

Well-Known Member
i got that shit....fucking sucks too. i get boils the size of ping pong balls from time to time. im pretty sure i picked it up while getting some expert jailhouse doctoring at the county hotel. ive gotten pretty good at recognizing the abcesses early and cutting them out myself.


Well-Known Member
What is MRSA?

(Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

Staphylococcus Aureus is a bacteria commonly found on the skin and in the nostrils of healthy people. If it gets into the body, it can cause an infection. This infection can be minor causing pimples, boils and other skin conditions. Occasionally it causes more serious infections such as blood infections or pneumonia.
Some strains of Staphylococcus Aureus have become resistant to Methicillin (flucloxacillin) and some other antibiotics used to treat common Staphylococcus Aureus infections. I dont think some of you know what it is. It is a 'superbug' that is killing people in Uk Hospitals in there droves.


Well-Known Member
either way, it's likely the cannabinoid you're looking for is condensed in the hash oil.

hash oil is /not/ all ∆9THC, regardless there's a ridiculous amount of methods for extracting particular cannabinoids, rather complicated some of them, but shit bro you got MRSA ;).


Well-Known Member
i dont know how bad it is for others, but mine isnt so bad that im gonna put $60 a gram honey oil on it. ill stick to my $12 a bottle antibiotics and smoke my oil.


Well-Known Member
ah I'm not in the position of buying it. it's ridiculously easy to make with some shake and 91% isopropyl alcohol. (I know everyone says use butane but 91% iso works just fine.)

3 oz of shake will give you a good amount of hash oil. definitely enough to cure many things.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of it killing the most resistant strains so it's definitely worth a try. I know that CB2 receptors are expressed on T-cells which may trigger a more auto-immune response . . . but I seriously am going far beyond my education here, I could use a few college chemistry and biology classes.


Well-Known Member
ah I'm not in the position of buying it. it's ridiculously easy to make with some shake and 91% isopropyl alcohol. (I know everyone says use butane but 91% iso works just fine.)

3 oz of shake will give you a good amount of hash oil. definitely enough to cure many things.
i make my own too. i havent purchased anything but nutes in many years. but retail for oil is around $60 - 80 a gram.

i like butane because it works faster....im impatient.


Well-Known Member
yeah that's the only reason I'd use butane is it's volatility. I don't mind waiting a few days for it to get done, but it would be nice to be done in 15 mins as opposed to 4 days .. .


Well-Known Member
if that's where you have it, hopefully yes. no guarantees, not sure it works as good on infections as it does on cancer ;) but it has worked before so it's worth a shot.


apparently ∆9THC is antibacterial too, according to this. but many other cannabinoids that are OFTEN present in hash oil are there. so I say your chances of success are much much higher than I thought before.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've had one on my chin, got it from my brother's house, he gets them ALL THE DAMN TIME. You usually need bactricin and a specific antibiotic to get rid of it, so go to the doc. If for some reason you can't afford a doc visit, you need to drain that fucker every day.It destroys tissues,that's why the pus is so thick, it's made basically of dead tissue.It makes cells explode.My doc said it would behoove me to squeeze mine.It went away quickly, and I'm very careful at my bro's house now if I go.
So, if you can't go to the doc....every day,squeeze that fucker dry.It will hurt.Make sure you sterilize with alcohol BEFORE and AFTER.Soak in a hot tub to soften it up(or apply hot rags), sterilize, lance it with a sterile needle or razor, and squeeze till you get blood or until nothing comes out.After that, put some straight tea tree oil on a cotton ball,dab it on.If you have sensitive skin, tea tree oil may irritate it, but tea tree oil DOES KILL M.R.S.A.Sterilize your house, clean all surfaces with bleach water,wash your blankets, steam your furniture,etc.If you don't want to use bleach, put 3 or 4 drops tea tree oil in a spray bottle of water,clean with that.


Well-Known Member
I've had one on my chin, got it from my brother's house, he gets them ALL THE DAMN TIME. You usually need bactricin and a specific antibiotic to get rid of it, so go to the doc. If for some reason you can't afford a doc visit, you need to drain that fucker every day.It destroys tissues,that's why the pus is so thick, it's made basically of dead tissue.It makes cells explode.My doc said it would behoove me to squeeze mine.It went away quickly, and I'm very careful at my bro's house now if I go.
So, if you can't go to the doc....every day,squeeze that fucker dry.It will hurt.Make sure you sterilize with alcohol BEFORE and AFTER.Soak in a hot tub to soften it up(or apply hot rags), sterilize, lance it with a sterile needle or razor, and squeeze till you get blood or until nothing comes out.After that, put some straight tea tree oil on a cotton ball,dab it on.If you have sensitive skin, tea tree oil may irritate it, but tea tree oil DOES KILL M.R.S.A.Sterilize your house, clean all surfaces with bleach water,wash your blankets, steam your furniture,etc.If you don't want to use bleach, put 3 or 4 drops tea tree oil in a spray bottle of water,clean with that.
Thanks for the tip baby girl. Sleep well tonight and sweet dreams.