Major Myths That Destroy the Black Community

Everyone else can see you are defending occupy, except your friends that will come to your defense and lie about it like they always do,

sorry to interrupt your meltdown, but where in this statement do i even defend occupy, much less support it?

he has called 81% of americans "brainwashed", made bigoted statements about muslims that fly in the face of the constitution, and has recently said "if you don't have a job and are not rich, blame yourself" in regards to the occupy wall street protests.

i can't WAIT to see how those messages play on the campaign trail.
We all use that same form, none of us put the local or state license on the FEDERAL tax form.

that's because you don't need a business license to be self employed.

if you did, you'd have to list it on that form just like your name or social security number.

but go on with your meltdown, princess.
that's because you don't need a business license to be self employed.

if you did, you'd have to list it on that form just like your name or social security number.

but go on with your meltdown, princess.

If you had stopped at the first sentence I would agree with you and move on.

I have to have a state license, I file the same form you showed. I have a different license for all 7 states I am licensed in. It's a federal form, the licensure is on a state level. I DO NOT list my license on any state form either, this also proves nothing.

Because a federal form does not ask for state info, it doesn't mean anything other than it's a state issue, not a federal one.

You really don't understand how the whole federal and state thing operate do ya.
Yet you have no problem with the biggest shit disturber on RIU, hypocrite much?
I always back up my statement with proof, how about UB, Chesus, hazydat, Travis?

The only thing you can do is troll, I rarely see you in a serious discussion.

Wait what? I have no problem with who?? I am waiting to see this list lol.
When i was married filing jointly, the form I used didn't ask for my marriage license. This is proof that you don't need a license to get married.


did it ask for the name of your cold fish wife who left you for greener pastures?

how many hours are you going to waste on this...just curious

If I'm picking on the mentally challenged and don't know it, please tell me. There has to be a reason you run to his defense even when it's obviously indefensible.

Would UB let something like "this is proof" go if one of us stepped in like that? Hell no, it would be in his signature and repeated 100's of times a day for months in nearly every thread. I'm just giving him shit in this one thread, and gave you shit for defending the idiocy and then for avoiding the question about said idiocy. Nobody really expected you to answer that btw.

I'll ask it again for shits and giggles though. Is a federal tax form proof that a local license isn't needed? My guess is you still won't answer this.

Face it London, your man is f.o.s. He's claiming you don't need a license to legally sell pot where he lives and posted a federal tax form from 2001 to prove it. You defended that shit..... I don't get it.
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If I'm picking on the mentally challenged and don't know it, please tell me. There has to be a reason you run to his defense even when it's obviously indefensible.

Would UB let something like "this is proof" go if one of us stepped in like that? Hell no, it would be in his signature and repeated 100's of times a day for months in nearly every thread. I'm just giving him shit in this one thread, and gave you shit for defending the idiocy and then for avoiding the question about said idiocy. Nobody really expected you to answer that btw.

I'll ask it again for shits and giggles though. Is a federal tax form proof that a local license isn't needed? My guess is you still won't answer this.

Face it London, your man is f.o.s. He's claiming you don't need a license to legally sell pot where he lives and posted a federal tax form from 2001 to prove it. You defended that shit..... I don't get it.

nice meltdown, complete with strawmen.

my exact words were "you don't need a business license to be self employed", and everyone here knows it's true. so does beenthere. that's why he tucked tail and left you to clean up his mess.

you never answered my question though. when you filed jointly, did they ask for your wife's name?
nice meltdown, complete with strawmen.

my exact words were "you don't need a business license to be self employed", and everyone here knows it's true. so does beenthere. that's why he tucked tail and left you to clean up his mess.

you never answered my question though. when you filed jointly, did they ask for your wife's name?

Do you sell weed? Do you have a weed selling license? Are you too scared to answer?
there are no weed selling licenses in colorado, you desperate over-obsessed fatass.

The Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) is tasked with licensing and regulating the Medical and Retail Marijuana industries in Colorado. The Division implements legislation, develops rules, conducts background investigations, issues business licenses and enforces compliance mandates in order to maintain a robust regulatory structure. MED promotes transparency and clarity for all stakeholders by utilizing a highly collaborative process through which it develops industry regulations and furthers our primary mission to ensure public safety.

The Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) is tasked with licensing and regulating the Medical and Retail Marijuana industries in Colorado. The Division implements legislation, develops rules, conducts background investigations, issues business licenses and enforces compliance mandates in order to maintain a robust regulatory structure. MED promotes transparency and clarity for all stakeholders by utilizing a highly collaborative process through which it develops industry regulations and furthers our primary mission to ensure public safety.

marijuana is a racial slur. i don't mess with marijuana.