Making room

mighty g

My growing gizmo is cramped.I was planning on settling on 6 plants & when they show sex pulling males.this is my first grow & I seemed to have screwed everything up as it is.To clone or not to clone is basically my question.How far along do they need to be to take clippings?How far along do plants need to be to force flowering?As a newbie should I wait til after a couple of grows before I try to be a fancy lad?0619121308.jpgThis is what I got & and I cn't have separate areas for veg. & flower.Its about the equivelent of a 17-18" cylinder 3' high.I'll weigh all suggestions as a whole,so put in something even if you think its silly.I'm new to this & I think bad Ideas are good too.It gets everybody talking & they really narrow things down for me as the thread goes on.


Well-Known Member
Simple answer: Wait until they have alternating nodes, that's a sign of maturity. At this point they are ready to flower or take clones from. Not too sure about that incandescent bulb, but I like the other lights :)

mighty g

Simple answer: Wait until they have alternating nodes, that's a sign of maturity. At this point they are ready to flower or take clones from. Not too sure about that incandescent bulb, but I like the other lights :)
bulb is 25w MH.Came with the gizmo.Seems to be doin the job.I'm gonna change it out for HPS soon.