sleeper watch my plants.
again the original point was someone was shot over a plant, its a completly different thing, so your point is pretty pointless ;)

its ALSO pointless to put someone in prison because of a plant, but people get put into prison on a regular basis for marijuana, cocain or heroin...... ALL 3 of those drugs come from plants.

people get shot over Cocaine and Heroin all the time, there TECHNICALLY just plants with a little bit of processing, nothing more harmful than making Butane Honey Oil......

why not start shooting people over marijuana?!? think about the price wars. i want $13,000 per Kilo, that would be GREAT.

Life is cheap, shoot first ask questions later, etc.
Steriotype of america?!?

you have ovbiously never been to Asia or Africa. you dont have a fucking clue what its like to be in a country where life IS cheap. i've watched a CHILD cut off someones hands because he was drinking from teh wrong water hose....... you do NOT know what cheap life is.
So I guess if someone gets 25 years for growing pot, they deserve it cos they knew it was illegal and knew the potential consequences?

dude u dont even make no sense... all the points u r tryna make r irrelevant. wat does goin to jail for growing weed got anything to do with stealing. just take mj out of the equation... lets say that guy is an electrician he keeps large spools of copper wire in his backyard since he has nowhere inside to store them and mr vue cheng hops his fence to rip off some copper. and without that copper wire that man cant work and therefore cant feed his family. he doesnt have money to buy more wire n the only way for him to make money is to do some eletrical work for someone. but now he doesnt have any and he cant simply just grow more wire, then is it ok?
dude u dont even make no sense... all the points u r tryna make r irrelevant. wat does goin to jail for growing weed got anything to do with stealing. just take mj out of the equation... lets say that guy is an electrician he keeps large spools of copper wire in his backyard since he has nowhere inside to store them and mr vue cheng hops his fence to rip off some copper. and without that copper wire that man cant work and therefore cant feed his family. he doesnt have money to buy more wire n the only way for him to make money is to do some eletrical work for someone. but now he doesnt have any and he cant simply just grow more wire, then is it ok?
So you think its ok for someone to shoot someone over copper wire?

Its just fucking copper wire, your points are ridiculous.

When I said about people going to prison for pot, my point was you were saying "they should've known the potential risks" before stealing. By the same logic its right for a grower to go to prison cos they knew the risks of growing due to its illegality.

EDIT: And if the copper wire is so important to the guys life, he wouldve put it somewhere safer, adaquate security, etc.

Also you ignored where I said a warning shot would scare most off. Why do you need to kill the person?
So I guess if someone gets 25 years for growing pot, they deserve it cos they knew it was illegal and knew the potential consequences?

Pretty much.If your taking a risk,be prepared for the consiquences of that risk.If thats growing more plants than your allowed,or ripping people off.There are reactions to every action.

If a muther fucker wants to steal shit,they should expect to be dodging bullets!!
ripping plants has become more of an epidemic... its getting crazy out here. every single person i know that is growing has someone watching their crop at all times. well except for when their sleepin i guess, cuz my boy got jacked n his dad was in the backyard sleepin in a tent while they ripped him off. *note to self* have someone who isnt a deep sleeper watch my plants.

It's an epidemic because people like Harrekin 'support the stereotype' that all growers are bitches and push over cunts.
It's stories like these that hamper the legalization process. Police and law makers can point this out as an example of the type of "lawlessness" that will be created if Cannabis is legalized. As I stated earlier... so fucking stupid.
While this may be true, it's only more stereotyping of marijuana use. If we look to criminal activity as the deciding factor to legalize or criminalize everything, exactly what would we be legal to do?
Remember, criminals by nature have no respect for laws, and are not detered by most of them, while law abiding people respect and live within the guidelines of those laws.
If your logic held true, why then are alcohol, guns, and politicians still legal?
People, not substances need to be accountable for their actions.
its legal here in california and the feds are not concerned wit growers who are abiding by state mmj laws which they stated that that grower was. i would have a completely diff view on the situation if it was some guy growing bud in a national park who shot somebody for tryin to steal his crop. n ur missing the point. for u it may just be copper wire or just a plant, but for people whos livelihoods depend on those things its more than that. if i had a bunch of copper wire and i needed that wire in order to make money to feed my family and some punk was tryna steal it for a quick dollar to probably pay for one of his habits then yes i dont see anything wrong with it. i dont care about his problems and wat prompted him or any other thieves to steal anything, bottom line is taking something from somebody else is wrong and protecting yourself and ur property is not. whether it be copper wire, mj plants, or even fuckin tomato plants if thats how u make ur living. at the end of the day my family and i will have a meal on the table and nobody is gonna take that food off my plate.
its legal here in california and the feds are not concerned wit growers who are abiding by state mmj laws which they stated that that grower was. i would have a completely diff view on the situation if it was some guy growing bud in a national park who shot somebody for tryin to steal his crop. n ur missing the point. for u it may just be copper wire or just a plant, but for people whos livelihoods depend on those things its more than that. if i had a bunch of copper wire and i needed that wire in order to make money to feed my family and some punk was tryna steal it for a quick dollar to probably pay for one of his habits then yes i dont see anything wrong with it. i dont care about his problems and wat prompted him or any other thieves to steal anything, bottom line is taking something from somebody else is wrong and protecting yourself and ur property is not. whether it be copper wire, mj plants, or even fuckin tomato plants if thats how u make ur living. at the end of the day my family and i will have a meal on the table and nobody is gonna take that food off my plate.
Well I guess I cant argue with ignorance...