mad scientist playing with the drawing board


Active Member
So im pondering...

always looking for new designs and systems in a bid to try and improve on something. and i keep coming round to the same topic in my head.. humidity.

Humidity is an easy one to control when you are flowering, just increase the air exchange, however increasing it without raising the already delicate temperature balance seems some what tricky.

I pondered using misting nozzles. these could be effective when pumped with water, however for smaller setups this will be overkill no doubt wetting your entire area more than your crop would benefit from. furthermore without the use of a air cooled HPS, this could be risky too. we all know what happens if you put cold water on to one of those bulbs.

I contemplated the high frequency misters. these could work well creating a mist over the crop.. but id imagine one in each corner would be needed (based on a 3x3x6 unit) and then theres keeping an eye on its water levels, bearing in mind they operate at optimum levels at a certain depth in water.

humidifiers, again with a resevoir tank having to keep an eye on the water levels, although this could be adapted to feed from a larger tank without too much hassle. again this leaves a problem in smaller units in effect creating steam... too much heat is expelled.

so my idea on the drawing board.. im going to build a waterfall.

If you are familiar with the very fine mesh you can find in the end of taps, i am contemplating taking a piece of this mesh, say 10" in diameter, from a distance of around two feet, have the waterfall spout. my theory is that when the water falls and hits the mesh a small spray should be given off while the remainder water is recycled back in to a header tank. with this in mind, the water level wouldnt be an issue..

I may use a section of plastic tubing, again 10"'s in diameter but about a foot in length mounted from the top of the waterfall. naturally the water would hardly touch the sides as positioned to fall down the middle of it. With this in place i wont have to worry about rebellious branches dipping in to the falling water for a quick swim.

With the remaining foot open to the air, the water should spray quite finely in to the area..

Still.. its one of those random thoughts flapping around inside my head.. and no doubt im rambling one.. but i like to share these thoughts.. as sometimes people contribute something to them making it a whole different and improved concept. either way, i think il build a prototype and see how it goes ;)