Major Myths That Destroy the Black Community

Is a federal tax form proof that a local business license is not needed?

yes it is.

you are a little weasel, trying to change the argument because you just can't stand when one of your fellow melanin haters is wrong.

the original claim was that you do not need a business license to be self employed. which is true.

you can be self employed and not need a business license, and a 1040 C shows that this is absolutely the case.
My one and only argument was that a federal income tax form has no proof of a local business license requirement.

you're arguing about something that i never claimed.

but a manchild in your poor physical condition and of your advancing years should probably stick to beating up strawmen.

it's about the only hope you have.

If you wanted to talk about something else, you should have quoted someone else who wasn't talking about one specific thing, that you avoided.

lol, you're the one who is talking about something else.

i claimed that you do not need a business license to be self employed.

i never made any claims about local business licensing, that was you who started barking up that tree in a pathetic and desperate attempt to save your buddy beenthere.

i showed a federal tax form that any elf employed person can fill out to report their earnings from self employment. as you can see, no business license is required to fill out that form, thereby proving that you do not necessarily need a business license to be self-employed.

i am so sorry that this embarrassed your little buddy beenthere, but man up and stop being a total bitch about it.
NO one said a tax return form is proof of not needing a business license.
show me where you need to list your business license then:


and then
i showed a federal tax form that any elf employed person can fill out to report their earnings from self employment. as you can see, no business license is required to fill out that form, thereby proving that you do not necessarily need a business license to be self-employed.

there he is again claiming that a federal form is proof that a local license is not needed

now, you were saying whitebb?
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"Slavery is the reason for our problems.

It’s time to stop blaming slavery and the white man. Yes, we were set up to fail, but we were also given a free will. Our destinies are determined by our actions, regardless of the obstacles placed in front of us. It’s 2010 and time to get over it"

Slavery has nothing to do with race. We are ALL slaves working to pay off loans from the private banks through taxation. The banks types up 1,000,000 on a computer and doesnt have the physical assets in there vaults, so whos pays for it? We do. None of us are free. Wake the fuck up.
And you don't have to.
He posted that to show you can file taxes on money earned without a license.
UncleBuck said:
i showed a federal tax form that any elf employed person can fill out to report their earnings from self employment. as you can see, no business license is required to fill out that form, thereby proving that you do not necessarily need a business license to be self-employed.

He posted it as proof and then doubled down on his stupidity. What I'm trying to figure out is why you jumped to his defense and claimed that's not what he said? It's right there.

It proves nothing. You agreed it proves nothing back when you thought he didn't mean that. Now that he has specifically said it's proof, are you still going with it?

He posted it as proof and then doubled down on his stupidity. What I'm trying to figure out is why you jumped to his defense and claimed that's not what he said? It's right there.

It proves nothing. You agreed it proves nothing back when you thought he didn't mean that. Now that he has specifically said it's proof, are you still going with it?

He posted it to show you that there is a form that you can claim self employment with out a business license.

Can you claim money you make with out a business license? Yes or no? YES. That is what the form he showed you is for.

He posted it as proof and then doubled down on his stupidity. What I'm trying to figure out is why you jumped to his defense and claimed that's not what he said? It's right there.

It proves nothing. You agreed it proves nothing back when you thought he didn't mean that. Now that he has specifically said it's proof, are you still going with it?

here's a straw woman, since i imagine you like to beat up on women. especially when they are made of straw.

He posted it to show you that there is a form that you can claim self employment with out a business license.

Can you claim money you make with out a business license? Yes or no? YES. That is what the form he showed you is for.

And to you this is proof that a local license is not needed? Would that same form be used when your business has a local license? YES, yes it would be the same form.

Would you list your local license on a federal form? No, no you wouldn't. So it proves what pertaining to a need for a local license? Not a damn thing.
And to you this is proof that a local license is not needed? Would that same form be used when your business has a local license? YES, yes it would be the same form.

Would you list your local license on a federal form? No, no you wouldn't. So it proves what pertaining to a need for a local license? Not a damn thing.

a ginwilly meltdown to accompany the beenthere meltdown?

well dog my cats, i'm tickled.

From the get go I said I don't claim to know local licensing requirements where he is but posting a federal tax form as proof is idiotic.

First you said he wasn't using that as proof, then when shown he was you tell me I'm having a comprehension problem.

Why is it so hard to say Buck is right that you don't need a license just to open a business (in some cases), but really off kilter by saying a federal tax form is proof of this.

You guys get a little goofy trying to defend Buck's idiocy. Is he giving away free pot? It looks pretty top shelf. I will say it's proof if it gets me some.
From the get go I said I don't claim to know local licensing requirements where he is but posting a federal tax form as proof is idiotic.

First you said he wasn't using that as proof, then when shown he was you tell me I'm having a comprehension problem.

Why is it so hard to say Buck is right that you don't need a license just to open a business (in some cases), but really off kilter by saying a federal tax form is proof of this.

You guys get a little goofy trying to defend Buck's idiocy. Is he giving away free pot? It looks pretty top shelf. I will say it's proof if it gets me some.

I have been saying you can be self employed with out the license. Even The IRS has a way for you to file that way.
Good grief.
Once again, you do not need a business license to work for your self. Period.

I'm not trying to argue any other point.
From the get go I said I don't claim to know local licensing requirements where he is but posting a federal tax form as proof is idiotic.

First you said he wasn't using that as proof, then when shown he was you tell me I'm having a comprehension problem.

Why is it so hard to say Buck is right that you don't need a license just to open a business (in some cases), but really off kilter by saying a federal tax form is proof of this.

You guys get a little goofy trying to defend Buck's idiocy. Is he giving away free pot? It looks pretty top shelf. I will say it's proof if it gets me some.

The funny thing is I don't care that much for buck.
ginwilly your alright.
This is why I try to stay away from the politics section.
The Concept of community is the major myth to all of you people of all different colors! how many of you people know your neighbors or anything? And if you do for how far down the block? All you society living folks have no idea what community is.
It's all about commune living in the backcountry!
From the get go I said I don't claim to know local licensing requirements where he is but posting a federal tax form as proof is idiotic.

First you said he wasn't using that as proof, then when shown he was you tell me I'm having a comprehension problem.

Why is it so hard to say Buck is right that you don't need a license just to open a business (in some cases), but really off kilter by saying a federal tax form is proof of this.

You guys get a little goofy trying to defend Buck's idiocy. Is he giving away free pot? It looks pretty top shelf. I will say it's proof if it gets me some.

if you NEEDED a business license to be self employed, they would ask for it on your tax return.

that they don't ask for it on your tax return means you don't necessarily need one to be self employed.

thank you for taking beenthere's place on this one, it looks like his meltdown is complete and he is off stewing somewhere kicking his little dachshund. it's good to have you here to pull off the meltdown that he is not having publicly.
I already did that, you reneged on your promise, as usual.

you showed me a post in which i talked about something herman cain said. there was no support for the occupy movement in that statement at all.

let's review:

he has called 81% of americans "brainwashed", made bigoted statements about muslims that fly in the face of the constitution, and has recently said "if you don't have a job and are not rich, blame yourself" in regards to the occupy wall street protests.

i can't WAIT to see how those messages play on the campaign trail.

can you please show me where i express support for occupy in that statement?

you showed me a post in which i talked about something herman cain said. there was no support for the occupy movement in that statement at all.

let's review:

can you please show me where i express support for occupy in that statement?

Everyone else can see you are defending occupy, except your friends that will come to your defense and lie about it like they always do,