making thc juice for e cig

>-- if you are thinking of buying some pure peg400 i can definately sell you some of mine as i am never going to use it. the only use i get out of it is for cleaning my pax. the pax device has a narrow tube inside that gets clogged easily and i dont want to use alcohol or other harmful solvents. but since peg400 is oil soluble it dissolves any thc residue build up inside the tube of the pax.

lemme know if you got any other questions. good luck.

I'd love to swoop on some of that PEG-400 to play with. I'm in the bay area.. how can we connect?
hey capndaft.. i tend to heat my stuffs(both at once) to around 150-170 veryyy quickly, then swirl, mix, reheat, swirl mix. till i get a clear non chunky liquid, the 50/50 blend seems to work well

for long testing purposes.. i have not personally seen any separation with the pg/oil only blend.

as far as tanks go.. i relally like to use the small ones as disposable ($5)

and for big ones, i like as many wicks as possible with lowest ohm.. i have had issues with all my bottom coil wicks.. even with kanger..

i like the multiple long wick systems.. i can get plenty of rip out of one hit..

this black cig in the background is my favorite.. (got for my boss)

the tiny black one i am holing is also super fun for discrete.

That's exactly what I'm talking about ^^^
Like what??? Multiple long wick huh with what about ohms?
I feel like I just discovered smart phones

haha, ok, wicks, wicks are what hold our precious juice and deliver it to the heating coil... the more wicks seem to provide longer hits...
(short wicks, and lack of juice being vaporized boil coil = burnt wick taste = ew)

ok, ohms, ohmmm . i believe our batteries are just one set voltage depending on how much charge it has...

you know how ohms/voltage work with resistance? (qwizo you must)
the lower the ohm, the higher heat, harder hit.

the higher number ohm = less heat, less vapr? im pretty sure thats true..

here is a pictue of wicks. first one is the one i have been liking, 4 wicks..

the 2nd one is one i just discovered while getting this pic together, 16 wicks!!!!!

the bottom one is a bottom coil wick. these fail too often for me ..

oh ya, side note.. i test dabbed a few droplets of my hash juice, and well, holy fuck

such a hugeee amount, it killed me :]

i then told my friend to just try one drop. ok, that was nice and big and more like a realistic dab.. also got good reviews.

hehehe, any of you try dabbing the juice you made yet :]

its pretty fun
With you so far..
So what's a clearomizer and cartomizer
Sorry man..appreciate the time to put it out there for me though
Nvm don't worry bout it.. I'll just spend the day Googlin these things
ughmm, i think cartos use an enclosed wick system, and its a bit different?

i started out with the metal 510 cartomizers, thought the stealth would be cool. its been a while. but i found the cartomizers to over heat a lot.. (i think i got some new ones laying around, i may give them a test again, its been a while..)

pros about carto:
can load with very minimal juice

out of the box, many dont even work..
they get hot
dont hold that much juice!
got the burnt wick taste often
often leak in between connections

cleeromizer/tanks pros:
can see level of liquid inside
non burnt taste if used properly
they come in cool colors :]
they hold a tonnnn of juice,

ughmm. the wick eventually dries out if you dont let it wick back up . ( i like to take 3 to 8 second rips, and let my wick have at least a minute or so to soak up some more juice before next hit..
ughmm, i just did some more testing.. with the clearo..

i compared 1.8ohm t0 2.5 ohm.

i gotta say, the low ohms feels like aburnt taste.

the higher ohm carries the flavor over better. doesnt hit as hard. but its actually nice..
im pennnned up hehehe
while ive never tried this, i do use an ecigg and have been wondering the same thing. ive used actual oil pens before just putting dabs of BHO in them, but the consistency wouldnt work with a normal ecigg atty using wicks.

ive been wondering about using tincture in mine..ive taken tincture before just by squirting it in my mouth, its very watery. petty much the exact consistency of my nicotine juice. the guy said he made it just by filling a jar with buds, pouring a bunch of vegetable glycerin over it and letting it sit in a sunny window. the crystals dissolve into the glycerin im thinking, and after you strain it out ((not sure how long you let it sit)) youve got thc infused veg. glycerin. no chunks and no thick goo to clog your atty. this might work for filling up a tank and puffing all day!

if youre trying to use a thicker substance i think the heat might be an issue..most oil pens come with variable voltage batteries, it needs to get hotter than it would for normal ejuice. just google 'dome atomizers' and youll find plenty of them made specifically for oils, and most have normal 510 connectors to fit an ego type battery.

haha, ok, wicks, wicks are what hold our precious juice and deliver it to the heating coil... the more wicks seem to provide longer hits...
(short wicks, and lack of juice being vaporized boil coil = burnt wick taste = ew)

ok, ohms, ohmmm . i believe our batteries are just one set voltage depending on how much charge it has...

you know how ohms/voltage work with resistance? (qwizo you must)
the lower the ohm, the higher heat, harder hit.

the higher number ohm = less heat, less vapr? im pretty sure thats true..

here is a pictue of wicks. first one is the one i have been liking, 4 wicks..

the 2nd one is one i just discovered while getting this pic together, 16 wicks!!!!!

the bottom one is a bottom coil wick. these fail too often for me ..

What brand clearomizer is the top wick meant for?

The 16 wick unit looks like it is for the iClear30. When I use an iClear30 it seems to work just as good as the 4 wick iClear16, but when I use it in the iClear30 tank, that is where the 16 wick is very impressive. The larger tank allows the oil to flow up the wicks easier. The iClear16 and the iClear30 each have the same ohms, 2.0 - 2.1. If I get any burnt taste, I just turn down the voltage. If I am using the SVD I will turn down the wattage. I don't care much for the cartomizers in regards to vaporizing cannabis oil. They work well for e-cigarette oils though. It is really all personal preference. You can thin out the cannabis oil with PG USP to where it will work well in the cartomizers. I am not really a fan of the automizers either. I like the clearomizers best for e-cigarettes or e-cannabis.

The picture sort of shows how in the iClear30 the wicks are not being compressed to fit into a small chamber. That allows for a much bigger and better hit. You don't really have to wait to take another hit or pass it on.
RSO-QWISO 50-50 mix 2013_11170017.jpg

You can interchange the wicks with the iClear units. I prefer the iClear30, which is a larger tank. It is a must to have a variable voltage vaporizer. Preferably an APV vaporizer that includes variable voltage and wattage. APV=Adjustable Personal Vape. When I put the same wick unit in a smaller clearomizer that is meant for a pen vape the hits are not as big, it is easier to get a burnt taste, and potentially more wait time between hits. The smaller clearomizer does have its advantages. Stealth all the way. When it is in a tinted clearomizer and a black eGo C Twist battery it does not attract attention. Nobody would know the difference.

This is the iClear16 with the 4 wick unit. It is only like a $0.20 - $0.30 price difference between the iClear16 and iClear30 wicks. I have not decided which I like better.
QWISO E-Juice 2013_11160006.jpg

This is a custom tank that was made for the SVD. Unfortunately, it needs to be used with a cartomizer. When it works, it is totally awesome. The problem I ran into, I do burn up a lot of cartomizers and that wastes a lot of oil. Right after I had the tank made, they stopped selling the higher ohm cartomizers that I want. I prefer 2 ohm and higher. Currently I can only get 1.5 ohm cartomizers for it. One of the problems with the cartomizer is the location that it takes in the oil. The two intake holes are not large enough in my opinion. I wish that I could somehow make an i30 heating element work in it, but they are probably the best for e-cigarette flavored oils. When I get a chance, I will try to customize my own cartomizer to work in the unit.
Custom glass tank 7-15-13 030.jpg

I prefer the tinted (black) clearomizers, I use the clear ones for better pictures.

Because of the vaporizers, I no longer smoke what so ever. Tobacco or bud. I smoked weed and cigarettes for 30 years, started when I was just a kid. No more combustion for me! I have pretty much tried everything else to quit cigarettes and nothing worked until I tried e-cigarettes. I have tried all kinds of vaporizing equipment for cannabis and I was not happy with any product. Well, there is one that I liked a lot, the Eclipse Vape. It is just a pain to use. You can't really use it in public, it would be too obvious. People will probably think you are smoking crack since you need to use a torch lighter. I was never happy with vaporizing buds. The taste is too funky for me. Vaporizing the oils, I can even taste the different strains.
E-Cannabis oil is the way to go for me!
ughmm, i just did some more testing.. with the clearo..

i compared 1.8ohm t0 2.5 ohm.

i gotta say, the low ohms feels like aburnt taste.

the higher ohm carries the flavor over better. doesnt hit as hard. but its actually nice..
im pennnned up hehehe
it's because of the way they are achieving low resistance- they are just using a shorter piece of the same skinny wire, so it gets hotter. the other way to do it (way better), is using a longer piece of fatter wire. It creates more heat but at lower temp if that makes sense. you would have to build the coils yourself tho. all the coils you show above are rebuild-able. not by design tho so it's a pita.
it's because of the way they are achieving low resistance- they are just using a shorter piece of the same skinny wire, so it gets hotter. the other way to do it (way better), is using a longer piece of fatter wire. It creates more heat but at lower temp if that makes sense. you would have to build the coils yourself tho. all the coils you show above are rebuild-able. not by design tho so it's a pita.

Something I have noticed with the burnt taste: 1. low grade clearomizers, they will put a small piece of wick type material over the coil and you will pretty much get a burnt taste no matter what. 2. I notice that with single coil, like in the C4 clearomizer, gives a burnt taste easier vs. a dual coil clearomizer.

Single coil and dual coil burnt taste is only in regards to e-cannabis. I don't have the burnt taste issue with e-cigg oil.

Building your own coils is really cool. I have been looking into that. High Desert Vapes pretty much has everything you need to build your own rig. If you build your own rig, or just the coils, I would strongly recommend to use a cheapie battery first. You don't want to fry a $100-$200 APV vaporizer. They give a lot of warnings that it can be easy to fry your vaporizer building your own coils. I would first try it out on a $20 eGo C Twist, better to be safe than sorry!
most variable wattage mods should be safe as they check res and will not fire @ 1.1ohms or below, it's going to depend on the mod tho. The resistance of coils can shift a bit when a coil is new, also sometimes there is a short, so I would be careful about using on a battery that doesn't have any safety features.
the biggest issue with clearomizers imho is that they have a very tight draw, and there really isn't a practical way to drill out the air hole. everything else can be built any way you want within the limits of the design (they are small so room is an issue). I rebuild my coils out of 28 gauge which works very well if you can get it right, it's too much of a pain to recommend bc of space issues tho. 30 gauge is supposed to be a lot easier and still an improvement over the coils you can buy.

If your wanting to try that sort of thing, rda's are where it's at performance wise. I've been using a fatty lately, it's a cheap (@ $15) drip atty that's fairly easy to build a coil on. the higher performance tank systems are very complicated but also work well if you can get them set up right. I've mostly been dripping lately tho.
hey grow goddess, thank you for the deep detail

the top wick pictured fits these two tanks, i get them off hoosier...

a for the 2nd picture with 16 wicks, that thing takes s tank ive never used..



as i get more and more involved with this, me thinks i want to get myself a AVP pen..

thanks again for your input grow g.

im ordering myself an svd setup :]
hey grow goddess, thank you for the deep detail

the top wick pictured fits these two tanks, i get them off hoosier...

a for the 2nd picture with 16 wicks, that thing takes s tank ive never used..



as i get more and more involved with this, me thinks i want to get myself a AVP pen..

thanks again for your input grow g.

im ordering myself an svd setup :]

Thanks! I will look into those. I like the idea of the bottom pic saying it is glass. The only glass items I have seen require the catomizers, which I am not a fan of for cannabis oil.

Do you know if they have 510 threads? Man if they are I will have to try them out!

You get an SVD, you won't regret it. You won't regret using the iClear30 tank for cannabis oil either. I like to set my volts to 4.8. I adjust the heat with the wattage. Usually around 6-9 depending upon what oil or attachment I am using.
Hi people,
This thread is old news to you all perhaps, but I just stumbled upon it while trying to figure out how to make ejuice from my lovely co2 oil. I recently purchased a Vision Spinner II E cig type vape with a Kangertech Aerotank Mega Cartomizer, and wanted to use it for vaping in public, for which I usually use my cloud pen 2.0 (which is nice and discreet, gets me pretty ripped, but delivers rather harsh hits). I first tried melting my oil and stirring in a bit of ejuice i got from my smoke shop (turns out to be VG). This didn't work at all. So I got some everclear 190 and added warm co2 oil. This blended very nicely! I thought I had it figured out but when I tried to stir in my VG liquid, it again separated somewhat into a cloudy liquid with visible droplets of oil. I was pretty disappointed, and didn't even want to try vaping this broken emulsion. So I was trolling the net and discovered the EJ mix product from Liquidizer which is mentioned above. I just ordered it, and will have it in a week or so. But it is very pricey, and I may try to create my own blend of PEG and PG. And in fact, I should probably try mixing my everclear/oil solution into straight PG, judging by some of the comments I've read. Looking forward to smoother hits!
I have been tinkering alot lately.

Use PG, not VG. but you will still get separation. That ejuice stuff works great. I did a 1:1 and it held for two days fine. Then I added another part PG and four days later no separation. BUT... that ejuice stuff tastes like shit whereas I enjoy the taste of straight PG and oil. The ejuice tastes very chemically and I don't know a better way to say it, "footlike". and I had it lightly flavored by a friend who makes ecig juice for a living.

My friend is pondering flavor systems. I have a harvest about to be ready (taking too long, should have been done). Next step for me is to experiment and see how little of thag ejuice blend I can use to get it to hold in PG, minimizing the bad taste.

Still, unlike anything else, the stuff seems to keep it in solution.