Lukios Secret Garden pt II

Made a little QWISO hash for the first time after my last harvest. Twas a right pain in the ass. Made me start looking at entry-level rosin presses. Not a big fan of concentrates, personally, but I want to do something with all the trim. Maybe I'lI just let the wife cook it all. Last time she just dumped the trim in a pot on the stove, with some coconut oil, and let it simmer for a few hours; I was surprised by how strong it was.
How did you consume the coconut oil?
Notice any gain from the red enhancement to the QBs? Or was one strip not enough to make much difference? IIRC, you were thinking of adding yet another red strip to that tent?
yo! hmmm kinda...when i was looking at them earlier i noticed the buds had some colour they've never had before, it could be cooler temps but ive kept everything pretty warm. the buds are caked but they always are with the space monkey. i'll add more red next run, im gonna rebuild my lights for the 4x8 over the summer for next winter. hows your garden, man?

@Madmungo i need to do a proper side but doubt i will. they both smash it imo. i ran SOG in the God tent this time, more watts and the watering was more on point so its difficult to say which is best. both seem to kick ass