Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

Yea, it does. I really dont care bout those things when it comes to the safety of my family. Sorry, big fail on your part.

What does that have to do with this?

Did you feel offended by what i said?

Are you gay? If so, read the bible.

And i aint no "fanboi" bro!

Id invite you to my house at night through back, you just gotta kick the door in so it can open

If someone came into my house it'd be a different story, but shooting someone over plants is sad.

Oly doesnt your God (that you're such a fanboi for) state "Thou shalt not kill" ?[/QUOTE]
Yeah yeah yeah, talk talk talk. If you shoot someone over a plant you're a complete loser and need to get a life. Noones life is worth less than plants, thats all they are. And if you depend on them for income, you need to get a steady job.

everyone keeps talking about it like its just some vegetable, if tomatos went for a bare minimum of $1600 a lb then fuck ya i would shoot someone over them, but they dont so that point is irrelevant. and like someone stated earlier that guy decided his life was worth some plants when he decided to hop that fence cuz any idiot knows that most people that grow protect their crop with a gun and are willing to use it to protect their livelihood. the only reason y this is an issue at all is because it was mj plants that he was protecting. if someone was trying to rob anything else of value everyone would be on the homeowners side. but because "its just a plant" the homeowner is wrong. well i say take ur liberal ass someone else with all that nonsense. and also to point it out this wasnt the first time someone tried to rob this guy. it happened last year and he never shot anyone, he let it go last year but maybe he decided enough is enough. wat do u expect him to do tell himself year after year that "oh its alright its just a plant, ill just grow some more next year." ya so someone can take it next year too? i dont think so... i bet u he just secured himself a safe spot to grow for at least a couple years and i applaud him. if he doesnt do anything he just keeps getting ripped off year after year or has to quit growing. either one of those wouldnt be an option for me. and stop with all the it was an illegal grow, they stated loud n clear a couple times that it WAS in fact legal. its not like the guy was guerilla growing on public land and just shot some bypasser who got a lil too close to his crop. for christ sake it was in HIS backyard and they were HIS plants, not that fuckin idiots who hopped the fence. if ur not ready to suffer the consequences of ur actions then dont do it, he obviously was and im glad he paid for it. i will say that i feel bad for his family cuz its not their fault he is a complete dumbass but thats where my sympathy ends.
If someone came into my house it'd be a different story, but shooting someone over plants is sad.

Oly doesnt your God (that you're such a fanboi for) state "Thou shalt not kill" ?

so wat if u had an indoor operation going and someone came in ur house to try n steal that? cuz u said itd be a diff story if they came inside ur house but u would still be shooting someone over a plant, n thats just so pathetic right?
few years ago i read of a guy thay lived in a apartment woke up in middle of night to see someone breaking in his car as the culprit was tottaly inside his car he pulled out his high powered rifle and blew the fckers head off hahahaah he didnt get charged being there was signs of forced entry in vehicle and he was inside it

as for me i regret anyday if i would catch a burgler in my house as i would kill him cut him up and feed him to my dogs and it doesnt matter if he or she is 12 or 30 in some countries you catch a thief they either hang them or cut there hands off
i have herd of out door grows that there are camaras and guys sitting armed and waiting for some thief to come
and most big outdoor grows theres someone out there with FLIR or some kind of night time goggles

just finished watching outlaw gangs and them killing people for drugs and only 25,000 worth
exactly, I don't see why it's so unreasonable that we want to use this as supplemental income or possibly main income, people have made more money doing worse things.

but it makes it all the same, if someone could single-handedly fuck up your financial situation for a whole year with this single act, would you do whatever you could to stop them? the answer is YES.
As others have said, I do not like to see the loss of human life; But when you go breaking onto peoples private property to steal... something like this is bound to happen.

I defend the homeowner over the robber any day, anytime.
i dont condone death by shooting but they chose to do this and if they didnt do anything the next person would come along and do the same thing to the same house. at least now hoodlums know not to fuck with that house
The guy who decided to try and steal the plants was the 1 who decided his life was worth it, not the home owner. That guuy knew full well what the consequences could b, and he made the decision.
All the home owner did, was what every american has the right to do. And thats 2 protect their selves and their property..
As others have said, I do not like to see the loss of human life; But when you go breaking onto peoples private property to steal... something like this is bound to happen.

I defend the homeowner over the robber any day, anytime.

don't condone it all you want... croppers know what happens when they tread on someones grow, they are RISKING THEIR LIFE.

I don't see how unreasonable this is.

sure it's morally wrong, but so is stealing someones livelyhood, and we're supposed to defend our livelyhood right? or are we supposed to just sit back and not survive? I thought the number one priority for humanity was survival?

just sayin man, for most people this is a lot more than a PLANT.

and the thieves who steal that know this, and they do so at their own risk.
Yeah yeah yeah, talk talk talk. If you shoot someone over a plant you're a complete loser and need to get a life. Noones life is worth less than plants, thats all they are. And if you depend on them for income, you need to get a steady job.

Only weaklings and the inept can't grasp the difference between theory and practice.
ya i cant fucking stand all the "its just a plant" talk. if it were just a plant people wouldnt try to rip them off. n if its just a plant y couldnt that mother fucker just grow his own? hes probably too lazy so he figured itd be easier to let someone else do all the hardwork and just take it, boy was he wrong.
If a person enters your house (regardless of indoor grows) then defend yourself. Someone in your yard doesnt deserve a bullet. This guy had his shit sitting out in the open, with a low-ish wooden fence and no other security.

They we're asking for it and killed someone over plants.

You guys need to stop watching so many "tough-guy" movies...the value of a human life is clearly alot lower on the other side of the Atlantic than it is here.
fuck u and the other side of the atlantic... this is coming from a guy whos from ireland, a place where people are killing each other over religion. give me a fucking break. killing someone for takin food out of their families mouth, weather it be outdoors or indoors, is far more justifable than killing someone because they have a different religious belief.
fuck u and the other side of the atlantic... this is coming from a guy whos from ireland, a place where people are killing each other over religion. give me a fucking break. killing someone for takin food out of their families mouth, weather it be outdoors or indoors, is far more justifable than killing someone because they have a different religious belief.
People here dont kill each other over religion (infact, people here rarely kill each other, period), guess you dont know ANYTHING about my country, so stfu yeah? ;)

EDIT: Ireland has an intentional homicide rate of 1.25 per 100,000...the United States is 5 per 100, you have 4 times the murder rate...guess that explains the difference in attitude?
If a person enters your house (regardless of indoor grows) then defend yourself. Someone in your yard doesnt deserve a bullet. This guy had his shit sitting out in the open, with a low-ish wooden fence and no other security.

They we're asking for it and killed someone over plants.

You guys need to stop watching so many "tough-guy" movies...the value of a human life is clearly alot lower on the other side of the Atlantic than it is here.

IM SORRY DUDE, but your life is only worth the actions you choose to make during that life, and if those actions infringe on the lives/rights of others then your life is hardly worth the bullets to stop you. So go ahead and call the cops when you have someone break into your property, and see just how long it takes for someone to come and save you.

The rest of us will be ready to protect ourselves, and guess what, that means we wont be standing their in horror watching our wives being raped. We will be washing the rapist's blood off our hands.
ya i cant fucking stand all the "its just a plant" talk. if it were just a plant people wouldnt try to rip them off. n if its just a plant y couldnt that mother fucker just grow his own? hes probably too lazy so he figured itd be easier to let someone else do all the hardwork and just take it, boy was he wrong.

YOU DONT UNDERSTAND MAN, THAT PRIEST JUST PUT HIS PENIS IN YOUR SON, its not like he killed or beat your son, he just put something inside a hole. gees whats with all the tough guy talk? *confused look of a sissified anti-gun activist.
Lol, at all the people feeling sorry for this thieving punk. He got what he deserved, end of story. Plenty of weed to be bought in California so he had no excuse to be stealing it.