making thc juice for e cig


Well-Known Member
Anyone had success?

Got looking to make something potent, not harsh, and will work in your average "e-cig" with either carto's, tanks, or the wick systems.

Using a couple oz of high grade bud and maybe a couple oz trim..

My guess is that I need to make some sort of "hash" first to dissolve into...? mix of veggie glyc and proprylene glycol?

A tek would be rad...
YES!!!! finaly another vaper. What I do is use the post and coil head from my vivi nova and screw it onto my mod and drop hash oil that we deluted with VG.
They make all kinds of pens to burn hash oil with these days. You can get decent ones on ebay @ $30 for a 2-pack.
here are some pics. it doesn't wick very well when u put it in a tank. so don't fill any tanks, I know you were probably hoping to just fill a tank and vape all day getting high. but I havnt been able to make juice that works like that yet. I just drop onto the coil and wicks. and I rebuild my coils. and only screw the tank part on to take hits.CAM00166.jpgCAM00174.jpgCAM00180.jpg
I've seen some around locally... a few people in my city are selling ecigs loaded with thc juice that works out of the wick system.
They are using cheap e cigs (not quite disposable i think) and loading em up..

I actually know someone who is doing this successfully,,, he won't share his recipe.
Here is what I have so far...

I filled the vape up with the veg glyc... THICK vape.. 5-6 inhales later... i'm still alive.
From tasting nicotine juice.. i can tell this is an ingredient commonly used.

The nicotine juice i use says it is 70% Propylene Glycol 30% Veg Glycerine
Will definitely need to make hash first... I'm guessing either bho or iso hash... mix the hash to the 70/30 mix at low temp... see what happens.

I hate making bho and iso..
I guess I just don't understand why you would want to add glycerine when you can just use a pen on straight hash oil.
What pen? What kind of hash oil?

There's many kinds. The cheapest, and by many accounts very reliable would be the micro g pen, aka cloud pen, aka elipse mini. Also the 710pen is good. If you go with the 710pen, I'd suggest the 710m-pen.

You can get 2 micro g pens on ebay for 30 bucks. They burn bho or qwiso just fine.
There's many kinds. The cheapest, and by many accounts very reliable would be the micro g pen, aka cloud pen, aka elipse mini. Also the 710pen is good. If you go with the 710pen, I'd suggest the 710m-pen.

You can get 2 micro g pens on ebay for 30 bucks. They burn bho or qwiso just fine.

maybe i make my hash wrong. I've never gotten anything near a liquid... an extremely tarish goop is the closest. over time it just gets harder..
Can I just shove that goop in there?
Grow goddess made a pretty good argument for using pg and oil to make ejuice on another thread. I have tried vg and a 50/50 ejuice and neither one worked very well for me, so i tried pg which seems to work.
I heat up iso oil till its pretty warm and then drop in the pg and swirl it @ a few seconds till its completely dissolved. the ratio i have been using is @ 70/30 oil to pg.
it wicks fine. I have vaped it in a kanger mt3 and mini vivinova on ego style batteries and also in a disposable gas station type that i refilled. I'd say 3-5 good pulls on it is about like a bong hit for me. hth and gl
Grow goddess made a pretty good argument for using pg and oil to make ejuice on another thread. I have tried vg and a 50/50 ejuice and neither one worked very well for me, so i tried pg which seems to work.
I heat up iso oil till its pretty warm and then drop in the pg and swirl it @ a few seconds till its completely dissolved. the ratio i have been using is @ 70/30 oil to pg.
it wicks fine. I have vaped it in a kanger mt3 and mini vivinova on ego style batteries and also in a disposable gas station type that i refilled. I'd say 3-5 good pulls on it is about like a bong hit for me. hth and gl

I was reading that one of the propylene glycol uses is to mix liquids that do not want to mix... so, i could see why it would work well.
i found that it was almost impossible to mix oil with vg. with pg it disolves very easily with a little heat, and it doesn't take very much pg, probably 30% maybe less, so you can keep it pretty strong.
i found that it was almost impossible to mix oil with vg. with pg it disolves very easily with a little heat, and it doesn't take very much pg, probably 30% maybe less, so you can keep it pretty strong.

+rep, exactly what i was looking for.

looks like i can get a gallon of pharma-grade for a little over $20.
I'd try to get usp, kosher, food grade. but it's def cheap and it works realy well. + its crazy how many times you can hit it. I've been working on one kanger t3s for 3 days and im not even 1/2 way thru.
maybe i make my hash wrong. I've never gotten anything near a liquid... an extremely tarish goop is the closest. over time it just gets harder..
Can I just shove that goop in there?

Mine's never liquid either. Usually shatter or budder. The micro g pen or 710 mini will work. If you go with the 710pen, make sure you get the atomizer for the mini, because it works a lot better. Here's an off brand version for $30:

You just put your dab on that wick and it gets super red hot instantly when you push the button = mini dabs.

My buddy likes the micro g style pens (same basic concept), and they come 2 to a pack for under $30:
Anyone had success?

Got looking to make something potent, not harsh, and will work in your average "e-cig" with either carto's, tanks, or the wick systems.

Using a couple oz of high grade bud and maybe a couple oz trim..

My guess is that I need to make some sort of "hash" first to dissolve into...? mix of veggie glyc and proprylene glycol?

A tek would be rad...

happy to see another thread started, this one seems to be going better!!

i fucken need to pick up some PG, thats the ONE thing i havent dipped into yet.

i had no luck mixing even my thinnest bho oil with VG.. vg would seperate, (heat mixing, etc, it separated)

so, i had a non mixed version of VG and oil.. i needed it to be useful.. SO, i gradually added 190 proof everclear to my solution, and slowly, it all started mixing, dissolving.. i got it to be prettyyyy thin at one point, like super juicy, but i thought it was too thin, so i added more oil

what i came up with was a semi thick, but liquidy juice, used about 60% oil, with 20% VG, 20% everclear..
this has been the one for me! i can drip no heat, onto carto, tanks, wicks and i make sure to get a good soak in before sparking up..
I've been taking it out and about, having people test it. its pretty awesome.. I tell people what the ingredients are, and the ones who give consent to smoke it(all) loveee it. My best one lately was with a light weight smoker the other day at the pool hall.. I tend to take about a 10 second hit, hold it for as long as possible, then exhale. that gets me pretty good.. SO, i recommended this lady take a 5 second pull, then exhale immediately after.. She did, no cough, and said it tasted great... about 20 minutes later, her game went down the hole, she was highhhhh..
that was success right there. enjoyable, no cough, high.. oo00, my pen is sexy too :P

my tanks last me over a week. plenty of vape. and i can take one good pull, hold it, and feel like i just took a dab :]

PJ, dab pens are not what we are interested in, E JUICE, key word, JUICE. hash oil aint juice, budder aint juice, wax aint juice. those are made for different smoking devices.

e cigs require a thin form of juice.

you guys, what kind of local stores sell the best propylene glycol ?