Maine Decides: Right To Food

do you believe that if you tested all that "pesticide free" food, that it would all really be pesticide free?...i don't
Our organic certified fields have not seen chemicals in 15 years (except for the field the guy sprayed) and are tested yearly. The feed grown is used for an organic dairy and the milk is tested regularly as well to keep the certification. It’s quite a process and the dairy products are delivered just like when I was a kid, it’s all quite cool but it’s not cheap :(
yet. the frivolity is the whole point. of course we can't do this but look at the conversation that was started.

may i ask why people would feel the need to grow their own food which is laborious, when they can go to their corner Safeway and purchase it in it's completion?..even bread is a pain in the takes a long time and no longer fits when you can go buy a loaf that takes 5 minutes v 5 hours baking.
As you said, it starts a conversation but clearly the details are quite overwhelming once you start thinking about the ramifications.
Our organic certified fields have not seen chemicals in 15 years (except for the field the guy sprayed) and are tested yearly. The feed grown is used for an organic dairy and the milk is tested regularly as well to keep the certification. It’s quite a process and the dairy products are delivered just like when I was a kid, it’s all quite cool but it’s not cheap :(
i believe you do what you're supposed to do...but i ain't so sure about everybody else...
there's a lady who is so bushed in she has her grow boxes on the swale and you know people don't even steal those veggies..but they'll take your FedEx box. i love passing buy her home because it's like a forest; i can see those little white light i like so much but not much else back there. we had a conversation about it and she said people just love walking past her house for that feel like your in heaven's fairy forest.

Good on the gardening lady! Gardens are good for the soul and teach people about life. Apparently even thieves change their persepective when influenced by a garden.

Decentralized and local food production is good for freedom, the environment and helps to foster more human interactions.
Even if people don't raise all of their food, just raising a portion can be healthy. liberating and inspiring to others.
Growth seems to be one subject that has been left out of every step of establishing this country.

That's a good observation.

When people are subsidized via a coercion based government they can be incentivized to have children for the sake of financial gain at the expense of others. We can do better. Maybe after the nuclear holocaust we can "build back better".
Our organic certified fields have not seen chemicals in 15 years (except for the field the guy sprayed) and are tested yearly. The feed grown is used for an organic dairy and the milk is tested regularly as well to keep the certification. It’s quite a process and the dairy products are delivered just like when I was a kid, it’s all quite cool but it’s not cheap :(

betchya it was in real glass and the milkman left it in a silver box at the door.
When I lived in Kansas city there was this big farmers market. Some stands were legit, and it was one of the nicer things about the city. However, a solid 50% (at least) of the "small organic farms" were just selling stuff from the Asian grocery store that was behind it. There were literal garbage cans full of the empty produce wrappers sitting next to the stands. Cracked me up, I stuck to the homemade fudge place.
When I lived in Kansas city there was this big farmers market. Some stands were legit, and it was one of the nicer things about the city. However, a solid 50% (at least) of the "small organic farms" were just selling stuff from the Asian grocery store that was behind it. There were literal garbage cans full of the empty produce wrappers sitting next to the stands. Cracked me up, I stuck to the homemade fudge place.
As a backyard farmer, i was appalled at the cost of produce at a suburban Chicago farmers market. Growers from Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana and Iowa travelled hours for the gold rush. I wanted like 20 lbs of tomatoes to fill out a pizza sauce i was planning to can later. I would have spent $100 minimum at the FM. Ridiculous.
That's a good observation.

When people are subsidized via a coercion based government they can be incentivized to have children for the sake of financial gain at the expense of others. We can do better. Maybe after the nuclear holocaust we can "build back better".
The guy who cant support his own kids is talking about people having children at the expense of others, you cant make this shit up