Maine Decides: Right To Food

Not really a great idea. A few chickens is bad enough. You can have 3 chickens here in Portland. Since it's been allowed the rat population has exploded as it has in other places where backyard chickens are allowed. I couldn't imagine people raising pigs or cows in their yards.
Must be Portland; they allow 6 chickens per household in my city, no rat problem.
As a backyard farmer, i was appalled at the cost of produce at a suburban Chicago farmers market. Growers from Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana and Iowa travelled hours for the gold rush. I wanted like 20 lbs of tomatoes to fill out a pizza sauce i was planning to can later. I would have spent $100 minimum at the FM. Ridiculous.

It was quite the shitload of tables featuring the exact same products, I imagine the regular vendors got pretty frustrated, sort of drove people away. Besides the Asian grocery resellers, many had stuff clearly past its prime. Idk, kinda got clued in that it clearly wasn't "small local organic farms" when the products didn't change with the seasons.

Man, in retrospect, my favorite thing about a shitty city was also rather shitty.
betchya it was in real glass and the milkman left it in a silver box at the door.
That’s now but in my day we had a box built into the wall at the back door and would chase him down and buy chocolate milk off the truck in cartons ;). They use metal boxes now though and yes glass bottles.
Must be Portland; they allow 6 chickens per household in my city, no rat problem.
6 chicken is useless, for more than one person...the average chicken lays an egg every two to three days, one egg...6 chickens are good for about 12 to 16 eggs a week...if you have exceptionally productive hens, you might get 2 dozen a week out of 6, and i'll eat 4 or 5 in a good omelet..
6 chicken is useless, for more than one person...the average chicken lays an egg every two to three days, one egg...6 chickens are good for about 12 to 16 eggs a week...if you have exceptionally productive hens, you might get 2 dozen a week out of 6, and i'll eat 4 or 5 in a good omelet..

Plus, their poop is pretty much ready-to-use for soil. Provided you have the room, you really can't have too many chickens. Save the egg shells too. And as long as you don't pack them into a small area, it's possible that you'd never have to buy food for them. Any egg laying bird compliments a garden really well.
6 chicken is useless, for more than one person...the average chicken lays an egg every two to three days, one egg...6 chickens are good for about 12 to 16 eggs a week...if you have exceptionally productive hens, you might get 2 dozen a week out of 6, and i'll eat 4 or 5 in a good omelet..
idk..One of my mates has 4 chooks and they never have to buy eggs. Most people don't eat eggs every day.
Speaking about sure didn't care about black people being forced to run on the tax treadmill to pay for those covid welfare checks you got from your nanny state government. It's like you don't care who you enslave! Racist!
the racial segregation signs are just your way of saving these black people from being enslaved by sales taxes on things they want to buy. youre a saint