Quite a bit different now, They have MUCH more reliable Magnetrons and there is NO SuperSeCret PLAZMa GAZZ that melts your face off...in fact if one were to ACTUALLY go out on you at this point, I am fairly certain it would just die, I personally am MUCH more fearful of a HPS bulb getting just a DROP of water on it and going BOOOOOM in my grill....but I still think they are better than LED and CFL for obvious reasons.sulphur plasma is a cool sounding tech, but a little scary to put a small microwave with a ball of hot plasma over dry vegetation
please people, ask yourself. can this company supply proof of their spectral output? sadly the answer is no, they cant. lets look at the chart again.
LumiGrow is the only company to supply this kind of proof, and it cost them some serious dough to do it. we need to weed out these crap fucking units to expose the true leaders in LED tech. also, lumens dont mean shit when it comes to PAR, plants have no need for lumens. if you want to see lumens go out and stare into the sun, that should be sufficient.
Do you have a test going poppin? Do you own the light you speak of? I vouch for Cali, and stand behind him in this thread. There is more to the light than the added 80 watts. Do some research, and quit hounding the people who want to see what happens here...Calibuddz I read all of your other post and treads on other forums. You said yourself the 250w light wasent at all good for flowering. I dont see how 80 watts makes THAT much difference. And once agin I wasent putting down the light. But if you claim to be doing a test on the light, it sure sounds pretty biased. You said you went to Lumigrows plant to check out how they make the lights and what not. My point is you cant run a REAL test until you stop sounding like a salesman for the company. Your post and threads on other sites about this light raise my suspicion as to the validity of you not being affiliated with this company. Furthermore you can not run a REAL test untill all variables are controlled. Are you using the same soil, nutrients, air temp, is one getting c02. Dont claim to be running a real test of a products ability and half ass the actual experiment. Sounds like a snake oil salesman to me.
You said that on Grasscity. Im not being negative labradoodle. Im just saying alot of these companies who make supplies for the growing community, have these bogus threads on sites like this around the net. Some of the companies actually say they will give you a discount for using their product in a grow journal or video. And that he sounded like a salesman.the ES covers 450nm all the way through to 700nm.
it is going to be unveiled at the expo in SF on the 25th and 26th. LumiGrow will be offering an upgrade package for customers who have the Standard model. the cost for an upgrade will be between $400-$500 dollars. price on the ES will be the same as the Standard. heh, i sound like a fucking sales person.
have you seen my other threads on CC??? i did a DIY Aero thread. thats when i started to use LED. look it up Mr Nosey.