Making a living as a caregiver


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;fijZE7T3S-s][/video] after all this, we realize Bloody was right and then the second we realize it, he gets banned. WTF eh.
Lets smoke a fatty for stump and bloody!:joint:
Fucking soldiers! (I thought I told ya. - I listen to a lot of rap and have been drinking so that goes back to no limit days. whatever. fuckers.)


Well-Known Member

Yes. He posted some truths about the diggy diggy doctor.


Well-Known Member
Hope someone gets Rollie the heads up on his A$$H@T admins with the egos and ban hammers :?


Why spend money here in Michigan advertising and then let these clowns shit all over the site?!?

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
Can't wait to smoke a fatty with you brother. If you hurry there is still some ice fishing up here.
fuk! now that's where you have an RIU get together- an ice shanty!
-you can get a feel for a stranger real good sittin in a shanty burnin logs ....

you know ....
whether their the kind of person could make a living off being a CG
--or just a carpenter
....or a fed......

--I'd like to meet some succe$ful rich caregivers..
...they usually have a lot of $$ to put into their never ending grow room construction projects on their property or their kitchen-
and I'm a carpenter!


Well-Known Member
Hope someone gets Rollie the heads up on his A$$H@T admins with the egos and ban hammers :?

You have me ready to party TheMan13. That's my shit. lmao. (from way back when I thought I was the shit. maybe It was closer to back when doc was bumping)


Well-Known Member

ok. I'm done with the rap videos. (maybe)


Well-Known Member
^^^ less politics and more of us growing. You would make a good moderator professor cuz I'm pretty fucked up and you had me chilled out before I even hit the threads. Thank You brother.


New Member
^^^ less politics and more of us growing. You would make a good moderator professor cuz I'm pretty fucked up and you had me chilled out before I even hit the threads. Thank You brother.
Thanks Glad but I could not hold my peace well enough in the long haul , I too have no tolerance for bullshit and games . Glad to know you man , and now you know a little more as well lol


New Member
And I agree there needs to be more growing here , more communication and networking on a positive level .. We need people to help others grow and learn .. Medical knowledge should be shared here as well and freely with no Drs to interfere .. This is a patient/Caregiver forum and we need to focus on this in the end .. Dont get me wrong there is a time and place for some fun too .

Shit in all reality this website is 1000 x more intense and fucked when you step onto the main forum here .. Nothing but flaming assholes and newbies talking shit , trolls everywhere you look and then there is really little show to really see there .. Its a joke and if we get our shit together again Michigan can show everyone else how RIU should be and how it should work ..

For anyone following , perhaps check out the Oregon site PIF Pay It Forward , there you will see a kick ass online offline community at its finest .. There are professionals there to help such as the SkunkPharm team , experienced master growers and one hell of a kind staff to top it all .. Seriously check this place out and see for yourself and then come back here after reading for a while there . I have never seen a fight there and the moderators enjoy there time as its peaceful for even them ..

I knew this place would always be entertaining but that is suppose to be the main forum , lets get this damn sub forum back on track while taking the sub out of it , no pun intended .. I have some things in mind in time here and it includes sharing some of the finest genetics with the right people ..

Michigan has more soul than most know and our Cannabis culture is deep ... Time to shine or continue playing games .. Off I go to dose a dog with oil , yeah its not all about humans either :) .. My goal is to see more healing here and less nonsense .. Guess its time to get to work .........Peace


Well-Known Member
Yes, I delete posts that I think are offensive. I've been doing it for 6 years. I'm sorry if you have a problem with that.

Bloodytrichomes has not been banned.
