making seeds

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
is it true that if you put pollin on a female bud that that bud and only that plant will now produce seeds and will still make a smokeable bud but with less thc? and is do males makes seeds?


Well-Known Member
no males don't make seeds they make polen, and the two white hairs comming from the calyxs of the females catch that polen and bada bing bada boom, some fancy stuff happens and a seed forms in the female bud, i don't think it's necessarily less potent, although you would probably only get a little bit of pot from an polonated plant, and the weed would get messed up a lot just getting the seeds out.


Well-Known Member
Hermafrodite plants have both sexes and yes you can get seeds of them, there are many factors in why you might get a hermie, but soposedly sometimes you can get seeds of of one that are all female, you'll need to do some research to find out more.