lumatek or galaxy?


If you go with an e-ballast, you have to make sure you are using bulbs designed strictly for e-ballasts. It has to do with the frequency range they run at and light the lamp. They run at a way higher frequency than a standard bulb can take, so they blow bulbs quicker. It has nothing to with the Hortilux quality. It's been addressed about a month and a half ago when it was finally discovered. The local place I go to luckily is aware of it and the first thing they mentioned when I said "Lumatek" were the fact I would need to make sure I used a different kind of bulb.

Anyone using magnetic ballasts are fine. Right now I just run a 400w switchable magnetic ballast for my MH and HPS bulbs. Running generic lamps and so far so good. I'll eventually go with better bulbs but the fuckers are spendy and I'm on the broke side.


Well-Known Member
yeah I got an upgraded bulb. after this grow though I need to get an upgrade for my mh bulb though

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
If you dont believe your on the DEA list then I dont give a fuck.Its a fact that anybody who orders from Hydro wholesale and Discount hydro,The fucking DEA has your shipping invoice.Ive ordered from here but I wont do it again.All you people ordering off this site.YOUVE BEEN WARNED,I dont want to hear no crying when your in prison.They got a Grand Rapids City counselman for ordering 11 times from Hydro wholesale.They had his shipping invoices and went through his trash and checked his electric bill.The electric bill got the DEA warrant.You call it paranoid,I call it watching my ass. Qiut throwing that link out to Hydro wholesale,your going to get people raided.Im not bitching over my lumitecks they are just fucking junk in my book.Ill take a sun system mag ballest any day.Go over at the farm at check the two new lumitecks that caught on fire.


Well-Known Member
See the issue is, your claiming its fact but all your presenting is your word which at best is grammatically incorrect so whether its fact or not most people will need a bit more. Also that's two new Lumateks, at the same time there are thousands floating around America right now that have not done anything but their job.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Yea two lumitecks,I dont care whether you believe it or neither ballest will run hortilux eyes.Ive said they run cheap bulbs fine.Im looking for the link to the bust now.


Well-Known Member
hold on wait? you said you ordered from there? the how aren't you in jail? wait isn't the dea the guys that go after cartels the hells angels and people who have like a crap load of plants?


Well-Known Member
they go after serious drug dealers... the local police go after the small people... if im not mistaken... the dea can prob hand the info to the local cops but the dea has bigger fish to fry then people growing 1 or 2 tomatto plants

hold on wait? you said you ordered from there? the how aren't you in jail? wait isn't the dea the guys that go after cartels the hells angels and people who have like a crap load of plants?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Go to marijauna news around the world and check out the thread.(High times lead to bust)Thats in the forums on this web site.Nows theres you a fucking factiod.The link is so long I cant put it on here.Peace and stay the fuck away from any company advertising in that mag.The thread is on the 3rd or 4th page.


Well-Known Member
provide a link to get to there.. you can post the entire link and we can copy it and paste it in our browser if it isnt clickable


Well-Known Member
idk dude I ordered from them once. I wont do it again lol. hey didn't you say you ordered from there?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I cant copy this shit down,that link above dont take you there,I typed it wrong.Ive only been on a pc for about 3 months.If someone could put that link up it would help everybody.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive ordered about 3 thousand dollars worth of shit from them bastards..........Im still worried after I read that shit a couple months ago


Well-Known Member
damn man 3 thousan dollars worth the shit. How long ago was this? well compare 3 thousand to 485 thats a hug diffrence