I remember when I was younger I sometimes had to make my own smoking devices. Sometimes even today if I forget my pipe but have my weed I have to improvise.
Was hoping you guys would share some cool or funny stories about some makeshift pieces you've had to make.
Or even just interesting things you made.
My favorite I've made: I converted an air matress pump into a bong. The intake pulled air wether you were pulling the pump up or down. So I put a socket (Best makeshift bowl piece) over that with tape and all you had to do was pump it; the smoke would come out of the hose obviously.
Hopefully I'm not repeating a thread. I looked a little. I'm also smoking so I apologise if I'm the umpteenth assholes to post this...
Was hoping you guys would share some cool or funny stories about some makeshift pieces you've had to make.
Or even just interesting things you made.
My favorite I've made: I converted an air matress pump into a bong. The intake pulled air wether you were pulling the pump up or down. So I put a socket (Best makeshift bowl piece) over that with tape and all you had to do was pump it; the smoke would come out of the hose obviously.
Hopefully I'm not repeating a thread. I looked a little. I'm also smoking so I apologise if I'm the umpteenth assholes to post this...